How to Write Social Problems Essay | 230 + Social Problems Essay Topics & 1 Best Social Problems Essay Example

In this article, we cover a list of interesting Social Problems Essay topics that you can write about.

Social issues influence people within a society, and people strive to find solutions to them. Often, they are the consequences of factors extending beyond an individual’s control. Social issues are the source of a conflicting opinions on the ground of what is perceived as morally correct or incorrect personal life.

These social issues are exceedingly diverse because they exist within cultural, ethnic, and moral boundaries. There are disagreements around social issues that are worth solving, or that should take precedence.

What Is A Social Issues Essay? 

Since the beginning of time, social issues have overwhelmed many people’s lives. As a student, you have been noticing things in your society that aren’t good.

For instance, while walking along the streets, you may have seen little kids begging for food and survival needs. To live, these poor kids on the street have been subjected to begging.

There are so many social issues that affect livelihood today. As a student, you are therefore given a platform to explore social issues, their effect on the society, the causes, and possible solutions through an essay

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How to Write About Social Problems

Writing on topics related to social problems involves thorough research. It also requires sympathy and tact.

Following this guide will help you not to step on anybody’s toes.

  1. Find out what exactly your instructor wants you to do:
    • Research papers call for an in-depth analysis. Make sure to reference several sources to back up your claims.
    • Essays revolve around your opinion. Here, good arguments are crucial.
  2. Pick the topic. It can be either contemporary or historical. It’s better to choose something you’re interested in.
  3. Do research. Consult encyclopedias, find books on the topic. It will help you formulate ideas and outline the first draft.
  4. Consider your audience. How much do they know about your subject? How invested are they? Understanding your readers will help you be more considerate.
  5. Watch your attitude. When writing about sensitive issues, the right tone is essential.
    • Even if you have strong feelings about your subject, keep your tone neutral. Make sure not to condemn those who hold opposite views.
    • Highlight what you personally think is right. Remember that you can’t control how other people will react.
    • Be frank. Ask yourself: who am I? How do my experiences fit into my topic? Your honest answers will add unique insights to your paper.
  6. Double-check your paper. Does everything you wrote logically flow? Does your argumentative structure make sense? Does it support your thesis? If possible, let your assignment sit for a day. You can edit it later with a fresh perspective.

These are the basics you need if you want to write about social issues. Now you can start your research! The first step is to pick one of the excellent topics about social problems from the list below.

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Social Problems Essay Topics

General Social Problems Essay Topics

  1. Anti-Social Behavior of Children
  2. Child Support Problems
  3. Abortion: Common Social Problems in the US
  4. Substance Abuse
  5. Eugenics: Solving Social Problems?
  6. Living with a Single Parent
  7. Effectiveness Of Social Work Services
  8. Government Controlled Social Service
  9. Income Inequality: A Social Problem
  10. Problems with Obesity in America
  11. Problems of Using Social Networks
  12. The Evolution of Social Behavior
  13. The Invisible Side of the Internet
  14. The Effects of Incivility
  15. The Problems of Facebook
  16. The Problems behind Immigration
  17. The Social Problems Of Mad people
  18. The Problem Of Invisible Disabilities
  19. America ‘s Most Demanding Social Problems
  20. Social And Economic Problems
  21. Social Problems Of Our County
  22. The Problems Of Philosophy
  23. The Social Problem Of Poverty
  24. The Social Problems Of Military Suicide
  25. The Social Of Problems Of Homeless
  26. Gambling Creates Lots of Problems
  27. Social Problems and Individuals
  28. Social Problems Of Education
  29. Social Problems Paper: Inequality
  30. Sociology: Identifying Social Problems
  31. Social Problems Perpetuated
  32. Social Problems Of The Modern Day
  33. Social Problem Of Family
  34. Social Problems Of Higher Education
  35. Problems of the Troubles in Ireland
  36. Social Welfare
  37. Social Problems Within The US
  38. Social Problems Associated With Health
  39. Social Problems With America
  40. Suicide as Escape from Reality
  41. Social Work And Social Change
  42. Substance Abuse and Addiction
  43. Sociological Viewpoint Towards Social Problems
  44. The Social Problems Associated With Wealth
  45. The Effects of Alcohol on Social Development
  46. The Social Problems Within Today ‘s Family
  47. The Negative Impacts of Social Media Usage
  48. Weaknesses Of Social Work
  49. Race in Social Problems
  50. Problems Encountered by Social Scientists
  51. Problems Afflicting the Native Americans
  52. Gender Impact On Social Problems
  53. Problems With Welfare And Public Assistance
  54. Social and Health Problems in Canada
  55. Social Anxiety And Social Depression
  56. Social Problems Affecting Youth Today
  57. Social Problems Associated With Domestic Abuse
  58. Social Disorganization
  59. Social Problems Facing Native Americans
  60. Social Problems Of The Pre 1865 Era
  61. The Social Problem Of Unemployment
  62. The Social Problem Of Health Care Reform
  63. The Problem of Illegal immigration
  64. The Problem Of Gangsterism
  65. Social Problems Of Learning Disabilities
  66. Social Problems Within The Aboriginal Community
  67. How To Solve Social Problems
  68. The problems Associated With Sociology
  69. Vision Problems: Retinal detachment
  70. Domestic Violence
  71. The Social Problem Of Human Trafficking
  72. The Social Problem Of Child Abuse
  73. A Survey Of Social Problems
  74. The Problem Of Teenage Pregnancy
  75. The Social Problem Of Elderly Abuse
  76. Gender Inequality As A Social Problem
  77. Poverty Discrimination in Minorities
  78. Detrimental Social Problems
  79. Abuse and neglect in asylums
  80. Social stratification and inequality
  81. Social Violence
  82. Maltreatment of an adopted child
  83. The Increasing Crime Rate
  84. Social Isolation
  85. Widespread poverty
  86. The Social Issue Of Drug Abuse
  87. Excessive Alcohol Consumption
  88. Social Problem Associated With Work
  89. The Social Problem Of Teen Abortion
  90. Cultism In Schools
  91. The Social Issue Of Child Molestation

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Social Problems Essay Topics
Social Problems Essay Topics

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Social Justice Essay Topics:

  1. Is ageism the new racism?
  2. Deprivation of health care: Dealing with consequences.
  3. Are convicts still punished after serving time?
  4. Are labor laws fair?
  5. How is society viewing domestic violence towards men?
  6. Discrimination against pregnant women.
  7. Fat shaming in the job market.
  8. How is our society dealing with poverty?
  9. Do recovering addicts deal with social injustice?
  10. Are Arabs and Middle Easterners subject to discrimination?

Pornography Essay Topics:

  1. How to deal with pornography addiction.
  2. Dealing with child pornography.
  3. Is consent really valid in the porn industry?
  4. Do pornstars suffer from society shaming?
  5. Why do pornstars commit suicide?
  6. Dealing with leaked personal pornography videos.
  7. The pressure in the porn industry.
  8. Pornstars who crossed over to other industries.
  9. Does watching porn damage family life?
  10. When to know that you are addicted to porn.

Social Science Topics:

  1. How did the Roman culture collapse?
  2. Body modification in the past and present.
  3. Gift giving customs in different countries.
  4. Polygamy in the US.
  5. Everything about the totem poles in the USA.
  6. Traditional medicine across the globe.
  7. How did languages evolve?
  8. Weird burial customs.
  9. Evolution of eating utensils.
  10. Have gender roles changed in the US?

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Peace And War Topics

  1. The role of the media during wartime
  2. The children of war
  3. Discuss war crimes across the world
  4. Historical genocide of the genocide in Armenia
  5. What are the roles of women in war
  6. How does the economy of war affect society
  7. Is society concentrating on peace education
  8. How did the war in Syria affect other countries
  9. Effects of war on terrorism in the society
  10. Ethnic cleansing

Migration And Immigration Topics

  1. Define forced migration
  2. Discuss the history of Australian immigration 
  3. How can immigrants adopt the American society
  4. What are the causes of the deportation of illegal immigrants around the world
  5. Discuss the Egyptian illegal immigrants in Italy
  6. What are the consequences of building a war between Mexico and America
  7. Refugees across the world
  8. How did Irish diaspora change life in the US
  9. Palestine refugees in Jordan
  10. What are the causes of behind illegal immigration

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  1. Security issues of social media.
  2. Should Instagram be age-restricted?
  3. Social networks’ impact on friendships.
  4. Disadvantages of being an influencer.
  5. Is there freedom of speech in social media?
  6. Should social media ban fake information?
  7. How harmful is social media dependency?
  8. Should employers check employees’ accounts?
  9. Online ethics and business Facebook accounts.
  10. The effect of the cancel culture on mental health.
  11. Cyberbullying: victim and abuser in the online environment.
  12. Should children be allowed to have social media accounts?
  13. Your opinion on memorial pages on social networks for the deceased.
  14. Ways to stay safe on the internet.
  15. How should social media websites deal with hate speech?
  16. Is removing abusive content censorship?
  17. Explore the correlation between social media and mental disorders.
  18. Does Instagram change the way we perceive our lives?
  19. Is modern society forcing us to participate in social networking?
  20. What is identity theft?
  21. Personal isolation and technology in communication.
  22. The risks of microtransactions in online gaming.
  23. How does your digital presence influence your real life?
  24. Why do some people become dependent on social media?
  25. Are online networks promoting stalking?
  26. Discuss the digital divide in Washington.
  27. Is Twitter’s cancel culture doing more harm than good?
  28. How do marginalized groups benefit from social media?
  29. How important is data safety?
  30. Are people on social media more aggressive than in real life?
  31. Does the internet shorten our attention span?
  32. Ways in which social media impacts your interactions with other people.
  33. Marketing, social media, and you: how do influencers impact your buying behavior?
  34. Explore the effect of the internet on students’ lives.
  35. Is Reddit right to allow outrageous content under the principle of free speech?
  36. Politics and Twitter: the consequences of Donald Trump’s tweets.
  37. Does banning online networks from the workplace increase productivity?
  38. What basic ethical principles go overboard on the internet?
  39. In how far do social media trends reflect on the general public?
  40. Social media and youth: does it make puberty harder?
  41. The influence of online platforms on democracy.
  42. What would happen if we could rate everyone online? (Think Community’s episode “App Development and Condiments”)
  43. Does Instagram inspire a healthy lifestyle?
  44. Why are likes so important?
  45. Debate the effects of speaking out in online communities.
  46. Are Facebook’s profile picture frames a good way of showing support?
  47. Debate social media policies and code of conduct.
  48. Is YouTube spreading propaganda?
  49. Did you ever do something because you’ve read about it on the internet?
  50. Are Twitter hashtags skewing the political discourse?
  51. Examine the gendered experiences of people on the internet.
  52. How do you make yourself heard on social media?
  53. Evaluate the usefulness of Facebook’s Safety Check feature.
  54. Discuss the pros and cons of TikTok challenges.
  55. How does participating in Instagram challenges for social justice help?

Violence Essay Topics

  1. Gang and violence in Miami
  2. Discuss rape culture in the society
  3. Gun control in the US
  4. The effect of political unrest on domestic violence
  5. Aggression in children
  6. Movies and violence
  7. Discuss the impacts of political turmoil on domestic violence
  8. How to deal with social media bullying
  9. How to prevent child abuse
  10. Discuss abuse in the world of sport

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Consumption And Development Topics 

  1. Discuss consumptions on different industries
  2. How can business influence discussion trends
  3. Discuss the consumption culture in America
  4. Children consumption of fast foods
  5. Overconsumption in the US
  6. Consumption of Alcohol
  7. Africa water consumption
  8. The power of buyers in different industries
  9. History of sustainable development in the US
  10. The dynamics of consumption the US market

Cultural Property Topics

  1. Discuss cultural heritage in Russia
  2. Food culture and the difference it makes in the society
  3. Art looted in war time
  4. Selling copied artefacts
  5. History of stealing cultural heritage
  6. Mention the ownership of stolen antiques
  7. Protection of our cultural heritage in times of war and peace
  8. Cultural heritage in Asia
  9. The importance of preserving our cultural heritage
  10. Museum in Europe should restore ancient artifacts

Discrimination And Prejudice Topics 

  1. Discrimination against gay people
  2. White privilege in the society
  3. Define sex discrimination in the workplace
  4. Hate speech in the job market
  5. Reverse discrimination
  6. Discuss stereotypes in the US
  7. What is discrimination in sports
  8. Discrimination in the Middle East
  9. Segregation in the US
  10. Hate speech on social media
  11. Racial profiling and its effects

Social Problems Essay Example


1. What is a social issue essay?

It refers to an unwanted situation that frequently results in problems and continues to harm society. Social issues can cause a lot of problems that can be beyond the control of just one person. Through an essay on social issues, we will learn why they are harmful and what types of social issues we face.

2. What are social issues?

Social issues can cause a lot of problems that can be beyond the control of just one person. Through an essay on social issues, we will learn why they are harmful and what types of social issues we face. Social issues have a lot of drawbacks that harms our society.

3. How to resolve social issues?

There are a variety of methods to resolve variety of social issues. These include political processes, non-profit organizations, community groups and volunteering to have public dialogue on a social issue and arrive at a most acceptable solution. ‘Social Issues’ are the main factors that hinder the growth of a nation.

4. What are the social issues we should all fight against?

Domestic violence especially against women is a serious social issue we must all fight against. Other social issues include starvation, child sex abuse, religious conflicts, child trafficking, terrorism, overpopulation, untouchability, communalism and many more. It is high time we end these social issues.

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