This article provides a sample solution essay on Patient Instructional Methods and Materials.
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Critical Thinking Exercises:
- Review the section on commercially prepared teaching materials. Take a stand on the issue of using free patient education materials provided by drug or formula manufacturers. Defend your position.
- Conduct a literature search on one method of traditional teaching strategies. Summarize the findings of two different (opposing) scholarly articles.
- Why is it that instructional materials should not be selected before behavioral objectives are determined?
- Case Study: Mr. D.W., 84 years old, suffers from high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and beginning glaucoma. He falls at a church function and is taken by ambulance to the emergency room. Unfortunately, his daughter, who usually accompanies him to his primary care clinic, is working. He refuses to have the staff \”bother her at the job.\” Mr. W. cannot tell the emergency room nurse what medications he is taking. He states that he takes a blue pill for his \”high blood\” in the morning, and two pink pills at dinner. He also says that he puts drops in his eyes every day. He nods his head when the emergency room staff tell him that his X-rays show no signs of a fracture, that he should consult his physician if a ….
Patient Instructional Methods and Materials
Whether patient education or nursing student/staff education, education in healthcare happens to be a topic of interest to nursing professionals irrespective of the setting in which they practice. Teaching is at the core of a nurse’s professional role with current healthcare trends, making it that patient’s preparation takes place so that they assume responsibility for enhanced self- care management. It is also important to acknowledge that teaching styles have continued to change over the years with the traditional way of teaching, which mainly favored techniques in recitation and memorization witnessing emergent styles whose defining technique is the use of interactive methods. Consequently, this essay purposes of exploring instructional methods and materials at the disposal of a contemporary nurse educator. To achieve the goal, the paper is divided into two main sections, with the first involving critical thinking exercises while the other addresses professional development issues.
Part 1: Critical Thinking Exercises
Commercially Prepared Teaching Materials
For patients to make informed decisions on medications use and take safely and appropriately, patients must have at the very least a basic understanding of the risks and benefits of the drugs prescribed to them and how to administer them. The instructional materials used to this effect can be prepared by the nurse educator or be commercially prepared by excerpts as well as drug manufacturers. The use of these patient instructional materials has both advantages and disadvantages, making this paper to adopt the stance that the patient stands to benefit more where the nurse educator uses the drug company commercially prepared instructional materials. The reason why this is s is that these materials are made by experts are carefully edited and tested in the field before their publication (Bester et al., 2016). The nurse educator prepared instructional materials to have a guarantee that their quality will equal those of the textbook, considering that educators may not have the requisite training on how to prepare the instructional materials.
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Summary Findings of Two Different and Opposing Scholarly Articles on Traditional Teaching Strategies
Nursing education continues to undergo monumental changes meant to address the changing needs of the modern patient. As such, Gandhi conducted a study whose findings this researcher argued point out those nursing students favored innovative teaching strategies on mental health over the traditional approaches. On the other hand, Bristol et al. (2019) take a differing stand in their research, which, while admitting that nontraditional teaching methods in nursing are taking precedence in many learning institutions, these researchers contend that effective learning methods needed to be complemented with traditional approaches. The researchers found that most faculties blend the active learning methods with the lecture method.
Behavioral Objectives Writing and Selection of Instruction Materials
Education experts list the four components of a behavioral objective as considering the audience, condition, standards, and behavior, which the educator should formulate as the learning goal. Since it describes the learning outcome in terms of behavior, the material selected as the teaching/learning resource should be relevant to the learner in that the material should be age-appropriate, enhance the learner’s ( who in this context is a patient) emotional and social development. For this, the instructional materials should only be selected after the behavioral objectives of the lesson have been identified.
Case Study: The Case of DW. An 84-Year-Old Patient with HBP, Atherosclerosis, and Glaucoma
As a nurse educator offering patient education to Patient DW, I would use lecture method, demonstration, one- on- one instruction, group discussion, and return demonstration as the traditional strategies to teach this elderly patient. The first two methods, while passive, have the advantage of being cost-effective and easy for the elderly patient. The others actively engage the patient to participate will be used to break the boredom. On the other hand, the five non –traditional methods to use in educating DW are simulation, self-instruction, role- modeling, and computer-assisted instruction and short educative videos. These methods have the advantage of capturing the patients’ enthusiasm while also enhancing the elderly patient socialization.
Professional Development: A Patient Education Lesson Plan for Wound Care
Audience Description
A 40 year- Old Man working as a farmhand suffered a 5 cm cut on the left for limb while cutting Napier grass. The cut was cleaned, sutured, and then bandaged. The patient was given an appointment for the removal of the sutures after six days. The patient explains he can take care of the wound if appropriate instructions are given. According to Noel et al. (2015), the use lecture method is advantageous in that it consumes less time with the nurse educator able to deliver enormous amounts of information to the patient. The lecture method’s main limitation, however, is that the nurse educator does not get immediate feedback. Moreover, the patient/learner is passive most of the time.
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Lesson Plan on Patient Education about Wound Care
Unit/Topic: Wound care
Lesson Objectives
By the end of the lesson, the patient should be able to:
- Describe the normal healing process of a wound and the signs as well as symptoms of wound infection.
- Identify the resources needed for wound care and demonstrate wound cleansing and bandaging.
- Appreciate the importance of proper wound care and resolve to take care of the wound until the next appointment for suture removal.
Teaching/learning resources: Anti-microbial solution, bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, clean water, mannequin, audiovisuals
Content |
Teaching method |
i. Introduction: Normal process of wound healing. ii. Presentation: Wound Infection: Signs and symptoms, e.g., feel warm to touch, purulent discharge, fever, general tiredness. iii. Wound care material: cleansing solution and bandaging materials.
iv. Activities: Demonstration of wound cleansing v. Conclusion: Follow-up treatment plan
Describe the normal process of wound healing using posters and short videos. Explain how wound infection occurs. Use audiovisuals to illustrate the appearance of an infected wound.
Demonstrate materials needed to cleanse the wound and dress it correctly. Use a mannequin to demonstrate wound cleaning and dressing. Give the patient handouts discuss resources available and the follow-up treatment plan |
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The patient wills answer questions on wound self-care.
Perform return demonstration of wound care using the mannequin
State the contact person, emergency telephone numbers to call if necessary, and state the date, time, and venue where the follow-up visit will take place.
In conclusion, this essay has determined that traditional teaching strategies mainly utilized repetition and the need to memorize information in order to educate the learner. As a result, the learners’ skills in critical thinking, decision-making, and problem were not adequately developed. It has also established that nontraditional methods encourage the learner to interact with the learning materials actively. Most importantly, the paper advocates for the use of traditional learning methods that incorporate modern technologies in order to enrich the learning process.
Bester, N., Di Vito-Smith, M., McGarry, T., Riffkin, M., Kaehler, S., Pilot, R., & Bwire, R. (2016). The effectiveness of an educational brochure as a risk minimization activity to communicate important rare adverse events to healthcare professionals. Advances in therapy, 33(2), 167-177.
Gandhi, S. (2015). Nursing Students Perceptions about Traditional and Innovative Teaching Strategies–A Pilot Study. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences (JKIMSU), 4(1).
Bristol, T., Hagler, D., McMillian-Bohler, J., Wermers, R., Hatch, D., & Oermann, M. H. (2019). Nurse educators’ use of lecture and active learning. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 14(2), 94-96.
Marcus, C. (2014). Strategies for improving the quality of verbal patient and family education: a review of the literature and creation of the EDUCATE model. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: An Open Access Journal, 2(1), 482-495.
Noel, M. D., Daniels, F. M., & Martins, P. (2015). The future of the lecture method as a teaching strategy in community nursing education. J Family Med Community Health, 2(8), 1067.
Question – Patient Instructional Methods and Materials
Critical Thinking Exercises:
- Review the section on commercially prepared teaching materials. Take a stand on the issue of using free patient education materials provided by drug or formula manufacturers. Defend your position.
- Conduct a literature search on one method of traditional teaching strategies. Summarize the findings of two different (opposing) scholarly articles.
- Why is it that instructional materials should not be selected before behavioral objectives are determined?
- Case Study: Mr. D.W., 84 years old, suffers from high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and beginning glaucoma. He falls at a church function and is taken by ambulance to the emergency room. Unfortunately, his daughter, who usually accompanies him to his primary care clinic, is working. He refuses to have the staff \”bother her at the job.\” Mr. W. cannot tell the emergency room nurse what medications he is taking. He states that he takes a blue pill for his \”high blood\” in the morning, and two pink pills at dinner. He also says that he puts drops in his eyes every day. He nods his head when the emergency room staff tell him that his X-rays show no signs of a fracture, that he should consult his physician if a hematoma develops, elevate his left foot which is wrapped in an ace bandage, and apply ice packs for twenty four hours. He signs the discharge form and receives printed instructions for care of a sprained ankle. An elderly friend who has followed the ambulance from church and stayed in the waiting room helps him into her car and drives him home. Use Table 11-11 (Bastable, p. 498) to answer the following questions:
a. What traditional method of instruction (first five methods) would you choose for your patient, and why?
b. Which non-traditional method (second five methods) would you choose for your patient, and why?
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Professional Development:
- Prepare a 10-minute lecture on a topic that is of interest to you. Describe the audience and the setting, and the relative advantages/limitations of the lecture as a format for learning in this situation. List the learning objectives, and describe the supplementary materials that will be used (i.e. handouts, audiovisuals) and provide the rationale for your selection of the supplementary materials. Submit a lecture outline, and describe how you would evaluate if the learning objectives were met.
- Bastable, S. B. (2014). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (4th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. (Chapters 11 and 12)
- Bradshaw, M. J., & Lowenstein, A. J. (2014). Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions (6th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett. (Chapters 9, 10, and 11)
- DeYoung, S. (2015). Teaching strategies for nurse educators (3rd ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Chapter 5)
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