Discussion Response Sample

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Discussion Response 1

Hi #Name

The mental health patient has several social determiners of health where their psychological well-being serves to magnify the impact that job insecurity, underemployment, unemployment, poverty, poor housing, and negative early childhood experiences have on the individual. Going by the presented SOAP note on the schizophrenic patient the woman‘s low social economic status, her being of female gender exposes her to other risk factors like rape (Silva et al, 2016). The patient’s homelessness requires the providers and community leaders to use social determiners interventions if they expect to strengthen the patient’s outcomes. Acknowledging the other two determiners as the presence of a diabetes as evidenced by the lab findings of the patient and the patient’s inability to secure a stable job necessitate the provider to look for protective factors that would significantly lead to positive outcomes.

Amongst other strategies, the family should cultivate supportive relationships while the police enhance community safety to ensure actual rape does not happen against the woman (Comptom & Shim, 2015). Lastly, your post correctly states that the effects of a social determinant may not be immediate but will reveal itself over the course of time of during crises, as is the case during ill health episodes that the patient experiences occasionally (Carey & Crammond, 2015). Most importantly, the mental healthcare provider has to make sense of the link between social determinants and a client’s mental health but one has to know the determinants at play first.


Carey, G., & Crammond, B. (2015). Systems change for the social determinants of healthBMC public health15(1), 1-10.

Compton, M. T., & Shim, R. S. (2015). The social determinants of mental healthFocus13(4), 419-425.

Silva, M., Loureiro, A., & Cardoso, G. (2016). Social determinants of mental health: a review of the evidence. The European Journal of Psychiatry30(4), 259-292.

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Discussion Response
Discussion Response

Discussion Response 2

Hi #Name

Your discussion post regarding the topic on social determinants of mental health both insightful and informative. Food plays a major role in the promotion and maintenance of good health in all individuals. Little wonder that food insecurity is a leading social determinant of mental health likely to trigger depression and anxiety disorders (Shim & Comptom, 2020). These scholars aver that poor diet increases the risk of depression amongst other issues. While going through the in texted sources they led me to other chronic diseases scholarly journals whose content demonstrated how living in unhygienic conditions caused a ripple effect on other chronic diseases like TB (Dhanaraj et al., 2015). The social determinant focusing on adverse childhood experiences has other studies that highlight how adverse experiences act as toxic stressors that trigger toxic stress response.  According to Nelson et al. (2020), the impact that childhood adversity on an individual’s mental health in adulthood is determined by several other factors the type of adversity, duration of adversity, number of adversities and the subsequent interaction amongst others. At the same time, your post led me to conclude that the power that comes with appropriate intervention is determined not by where it is target but in the manner, it generates change within the targeted system.


Dhanaraj, B., Papanna, M. K., Adinarayanan, S., Vedachalam, C., Sundaram, V., Shanmugam, S., & Swaminathan, S. (2015). Prevalence and risk factors for adult pulmonary tuberculosis in a metropolitan city of South India. PloS one10(4), e0124260.

Nelson, C. A., Scott, R. D., Bhutta, Z. A., Harris, N. B., Danese, A., & Samara, M. (2020). Adversity in childhood is linked to mental and physical health throughout life. Bmj371.

Shim, R. S., & Compton, M. T. (2020). The social determinants of mental health: psychiatrists’ roles in addressing discrimination and food insecurity. Focus18(1), 25-30.

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