Results/Impact Analysis of the Capstone Project including challenges and opportunities for nursing will be documented in this chapter. This article includes How to Write a DNP capstone project Results Chapter 4 including an outline for the Results/Impact Analysis of the Capstone Project.
Outcomes and the impact the project makes on patients/provider and/or healthcare system matters because it quantifies the effectiveness of the EBP implementation project.
This chapter generally is about 8-15 pages in length.
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Having problems with chapter 3, here’s How to write DNP capstone project Methodology Chapter
How to write a DNP capstone project Results
DNP capstone project Results Outline
Introduction: begin with an introduction that includes the purpose of the project (refer to the project as a DNP project in contrast to a research study or study).
- Provide an overview of the implementation (e.g. strategies for successfully negotiating the systems, synopsized mplementation of project, measurement, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data).
Demographic information: provide descriptive information about the demographic characteristics of the sample (number of participants, race, age, gender).
- Tables are often used in this section to describe sample characteristics. Any tables should be in APA format.
Descriptive statistics: the information in this section varies depending upon the nature of the project and the types of data that were collected. Tables are often included in this section and frequency data are often reported. Tables should be in
APA format.
Further read on Patient Falls Nursing Capstone Project Ideas & Topics with Prompts
Inferential statistics: the information in this section varies depending upon the nature of the project and the statistical tests that were performed. This section should include tables in APA format and information about the results of the statistical analyses. P values must be included in this section (if applicable) and the student should identify whether the p values were significant. Results from the statistical tests should be reported using APA style.
Discussion: in this section, the results of the descriptive and inferential statistics are summarized, analyzed, and compared with contrasted with results obtained from other researchers who have conducted similar work. The work from other
researchers should be included in the literature review (chapter two) of the manuscript.
Find out more on DNP Capstone project Abstract Examples [Outline & How-to]

- Describe overall change in outcomes of the evidence-based practice implementation project.
- Discuss the results of the project. (Utilize graphs, figures and tables as needed. Place them in the appendices).
Cost Analysis and Cost Savings:
- Discuss the costs of implementation and actual or potential outcome savings.
- Discuss the positive/negative change in outcomes and costs of implementation and outcome savings/expenses.
Conceptual Framework/EBP Model/Theory:
- Discuss the application of the framework/theory and established links between conceptual framework/theory and outcomes/impact.
- Provide an in depth discussion of how the project methods, outcomes and impact connect to the framework/theory.
Impact and scalability:
- Discuss the impact of outcomes through analysis using formative and summative evaluations.
- Discuss issues that influence the successful implementation of the project (e.g. system or otherwise barriers, facilitators, and lessons learned).
- Discuss issues that may impact (successful implementation of the project on standards of care and health policy.)
Clinical Implications for Practice: identify what the project contributes to clinical practice and how the findings impact practitioners.
Recommendations for Future Research: based on the findings from the project, provide recommendations for future research on the topic.
Further read on How to write a DNP capstone project chapter 1 – Introduction
Strengths: identify the strengths of the project. Some of these may include: the design, sample size, sampling technique, instruments, etc.
Limitations: identify the limitations associated with the project. Some of these may include: the design, sample size, sampling technique, instruments, etc.
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