This article provides a sample solution essay on Sources of Learner Stress in a Clinical setting.
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Critical Thinking Exercises:
- What are the sources of learner stress in the clinical setting? How can they be reduced? Can the stress ever have a positive aspect?
- How would you socialize, evaluate, and retain a preceptor?
- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Defend your position…
Sources of Learner Stress in a Clinical setting
The nursing curriculum is designed in a way that ensures professionally and competently trained nurses have clinical and theoretical courses that are complementary to each other. Emphasis should, therefore, be placed on clinical learning as well as training because it is only through this way that the skills and knowledge acquired in clinical setting when attending to real patients becomes beneficial compared to the structured lessons in the classroom or laboratory settings. However, the literature indicates that while almost half of the nursing student’s learning is to be found in the clinical area most of them regard the endeavor as stressful (Ablatif & Nor, 2019). Needless to say, stress among the student nurses could have a profound impact whether positive or negative on the learner’s thinking and learning experience, with most of the existing literature focusing on the sources of stress in the healthcare environment in general. Due to the existence of several definitions of stress, the use of the term in this context refers to mental pressure and tension which at low levels could be beneficial. There exists little literature on sources of stress in the clinical area. Consequently, this essay purposes to examine the sources of learner stress the clinical area together with ways of reducing it. The paper also explores ways in which a preceptor can be assessed and retained together with the issue of concept mapping before concluding with a concept map on educating grownups diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM) on the benefits of alternative medicine and naturopathy.
Sources of Learner Stress in the Clinical Setting
According to Ablatif & Nor(2019), the main sources of stress to a nursing student within the clinical setting include but are not limited to stress due to patient care, lack of knowledge and professional competencies, assigned tasks and workload, pressure from tutors and other nursing professionals and the demands of the clinical teaching nursing. Due to the scope of this paper, only a few of the stressors will be highlighted. Starting with a lack of professional knowledge and skills, this exerts undue pressure according to the students’ because they are not familiar with medical terms and history.
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The students are also not well versed in patients’ diagnoses and the recommended treatments and health interventions. The absence of adequate professional training leads to patient care stress. This stress emanates from the fact that the patients lack the necessary experience to offer high-quality care and to make clinical decisions and judgments regarding patient care. On the other hand, Rafati et al (2017) mention some stress coping strategies like the development of professional competency and the use of effective communication skills to regulate stressful situations. By interacting with patients, staff, peers as wells as mentors who could be stressed, the learner may use communication skills to either prevent or control the stress. For example, the nurse student could calm down a patient who is angry while learning the needed professional skills will bolster the learners’ confidence I making decisions and offering nursing care. Stress is mostly associated with negative consequences but some low levels of stress could also be beneficial in that the learner embarks on a journey of moderation, realization, and self- actualization as they learn how to control stress (Rudland et al, 2020).
Socialization, Evaluation, and Retention of a Nurse Preceptor
The relationship between a preceptor (a professional staff nurse with adequate experience and competence to help in the training of a new nurse recruit) and a preceptee (nurse employee receiving planned training as a new employee) needs to be safeguarded. As such a healthcare organization can enhance the socialization between the preceptor and preceptee by improving the experienced nurse confidence and communication skills thus contributing to increased clinical efficiency. Besides the efficiency, the preceptorship lowers the degrees of lateral violence and nurtures a preceptee’s learning environment where they explore and question the clinical practices without fear of reprisal. Lamonde & McGrills (2017) suggest that an evaluation plan of the preceptor – preceptee training program should comprise both summative and formative evaluation where the competence, critical reasoning, as well as judgments and the accompanying confidence, are evaluated. One of the methods to evaluate the preceptor is the use of Likert Scale questionnaires with 5 points or 7.To avoid victimization these questionnaires should be anonymous.
In order to retain the nurse preceptors, the organization administration and management should adopt measures that ensure the preceptors do not experience burnout. The measures should amongst other things see to it that the preceptor gets enough support and guidance from the management, is not overburdened with large patient workloads, and reasonably assigning the preceptor and novice nurse to high acuity patients. These measures would also secure the satisfaction of the preceptor and subsequent retention.
Concept Mapping Versus Traditional Linear, Rote Organization of Information
Like many other scholars of the 21st century, I would agree with the assertion that concept mapping is arguably more superior to the traditional nursing care plan where information is organized in a linear rote organization. Current studies indicate that the contemporary healthcare environment is identifiable through dynamic change knowledge that continues to increase exponentially. As Aien & Aliakbari (2017) contend, professional nurses, therefore, have to formulate critical thinking models that are nonlinear, individualized, and situation- focused ways of solving emerging problems in healthcare and particular nursing. Owing to their evidence-based nature- concept mapping development, therefore, offer an alternative to utilization of care plans where concepts hierarchically are structure in descending order and the existing relationship indicated thorough cross-links.
Risks Posed To Undergraduate Nurses by Less-Than-Desirable Staff Role Models
In their study on the effect that role models have on nurse learners, Jack et al (2017) demonstrated that the preceptors assigned to train and mentor the learners in the clinical significantly impact how these students regard the ethics of the nursing profession and the ethos of clinical practice. The negative impact the less than –desirable have on these students includes increased workplace violence, could increase stressed and burnout, and even at times make the learners drop out of the course altogether. To address the cited risk the organization could have a workplace reporting system and also the said staff performance on the students’ appraisal and reported negative events linked to them.
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Concept Map on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) Patient Education on Benefits of Naturopathy and Alternative Medicine
The increasing popularity of concept mapping in nursing education and nursing care plans makes the current section targets to outline a health and wellness change initiative. The focus on grownups diagnosed with T2DM. The concept map incorporates both theories and principles of learning and addresses the leading T2DM issues where many patients lack understanding with respect to its comorbidities, how to maintain health and wellness upon being diagnosed with T2DM and insufficient knowledge on naturopathy and alternative medicine.
Nursing education experts agree that one of the most important parts of nursing education is clinical practice with its hallmark of bringing togging together the trainer, the student, and the patient. Almost everyone also concedes that the clinical practice education is stressful to the learner hence the need to identify the stressors and ways of reducing the stress among the student nurses. An effective strategy the organization should adopt is to ensure it has put in place measures that enhance the socialization, evaluation, and retention of preceptors. Additionally, the management is duty-bound to ensure the student nurse and novice nurse are not paired with inappropriate role models while also emphasizing the need to adopt the concept mapping model as the preferred method of formulating nursing care plans and interventions in the 21st century. Adhering to all these measures means nursing colleges and universities will continue to produce competent nurses ready to meet the needs and demands of the contemporary patient.
Ab LAtif, R., & nor, M. Z. M. (2019). Stressors and Coping Strategies during Clinical Practice among Diploma Nursing Students. The Malaysian journal of medical sciences: MJMS, 26(2), 88.
Aein, F., & Aliakbari, F. (2017). Effectiveness of concept mapping and traditional linear nursing care plans on critical thinking skills in clinical pediatric nursing course. Journal of education and health promotion, 6.
Jack, K., Hamshire, C., & Chambers, A. (2017). The influence of role models in undergraduate nurse education. Journal of clinical nursing, 26(23-24), 4707-4715.
Lalonde, M., & McGillis Hall, L. (2017). Preceptor characteristics and the socialization outcomes of new graduate nurses during a preceptorship programme. Nursing Open, 4(1), 24-31.
Portugal, L. M. (2017). Educating type 2 diabetes adults about naturopathy, alternative medicine benefits. Diabetes Management, 7(3), 280-286.
Rafati, F., Nouhi, E., Sabzevari, S., & Dehghan-Nayeri, N. (2017). Coping strategies of nursing students for dealing with stress in the clinical setting: A qualitative study. Electronic physician, 9(12), 6120.
Rudland, J. R., Golding, C., & Wilkinson, T. J. (2020). The stress paradox: how stress can be good for learning. Medical Education, 54(1), 40-45.
Question – Sources of Learner Stress in a Clinical setting
Critical Thinking Exercises:
- What are the sources of learner stress in the clinical setting? How can they be reduced? Can the stress ever have a positive aspect?
- How would you socialize, evaluate, and retain a preceptor?
- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Defend your position.
\”…concept mapping has found a useful place in nursing education as an alternative strategy to the linear, rote organization of information in the traditional nursing care plan. …\”
- Should you place learners in a clinical setting that has less-than-desirable staff role models? What are the risks and how can they be mitigated?
Professional Development:
- Develop a concept map on a health-related topic of your choice
Bradshaw, M. J., & Lowenstein, A. J. (2014). Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions (6th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. (Chapters 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29)
DeYoung, S. (2015). Teaching strategies for nurse educators (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Chapter 9, 10 and 11)
Emerson, R. J. (2007). Nursing education in the clinical setting. St. Louis: Mosby. (Chapters 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17)
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