Nursing literature review is an important part of the nursing profession. It allows nurses to learn from the best studies and research on a particular topic. In this article, we will provide you with 100 good nursing literature review topics that you can use to help you write your nursing literature review.
Current Nursing literature review topics to Write About – topics for literature review in nursing
Nursing literature review is an essential component of any nursing program. Nurses need to have a comprehensive understanding of the latest nursing research in order to provide optimal care for their patients.
Here are current nursing literature review topics that you can explore:
- The Role of Nursing Research in Clinical Practice
- Enhancing Patient Outcomes through Nursing Research
- Applications of evidence-based Practice in Nursing
- The Relationship between Nursing Theory and Practice
- Issues in Implementation and Translation of Research Evidence into Clinical Practice
- Cultural Competence in Nursing: Perspectives from the Global South
- Nursing Perspective on Genetics and Genetics in Nursing
- Advances in Geriatric Nursing: From Theory to Practice
- Transforming Pediatric Nursing Care through EvidenceBased Practice
- Health Technology Assessment: A Critical Appraisal from a Nursing Perspective
- Promoting Collaborative Care through Effective Communication Practices within the Health System
- Nurses, Technology, and Innovation: Implications for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
- Nursing Ethics: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
- Nursing in an Era of Health Care Reform
- The Role of Nursing Research in Evaluating Nursing Practice
- Nursing Research and Quality Improvement: Strategies for conducting systematic reviews
- Collaborative Care in Nursing: Theory, Research, and Practice
- The Impact of Nursing on Patient Safety
- The Role of Nursing Ethics in Patient Safety
- Nursing Informatics: A Critical Appraisal
- What Nurses Should Know About the National Minimum Data Set (NMDS)
- Assessing Electronic Health Records: Challenges and Opportunities
- Nursing in the Era of the Affordable Care Act
- The Influence of Nursing on Patient Outcomes
- The Effects of Culture on Nursing Practice
- Nursing in a Time of Economic Turmoil
- Challenges Facing Nursing Education in the Context of Healthcare Reform
- The Use of Technology by Nurses in the Delivery of Nursing Care
- Creating an Effective Learning Environment for Nursing Students
Here’s How to write a Strong Literature Review for Nursing | Guide, Outlines & Examples
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20 Mental health nursing literature review topics
- Introduction to mental health nursing literature review: This literature review will introduce the reader to the field of mental health nursing and provide an overview of 20 different mental health nursing literature review topics.
- Psychiatric assessment: This literature review will focus on the psychiatric assessment process, including topics such as history taking and diagnostic procedures.
- Assessing for suicide risk: This literature review will discuss methods for assessing for suicide risk in patients, including coding criteria and risk assessment tools.
- Cultural competency in mental health nursing: This literature review will explore ways to be culturally competent when providing care to patients with mental illness, such as understanding cultural norms and beliefs.
- Therapeutic interventions for depression: This literature review will focus on therapeutic interventions for treating depression, such as pharmacological and psychological treatments.
- Psychotherapy for anxiety disorders: This literature review will discuss psychotherapy options for treating anxiety disorders, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and group therapies.
- Psychosocial rehabilitation interventions for addiction: This literature review will focus on psychosocial rehabilitation interventions designed to help patients recovering from addiction. Topics covered include relapse prevention and counseling techniques.
- Care of childrenand adolescents with mental health issues: This literature review will discuss the care of children and adolescents with mental health issues, including pediatric mental health disorders and psychosocial interventions for children and adolescents.
- Care of older adults with mental illness: This literature review will focus on the care of older adults with mental illness, including interventions for dementia-related psychosis and falls prevention.
- Complementary and alternative medicine in mental health nursing: This literature review will explore complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies used to treat mental illness, such as acupuncture and meditation.
- Ethics in mental health nursing: This literature review will discuss ethical considerations in providing care to patients with mental illness, such as cross-cultural competency and ensuring patient safety.
- Mental health literacy: This literature review will focus on how to improve mental health literacy among nurses, including teaching strategies and clinical applications.
- Research methods in mental health nursing: This literature review will discuss research methods used in the study of mental health Nursing, including qualitative methods and quantitative methods.
- The role of nursing research in advancing mental health nursing: This literature review will discuss the role of nursing research in advancing the field of mentalhealth nursing, including the importance of randomized controlled trials.
- The role of advocacy in mental health nursing: This literature review will discuss the role of advocacy in mental health nursing, including advocacy for better access to mental health care and insurance coverage for mental health services.
- Patient safety in mental health nursing: This literature review will discuss patient safety issues in mental health nursing, including safe practices for handling psychiatric medications and preventing falls in elderly patients with dementia.
- The role of social work in mental health nursing: This literature review will discuss the role of social work in mental health nursing, including providing support to patients and their families.
- Geriatric psychiatry: This literature review will focus on the impact of aging on the brain and psychiatric disorders, including geriatric bipolar disorder and dementia-related psychosis.
- Rehabilitation interventions for people with mental illness: This literature review will focus on rehabilitation interventions designed to help people with mental illness recover from their illnesses. Topics covered include cognitive-behavioral therapy and peer support groups.
- Future research in mental health nursing: This literature review will discuss future research directions in mental health nursing, including innovative treatments and new approaches to understanding psychiatric disorders.
Here’s the process of Evaluating sources for a nursing literature review | Guide
Our writing service can help you get the task done quickly and efficiently, so you can focus on more important things. We have years of experience in the field, so we know how to write a perfect literature review.
Our services are affordable and easy to use, so you won’t have to worry about a thing. Contact us today to get started!
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List of 7 Nursing Literature Review Examples
- Here’s a sample Capstone project
- Make use of this Nursing Literature Review Sample | Benchmark – Part B: Literature Review
- More resources for your study Capstone Literature Review
- Here’s the best Capstone Project Literature Review – Solved Example
- Working with a PICOT question, here’s a Literature Review For The PICOT Question – Solved Essay
- Make use of this Grand Canyon Literature Review PICOT Statement Paper
- Taking MSN, here’s a sample nursing literature review example that you should read Literature Review: The Use Of Clinical Systems To Improve Outcomes And Efficiencies
40 Ideas for nursing literature review topics
Nursing literature review is an important practice that nurses use to learn about new concepts and research studies. It can also be used to evaluate the quality of nursing care.
Here are forty ideas for nursing literature review topics:
- Nursing care of patients with dementia
- Effect of bed rest on nurses’ health
- Use of complementary and alternative medicine in nursing care
- Impact of technology on nurses’ work
- Role of nurses in disaster preparedness
- Effectiveness of patient safety programs
- Assessment and management of chronic diseases in the elderly
- Developing culturally competent nursing care plans
- Care of hospitalized pediatric patients
- Nursing interventions for preventing falls in the elderly
- Effectiveness of home health services for persons with disabilities
- Strategies to improve communication between nurses and patients with dementia
- Health promotion in hospitals: an evidence-based approach
- Nursing care for critically ill patients
- Promoting safe sleep for children
- A qualitative exploration into transitional learning experiences in nursing
- The intersection of race, ethnicity, and gender with nursing
- Ethics education for nurses
- Nurses’ experience working with migrant patients
- The impact of social media on nurses’ work
- Nurses’ perceptions of work stress and burnout
- Nursing management of chronic pain in adults
- Implementation and evaluation of nurse-led interventions for promoting oral health in older adults
- The role of nurses in the transition to palliative care
- Assessment and management of postoperative pain in adults
- Effects of sleep deprivation on nurses’ performance
- Nurse-led interventions for preventing falls in the elderly: a systematic review
- Nursing care in intensive care units: an overview
- Psychiatric nursing: an introduction
- Impact of burnout on nurses’ quality of life
- Nursing research: a critical perspective
- The influence of culture on maternal nursing
- Assessment and management of chronic diseases in children
- Caregiving trajectories among migrant mothers in Canada
- Development and evaluation of an evidence-based electronic health record for pediatric patients with chronic conditions (CHILD-EHR)
- Research methods for studying nursing practices: a qualitative exploration
- Cultural competency among hospital workers: implications for patient safety
- Nursing interventions for managing postoperative pain
- The role of nurses in disaster preparedness
- A qualitative exploration of the experience of work-life balance in nurses
Our writing service can help you get the task done quickly and efficiently, so you can focus on more important things. We have years of experience in the field, so we know how to write a perfect literature review.
Our services are affordable and easy to use, so you won’t have to worry about a thing. Contact us today to get started!
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Pediatric nursing literature review topics
There are many nursing literature review topics that could be covered when studying pediatric nursing. A few possible topics include:
- Acute care of the pediatric patient
- Assessment and diagnosis of pediatric patients
- Vital signs in pediatric patients
- Nutrition in the pediatric patient
- Pharmacology in the pediatric patient
- Palliative care of the pediatric patient
- Sleep patterns in the pediatric patient
- Infectious diseases of the pediatric population
- Child abuse and neglect in the pediatric population
- Medications and their effects in pediatrics
Nursing dissertation topics literature review
Nursing dissertation topics can be incredibly diverse, and there are many different ways to approach them. Below is a list of thirty possible topics that could be used as a starting point for your literature review. This is by no means an exhaustive list – you may want to explore additional topics that you feel would be relevant to your project.
- Care of the Elderly
- Care of Patients with Chronic Conditions
- Care of Pregnant Women
- Developmental Nursing
- Geriatric Nursing
- Healthcare Ethics
- Healthcare Leadership and Management
- Industrial/Organizational Nursing
- Neonatal/Pediatric Nursing
- Patient Safety and Welfare
- Primary Health care nursing
- Public Health nursing
- Women’s health nursing
- Youth health nursing
- Nursing Research Methods
- Nursing Care of Children with Special Health Needs
- Nursing Care of Patients with Developmental Disabilities
- Nursing Care of the Elderly with Memory Loss
- Nursing Research on Pediatric Populations
- Nursing Research on Chronic Illness
- Nursing Care of the Obese Patient
- Nursing Research on Palliative Care
- Nurse Anesthetists
- Nurse Midwives
- Nurse Practitioners
- Nurses in Critical Care Settings
- Nurses in Psychiatric Settings
- Nurses in Geriatric Settings
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
- Collaborative Practice
Our writing service can help you get the task done quickly and efficiently, so you can focus on more important things. We have years of experience in the field, so we know how to write a perfect literature review.
Our services are affordable and easy to use, so you won’t have to worry about a thing. Contact us today to get started!
As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.

Other Nursing Dissertation Topic Areas include
- The impact of technology on nursing
- Global health nursing
- Nursing care in the aged population
- Geriatric psychiatry
- Nursing research methods Nursing care of developmental disabilities
- Nursing research with multicultural populations
- Palliative care in nursing
- Nursing leadership
- Nursing care of hospitalized patients
- Nursing research on pediatric populations
- Nursing care of patients with chronic conditions
- Nursing care for pediatric cancer patients
- Nursing research on chronic illness
- Nursing care of the obese patient
- Nursing research on geriatric populations
- Nursing care of the medically ill patient
- Nursing care of the chronically ill patient
- Nursing care of the postoperative patient
- Nursing care of the pediatric patient in critical condition
- Nursing research on perinatal and neonatal patients
- Nursing care of the pediatric patient with cerebral palsy
- Nursing research on palliative care
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List of Literature review topics for nursing students
Nursing students need to be familiar with a wide variety of literature review topics in order to become well-rounded professionals. Here are fifty of the most common nursing literature review topics.
- Nursing care of people with disabilities
- Advanced practice nurse practitioner roles and responsibilities
- Infectious diseases in nurses and patients
- Collaborative care: working together as a team in healthcare settings
- Leadership concepts in nursing: decision making, planning, organizing, goal setting, communication, delegation, and problem solving
- Nursing research: methods and applications in population-based studies
- Violence against nurses:prevention, intervention and response
- Nursing care of patients with chronic diseases
- Health assessment in the clinical setting
- Care of the elderly patient: principles and practice
- Nursing care of persons with diabetes mellitus
- Nursing care of the HIV-infected patient
- Cardiovascular nursing
- Advanced practice nurse roles in pediatric health nursing
- Nursing care of the post-operative patient
- Geriatric mental health nursing: a framework for practice
- Critical care transport nursing
- Community pharmacists in healthcare
- Pediatric advanced practice nurse roles and responsibilities
- Environmental health nursing
- Nurse case managers: integrating evidence-based interventions into clinical practice
- Mental health assessment tools for nurses
- Acute renal failure: diagnosis and management
- Nurses & social work collaboration in long-term care settings
- Care of the homeless patient
- Nursing care of the elderly at home
- Palliative care for pediatric patients
- Nursing care of older adults in assisted living facilities
- Nurses & pharmacists: drug therapy interactions
- Nursing care of cancer patients
- Patient assessment
- Care of the critically ill patient
- Nursing interventions for acute care
- Geriatric Nursing
- Women’s health nursing
- Palliative care
- Nursing assistantship and leadership development
- Pharmacology for nursing students
- Human growth and development
- Community health nursing
- Research methods in nursing
- Nursing leadership and management
- Mental health nursing
- Nutrition for nurses
- Psychiatric rehabilitation nursing
- Nurse-midwife collaboration in obstetrics and gynecology
- Pediatric infection control and prevention
- Geriatric health teaching: a systematic approach
- Palliative care for children and adolescents
- Critical incident stress debriefing
Our writing service can help you get the task done quickly and efficiently, so you can focus on more important things. We have years of experience in the field, so we know how to write a perfect literature review.
Our services are affordable and easy to use, so you won’t have to worry about a thing. Contact us today to get started!
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