Evelyn Adam was a prolific writer and activist whose work continues to inspire and influence readers and scholars today. Born in 1920 in New York City, Adam was raised in…
Joyce Travelbee was a renowned nursing theorist whose groundbreaking ideas on patient care have had a lasting impact on the field of nursing. Her human-to-human relationship model and humanistic approach…
Lydia Eloise Hall was a renowned nursing theorist who developed Lydia Hall's Care Cure and Core Theory, a nursing model that emphasized the importance of the nurse-patient relationship in the…
Ernestine Wiedenbach was a nursing theorist who focused on the importance of practical knowledge in nursing practice. Her theory emphasized the importance of nurses' clinical judgment and the ability to…
Faye Glenn Abdellah was a pioneer in nursing research and the first nurse officer to hold the rank of a two-star rear admiral in the United States Public Health Service.…