This article covers samples of Nursing Post Reply on spiritual assessment reflects the assessment’s importance to physicians. has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.
Nursing Post Reply
Reply 1
Hi #Name,
Your post on spiritual assessment reflects the assessment’s importance to physicians. It lets health care providers assist patients by highlighting empathetic listening and documentation of spiritual preferences for future reference. At the same time, integrating the principles of clients’ belief traditions into the selected treatment plans and allowing these individuals to use the resources of their faith traditions can promote general wellness at the personal and community level (Malone and Dadswell, 2018). I selected the same HOPE questionnaire for my case client; your perspective demonstrated that conducting a spiritual assessment enhances the provider-patient relationship while, according to the professional, a chance for personal renewal and resiliency, and growth. Your client was geriatric, while mine was a teenager who was rightly assessed using the HOPE questionnaire assessment tool, which demonstrates the efficacy of this tool. This tool compares to the four FACTS spiritual assessment tools, amalgamating the four Fs and the FACT spiritual assessment to develop a single tool suitable for beginner students. According to LaRocca-Pitts (2015), the four Fs helps to collect relevant information on Facts, Feelings, Family/friends, and Faith concerning the patient. Contemporary nursing can add other Fs like fun, finances, function /fit, fame and fortune, and future if one wishes or time allows. The FACT algorithm represents the Fs categories, and A represents access, available, or anxiety, c for coping, conflict, and or comfort, and t for treatment. Providers who utilize this tool and incorporate it in the treatment plan would enjoy the benefits of applying a tool that treads the middle path between simplified and reductionist history tools developed by clinicians and the complex assessment models used by pastoral care professionals (Vilani et al., 2019). Any nurse from the beginner student to the experienced preceptor is bound to accept that the Four FACTS spiritual assessment tool is easy to learn, remember, and use does not use insider knowledge, fits the context, and collects and assesses relevant information; hence advantages to both the client and the provider.
LaRocca-Pitts, M. (2015). Four FACTs spiritual assessment tools. Journal of health care chaplaincy, 21(2), 51-59.
Malone, J., & Dadswell, A. (2018). The role of religion, spirituality, or belief in positive aging for older adults. Geriatrics, 3(2), 28.
Villani, D., Sorgente, A., Iannello, P., & Antonietti, A. (2019). The role of spirituality and religiosity in subjective well-being of individuals with different religious status. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 1525.
As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. (Nursing Post Reply)

Reply 2
Hi #Name,
Your post using the FICA spiritual assessment tool did justice to this tool. Your sources reflected the four basic tenets of this approach, namely faith and belief, importance, community, and address in care. Holt et al. (2014) posit that both theory and literature demonstrate that religious people have better health outcomes than their non-religious counterparts because they have healthy lifestyles and behaviors following the dictates of their religious practices and beliefs. Despite these benefits, the researchers admit that religion can also harm an individual’s health, mainly if the individual adopts a fatalist notion that ill health results from punishment due to sinful ways that cannot be supported by scientific evidence. The integration of the FICA spiritual assessment tool in the patient’s treatment plan rhymes with the view advanced by Rogers-Sirin et al. (2017), who argue that religious education plays a crucial role in promoting mental health. For this patient, involving her Church minister was spot on since the even former requests for the ministers’ inclusion since the minister takes care of her follow-up psychiatric visits/ appointments.
In their study, Weber and Pargament (2014) found that religion and spirituality can promote mental health through positive beliefs, community and support, and positive religious coping. Optimum benefits would be realized if healthcare professionals, particularly those offering care in mental health care settings, promote youth-adult partnerships to encourage the youths to use available mental healthcare services more. Ross & Connors (2018) opine that youth-adult partnerships would improve mental health programming and lead to more service use. The increase in service utilization would emanate from creating space to blend the youth, professional knowledge of the provider, and experience.
Holt, C. L., Clark, E. M., & Roth, D. L. (2014). Positive and negative religious beliefs explaining the religion–health connection among African Americans. The International Journal for the psychology of religion, 24(4), 311-331.
Rogers-Sirin, L., Yanar, C., Yüksekbaş, D., Senturk, M. I., & Sirin, S. (2017). Religiosity, cultural values, and attitudes toward seeking psychological services in Turkey. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(10), 1587-1604.
Ross, L., & Connors, L. C. (2018). Improving youth access to mental health support through a youth-adult partnership. Journal of Youth Development, 13(3), 24-42.
Salam, R. A., Arshad, A., Das, J. K., Khan, M. N., Mahmood, W., Freedman, S. B., & Bhutta, Z. A. (2016). Interventions to prevent unintentional injuries among adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Adolescent Health, 59(4), S76-S87.