Allergic Reaction Soap Note.-24-year-old male presents with itchy rash to both arms, neck and face. He first noticed the rash two days ago after returning from a camping trip with friends. The rash is spreading and did not improve with over-the-counter itch cream or Benadryl.
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HPI: 59 y/o patient came into the office today c/o:
24-year-old male presents with itchy rash to both arms, neck and face. He first noticed the rash two days ago after returning from a camping trip with friends. The rash is spreading and did not improve with over-the-counter itch cream or Benadryl. As you continue has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. Review of systems: General: No fever, chills, or weight changes or sweating or general weakness. Eyes: No blurred or double vision or pain or redness. Ears: No pain or decrease in hearing. Nose: No runny nose or blockage or bleeding. Throat: No sore throat. Head: No headache. Chest: No chest pain or cough or shortness of breath or wheezing. Prostate: No urinary frequency or dysuria or urethral discharge or pain on sitting. Heart: No irregular heart beat or palpitations or chest pain. Gastrointestinal: No abdominal pain or nausea or vomiting or diarrhea or constipation or difficulty swallowing or rectal bleeding or bloating or distension or hemorrhoids. l23.7 allergic reaction soap note. Genitourinary: No dysuria or urethral discharge or pain on sitting. Musculoskeletal: No joint or back pain or muscle problems or weakness. Skin: Diffuse rashes spread across the trunk, arms, neck, head, and face. No bruises or skin masses or other skin complaints. Neurologic: No weakness or headache or seizures or numbness or tingling. Psychiatric: No anxiety or depression or suicidal/homicidal thoughts. Endocrine: No excessive thirst or excessive urination or excessive heat or cold. Immunologic: No tuberculosis or hepatitis or HIV or recurrent infections. Hematologic: No anemia or easy bruising or bleeding. PMHx: none FamilyHx: none SocialHx: Pt is a student. Allergies: NKA As you continue has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. Objective: General: Normotensive, in no acute distress. Head: Normocephalic, no lesions. Eyes: PERRLA, EOM’s full, conjunctivae clear, fundi grossly normal. Ears: EAC’s clear, TM’s normal. Nose: Mucosa normal, no obstruction. Throat: Clear, no exudates, no lesions. Neck: Supple, no masses, no thyromegaly, no bruits. Chest: Lungs clear, no rales, no rhonchi, no wheezes. Heart: RR, no murmurs, no rubs, no gallops. Abdomen: Soft, no tenderness, no masses, BS normal. Back: Normal curvature, no tenderness. Extremities: FROM, no deformities, no edema, no erythema. Neuro: Physiological, no localizing findings. Skin: No lesions noted. Diffuse rashes spread across the trunk, arms, neck, head, and face. Allergic Reaction Soap Note Assessment: Differential Dx: Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption. R21 Pruritus, unspecified. L29.9 Actual Dx:- Poison ivy, oak, sumac or other plant dermatitis L23.7 (allergic) (contact)
Education I would discuss with and provide to the pt.- Rubbing alcohol
- Shower or bathe
- Cold compress
- Resist scratching the skin
5. Topical lotions and creams
Several lotions that can help relieve the symptoms of a mild poison ivy rash are available without a prescription. Hydrocortisone creams and calamine lotion are two products commonly used to reduce itching and swelling. The FDA advise that products containing zinc acetate, zinc carbonate, and zinc oxide treat the oozing and weeping caused by poison ivy. Users should always apply these products as per the instructions on the label. Aloe Vera gel, taken from the aloe Vera plant, is another soothing topical poison ivy remedy.- Oatmeal bath
- Bentonite clay

- Baking soda
- Shake the lotion well before using.
- Moisten a pledget of cotton with the lotion.
- Use the moistened pledget to apply the lotion to the affected skin area(s).
- Allow the medicine to dry on the skin.
- l23.7 allergic reaction soap note