Documentation Of History and Physical Exam Soap Note Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example Patient Name (Initials only): T.N. DOB: March/6/1995 Gender: Female Date examined: __________ CHIEF COMPLAINT “I scraped my foot…
Tina Jones Complete Health History Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example SUBJECTIVE Patient Initials T.J Gender: Female, Age: 28 years Ethnicity: African American Chief Informant: TJ (Patient herself) is reliable because she…
Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation of a Pediatric Patient with Major Depressive Disorder Nursing Paper Sample Patient Initials: G.T. Gender: Female Age: 15 Accompanying Adult: Mother SUBJECTIVE: CC: "I do not like…
Focused SOAP Note and Patient Case Presentation Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample CC (chief complaint): "I know I must do better, but I don't know how to start." HPI: TV is…