Explain the life cycle of public health partnerships. Why are collaborative partnerships important? What reasons or issues lead to the termination of partnerships?

Assignment Details (200 words and please add a reference)
This has 3 parts.

Public health policies generally exist at the national, state, and county level. The multi-level approach factors in key characteristics and attributes of the relevant community and its people to address the needs of the population supported. For example, the population likely includes people representing a wide array of human development stages (i.e., infants, children, adolescents, adults, seniors), racial and ethnic diversity, disabilities, and sexual orientation or gender identification.

In your opinion, why are national public health policies alone insufficient to address critical health needs, promote wellness, and improve public safety,
What are your thoughts about how characteristics of the population affect public health policy, and
What are some of the ways public health policy can support community health?

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