The American Public Health Association Evidence-Based Practice
Post a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears (e.g., the mission, vision, philosophy, and/or goals of the healthcare organization, or in other locations on the website). Then, explain whether this healthcare organization’s work is grounded in EBP and why or why not. Finally, explain whether the information you discovered on the healthcare organization’s website has changed your perception of the healthcare organization. Be specific and provide examples.,pp.%207%E2%80%9332)
The American Public Health Association
The American Public Health Association (APHA) website was reviewed for this assignment. APHA is a public health professional organization domiciled in DC, USA. APHA champion for the health of all communities and people in the US (APHA, n.d-a). The organization strengthens the public health profession by championing evidence-based public health issues and policies. APHA was established in 1872 when science allowed people to gain insight into communicable diseases (APHA, n.d-c).
The discoveries laid the foundation for its establishment through the public health profession and infrastructural support. APHA has consistently grown and provides novel and evidence-based solutions to public health issues through education and research. The organization’s mission is “to improve the public’s health and achieve equity in health status” (APHA, n.d-a). APHA’s vision is “to create the healthiest nation in one generation, and its values are a reflection of the beliefs embodied by its members across all public health disciplines in over 40 countries.”
The organization leads in public health awareness drives such as the Get Ready campaign and National Public Health Week, which emancipates the communities on public health issues (APHA, n.d-b). APHA uses the National Health Week to inform American citizens, policymakers, and healthcare personnel on matters connected to a particular year’s public health theme.
The Get Ready campaign allows individuals and families to prepare for public health hazards and disasters. Through monthly reports, webinars, and social media meetings, public awareness on health issues affecting the community. Furthermore, APHA constitutes members of the communities and can influence federal policies to improve public health. Therefore, the organization advocates for communities at the state and federal levels to create and alter laws that promote the public health agenda.
Furthermore, APHA solicits for public health funding to drive the associated public health programs. For instance, APHA contributes to advancements in bioterrorism readiness, maternal and child health, and disease prevention, such as diabetes, heart disease, and injuries (APHA, n.d-b).
APHA also provides educational and training opportunities to allow public health professionals to expand their knowledge and sustain practice certifications. Through its belief in health equity and access to care for everyone in the community, APHA promotes health by creating coalitions, networks, and partnerships with allied organizations beyond public health, such as K-12 education, community planning, and development experts, transportation industry, and other profound areas to support public health issues. As a result, the company champions prevention as a primary intervention, effective and cost-efficient mechanism for improved public health and wellbeing.
APHA provides ready access to significant policymakers to contribute to public health advocacy and policymaking efforts through its headquarters in DC. APHA has 54 affiliates spread across the 50 US states and other regional partners in southern and northern California, Washington DC, and New York, from which it connects to health issues across every level (APHA, n.d-c).
The APHA membership constitutes individuals from various disciplines pursuing interest through the organization’s special primary interest groups or sections. APHA is also an active member of the World Health Assembly and actively participates in the World Health Organization’s and Pan American Health Organization activates.
Other than policy development and advocacy, APHA supports the development of public health science by providing insights and material support to members’ research activities (APHA, n.d-e). Besides, APHA supports the continuing education of every public health worker through accredited educational sessions and programs. Consequently, APHA actively publishes in the American Journal of Public Health and The Nation’s Health newspaper (APHA, n.d-a).
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The American Journal of Public Health is a monthly peer-reviewed journal publishing credible articles, books, issues briefs, and monographs on health policy and public health. Equally, the Nation’s Health is a monthly newspaper from and for the public health profession. APHA uses the other platforms, including Public Health Newswire, to keep its members abreast with health-related issues.
APHA organizes an Annual Meeting and Expo every year, where various professionals share the latest public health research, new ideas, and best practices (APHA, n.d-b). The meeting brings together all disciplines in population health to enhance collaborative working on issues cutting across various public health aspects. Presently, the organization focuses on promoting the right to wellness and health care, health equity, and supporting public health capacity and infrastructure (APHA, n.d-d). The organization collaborates with relevant professional organizations and fosters public and private partnerships to help solve health problems.
The website review has changed my perception of healthcare organizations regarding their roles in community health issues. Through this review, I have learned that APHA contributes to public health through various facets, including education, research, information dissemination, creating awareness, policy review, and advocacy (APHA, n.d-c).
For instance, APHA has advocated for clean air and water, safe and nutritious food supply, and healthy lifestyles. APHA has also been involved in monitoring and mitigating adverse environmental issues that affect human health, supporting maternal and child health, and immunization campaigns. Other activities in which APHA is involved include the development of safe environments, presentation mechanism, and expansion of access to quality and affordable health care services.
The American Public Health Association. (n.d-b). (Accessed 1 December 2021)
The American Public Health Association. (n.d-a). Available at: (Accessed 1 December 2021)
The American Public Health Association. (APHA, n.d-d). (Accessed 1 December 2021)
The American Public Health Association. (APHA, n.d-c). (Accessed 1 December 2021)