How Would You Prioritize Findings from the Assessment in terms of Potential Success for the Proposed DNP Program

This article provides a sample solution essay on How Would You Prioritize Findings from the Assessment in terms of Potential Success for the Proposed DNP Program

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In deliberating the introduction of a new DNP program at your institution, you have conducted an assessment of the internal frame factors as identified by Keating et al. (Ch 6). Of the five major internal frame factors, how would you prioritize findings from the assessment in terms of potential success for the proposed DNP program?…



Nursing education in the US graduate studies is currently undergoing significant transformations. Several factors have converged to facilitate these contemporary changes, and the final impact, while not wholly clear for now, is bound to transform the nursing education landscape in a fundamental way (Milner et al., 2019). Before introducing a new DNP program in one’s institution, there is a need for the curriculum development leader in assessing the five main internal frame factors and exhaustively deliberate on the findings (Keating, 2014). Consequently, this discussion post purposes of prioritizing the assessment findings in the context of their potential success for the proposed DNP program.

The Internal Frame Factors Prioritization

It is essential to acknowledge that the responsibility of curriculum development, as well as evaluation, remains the chief responsibility of faculty (Ketefian & Redman, 2015). The responsibility captures in part the process of collecting information concerning the said internal frame factors herein stated according to their order of priority. At number, one would be the current internal economic status in the facility since issues of cash flows and economical. This is premised on the rationale that institutions rely on endowments together with programs offering financial assistance to the advanced learners through loans, grants and scholarships (Keating, 2014). The second factor determining the successful introduction of the DNP program is the adequate availability of resources whose assessment provides information on the potential of the program expansion and revision in the future. For example, the classrooms, learning laboratories and clinical practice stimulations have got to be sufficient. The internal frame factor prioritized in the third position would be the description and organizational structure of the parent academic facility, which impacts on the success of the proposed DNP by informing the stakeholders and potential students how the academic institution works. This is because the proposed DNP course may necessitate the restructuring of the academic instruction while an exposition of the institution’s mission, purpose, philosophy and goals, which serve as the glue that binds both faculty and advanced practice-nursing students, would come in at the fourth position. The long-term nature of an academic organization’s mission and vision statement means this factor has to weave in each other aspect and undertaking within the facility. Lastly, is the potential capacity of both faculty and students’ characteristics. Consideration has to be made on the present bodies of both faculty and students who will enroll in the new program.

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How Would You Prioritize Findings from the Assessment in terms of Potential Success for the Proposed DNP Program


In conclusion, the five internal frame factors that one should factor in when carrying out a needs assessment to introduce a DNP program in a nursing academic institution. The factors assessed are the institution’s internal economic state, the available resources within the facility, its organizational structure, the mission, purpose, goals and philosophy and finally, the potential faculty and student bodies’ characteristics.


Keating, S. B. (Ed.). (2014). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing. Springer Publishing Company.

Ketefian, S., & Redman, R. W. (2015). A critical examination of developments in nursing doctoral education in the United States. Revista Latino-Americana de enfermagem23(3), 363-371.

Milner, K., Zonsius, M., Alexander, C., & Zellefrow, C. (2019). Doctor of Nursing Practice Project Advisement: A Roadmap for Faculty and Student Success. Journal of Nursing Education58(12), 728-732.

Question – How Would You Prioritize Findings from the Assessment in terms of Potential Success for the Proposed DNP Program

In deliberating the introduction of a new DNP program at your institution, you have conducted an assessment of the internal frame factors as identified by Keating et al. (Ch 6). Of the five major internal frame factors, how would you prioritize findings from the assessment in terms of potential success for the proposed DNP program?

  • Billings, D.M. & J. A. Halstead. (2012). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (4th ed.). St. Louis: Saunders. (Chapters 6 and 7)
  • Iwasiw, C., Goldenberg, D., & Andrusyszyn, M. (2009). Curriculum development in nursing education (2nd ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. (Chapters 6, 7, and 8)
  • Keating, S. B. (2011). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing (2nd ed.). New York: Springer. (Chapters 5 and 6)

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