Week 8 Reflection on Learning and Practice Readiness – Analyze and evaluate how your thinking was challenged

Week 8 Reflection on Learning and Practice Readiness – Analyze and evaluate how your thinking was challenged in this course related to the role of facilitator of learning, and Considering this new knowledge, examine how this learning prepares you to practice as a DNP-prepared nurse educator. 

Summary of Topics Covered in the Course

Educational Theoretical Frameworks Educator’s Role as a Facilitator and Change Agent Adult Learning Theory Curriculum Models and Design Theoretical Underpinnings of Design Prevailing Trends Diverse Learner Populations Social Change impact on Education Teaching Philosophy Technology Integration/Online Classroom Boyer’s Model  And MUCH MORE!

Week 8 Reflection on Learning and Practice Readiness

The purpose of this discussion is to reflect on my readiness to practice as a DNP-trained nurse considering the impact of lessons learned in the course on my future practice. The course has challenged my thinking on two crucial aspects of practice as a DNP-trained nurse. These include applying evidence-based practices (EBP) in clinical settings and the role of knowledge translation (KT) in making clinical decisions. Through the course, I learned how to research various types of research studies, primary and secondary, with different levels of research evidence.  Equally, I learned how to appraise the research studies to determine the quality of evidence and its impact on healthcare outcomes. Regarding knowledge translation, I learned about the various models of knowledge translation crucial to nursing practice.

Together, the acquired knowledge in evidence-based literature research, appraisal, and knowledge translation are crucial DNP nurse skills. Curtis et al. (2017) posited that evidence and knowledge obtained from robust scholarly resources contribute to clinical practice, decision-making, and quality improvement changes. Significantly, the skills gained will aid my inclusion of EBP in making well-informed decisions. Mainly, I searched for EBP on diabetes self-management as a national practices problem, and I identified updated self-management strategies that can inform diabetes education by DNP-trained nurses.

Furthermore, my knowledge of knowledge translation models will allow me to translate evidence to synthesize, exchange, and apply evidence in clinical settings. Studies have shown that knowledge translation bridges the gap between evidence and actual practices in diabetes management (Bajgain, Acharya & Bajgain, 2020). In this regard, my knowledge translation skills will help me contribute to healthcare services’ safety, efficacy, and efficiency. Therefore, I will stay updated about new protocols for patient care. This will also allow me to evaluate the research to understand the effectiveness or benefits of specific diagnostic tests and treatments to protect patients from unintended harm (non-maleficence obligation), allowing them to take part in their care (patient autonomy).

In sum, knowledge and skills gained on literature search, appraisal, and knowledge translation will be crucial in guiding my practice as a DNP-trained nurse. Significantly, patients will benefit from the latest clinical and technical advances in nursing practices. Besides, I would contribute to the broader clinical decisions and policy-making on EBP in diabetes management and other healthcare issues within my practice scope and as part of healthcare teams.   


Curtis, K., Fry, M., Shaban, R. Z., & Considine, J. (2017). Translating research findings to clinical nursing practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(5-6), 862-872. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111%2Fjocn.13586

Bajgain, K. T., Acharya, D., & Bajgain, B. B. (January 2020). Knowledge Translation for Diabetes Mellitus Research and Management in Nepal. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341358968_Knowledge_Translation_for_Diabetes_Mellitus_Research_and_Management_in_Nepal


The purpose of this discussion is to reflect on your own readiness to practice as a DNP-prepared nurse and consider what you learned in this course and how this knowledge will impact your practice.


Each week, you have been reminded that reflective inquiry allows for expansion of self-awareness, identification of knowledge gaps, and assessment of learning goals. As you reflect on your own readiness to practice as a DNP-prepared nurse educator, it is important to consider what you learned in this course.

As you review the course outcomes and your experience in this course, address the following: 

1. Analyze and evaluate how your thinking was challenged in this course related to the role of facilitator of learning.

2. Considering this new knowledge, examine how this learning prepares you to practice as a DNP-prepared nurse educator. 

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

·     Link (webpage): DNP Discussion Guidelines (Links to an external site.)

Course Outcomes

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

1. Analyze educational theories and their influence on teaching and learning strategies in nursing. (POs 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

2. Design nursing curricula using a synthesis of educational theory, best evidence from the literature, and current and prevailing healthcare trends, accreditation, and regulatory standards. (POs 1, 2, 3, 5)

3. Design teaching and learning strategies using a synthesis of educational theory, best evidence from the literature, and prevailing trends in clinical and academic learning environments to facilitate learner development and socialization. (POs 1, 3, 4, 6, 8)

4. Appraise the role of the nurse educator with a focus on academic, health systems, and industry governance. (PO 2)

5. Critique the role of the nurse educator as change agent, nurse leader, and facilitator of learning. (POs 2, 4, 6, 8)

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All the Best, 

Cathy, CS