This article covers The Humanistic Nursing Theory Assignment
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The Humanistic Nursing Theory Assignment
The Humanistic Nursing Theory Assignment – The Humanistic Nursing Theory guides nurses to enter the world of persons experiencing a health related challenge, helping them become as much as they can be, according to their “human potential” (Paterson & Zderad, 1976/2008). Humanistic Nursing is a “lived dialogue, a call-andresponse
event that occurs between a nurse and a person who come together in a nursing occasion” (Kleiman, 2009, p. 5). “The call and response of an authentic dialogue between a nurse and patient has great power; the power to change the lived experiences of both the patient and nurse, to change the situation, to change the world” (Paterson & Zderad, 2008, p. 5). Through an intersubjective transactional relationship the nurse nurtures well-being and more-being persons experiencing joy, loss, pain, grief or suffering (Paterson & Zderad, 1976/2008). “Humanistic Nursing embraces more than a benevolent technically competent subject-object one way relationship guided by the nurse on behalf of another” (Paterson & Zderad, 1976, p. 3). The humanistic “approach does not reject advances in nursing technology but rather tries to increase their value by viewing their use within the perspective of the development of human potential” (Paterson & Zderad, 2008, p. 5). The call for nursing is “to maintain humanness in the health-care system, which is becoming increasingly sophisticated in technology, increasingly concerned with cost containment, and increasingly less aware of and concerned with the patient as a human being” (Kleiman, 2010, p. 349). The Call
AND Response Paper provides semester three BScN students with an opportunity to explore and explicate the relevance and meaning of Paterson and Zderad’s (1976) Humanistic Nursing Theory,while providing care for a patient within an acute care setting. The Humanistic Nursing Theory Assignment
The Humanistic Nursing Theory Assignment PURPOSE
This assignment is an exploration of a patient’s lived experience of a common health
challenge and the nursing student’s response to a patient’s “call for help”, guided by Paterson and
Zderad’s (1976) Humanistic Nursing Theory. Students will follow the Call AND Response Paper
Guidelines and Criteria as outlined below. Selecting an assigned patient in NURS 2525
practicum, each student will illustrate his/her unique contribution to humanistic nursing care,
through coming to know this patient, recognizing, understanding and responding to the patient’s
call for help, and through nurturing “well-being and more-being”. In addition, the student will
articulate his/her expanded angular view following this intersubjective transactional nursing
The Humanistic Nursing Theory GUIDELINES
The paper will include an introduction and conclusion and will be written according to
APA Manual 6th Edition (2010) and all of the assignment policies in the Collaborative BScN
Program Handbook (Publication # 476) and the Georgian College Academic Calendar. The
MAXIMUM length of this paper is 6 pages, double spaced. Refer to the rubric below for the
weighting of each section of the paper. A minimum of six (6) references are required. A medical
dictionary is not considered as one of the required references. Two or more chapters cited from
the same secondary source (e.g. textbook) is considered a single reference. A hard copy is due at
the beginning of class on the due date. Students must have their CPS sign the Call AND Response
Validation Form (see below) and attach it the front of their paper. Papers without the signed
validation form attached will NOT BE ACCEPTED and the late penalty will apply until this
requirement is met.CALL AND RESPONSE PAPER The Humanistic Nursing Theory Assignment
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The Humanistic Nursing Theory Assignment CRITERIA
1. Hearing and Recognizing the Call (5% )
? Introduce your patient, including primary health challenge and current health situation;
avoid identifying information (i.e. exclude name, initials, age, and agency). You may use
pseudo name/initials and age range bracket.
? Define and describe your angular view (Paterson & Zderad, 1976/2008) prior to coming
to know your patient; acknowledge any assumptions based on your previous experiences,
and/or your potential or actual biases.
? Describe the intersubjective dialogue (verbal/nonverbal) that occurred while coming to
know your patient and his/her primary health challenge. Include details of your
connection; what your patient may have said; not said. Identify any blocks to
communication that you would avoid in the future.
? Identify a priority biomedical call for help (e.g. impaired swallowing; urinary retention;
acute pain) from your assigned patient that required your nursing response. This should
be a single clear sentence.2. Understanding and Responding to the Call (15%)
? (2%) Clearly state and support your assessment findings that helped you to identify the
priority biomedical call. Include subjective and objective data in your findings. Identify
other patient data relevant to the call (e.g. lab values, diagnostic test results, radiology
findings, admission history). You may include an appendix with full lab and test results to
refer to in your text. Identify any priority assessments that you did not do, but that on
reflection and further research, you realize might have informed your nursing response.
? (5%) Describe your actual nursing response to the patient’s priority biomedical call for
help which may include care provided collaboratively with the most responsible nurse and
other Intraprofessional and/or interprofessional team members. Your nursing response
must be comprehensive and include multiple interventions. For example, the nursing
response for a patient experiencing acute pain would include specific details related to;
ongoing assessment, monitoring, pharmacological, and non-pharmacological
interventions. Provide referenced rationales to support all nursing interventions. If
retrospectively on reflection and further research, you discover that there are further
important interventions that you would include next time, then include these in your
response and indicate that these are retrospective additions to your nursing plan of care.
? (3%) Identify a nursing clinical background question related to the identified call and
response for your patient and include the answer to the question that you found from your
research. Examples of background questions include: What are the best methods to relieve
referred shoulder pain following laparoscopic abdominal surgery? What content is most
important to include in the discharge planning/teaching following abdominal
hysterectomy? What is best practice related to mobilizing patients following total hip
replacement surgery? What nursing interventions are most effective in preventing catheterassociated urinary tract infections? You should use evidence from the nursing literature to
answer your question. Evidences may include original qualitative or quantitative research
articles, systematic reviews, meta-synthesis and/or BPGs. Include the URL and/or doi for
your reference(s) in your reference page. Do not use textbooks to answer your clinical
question. Looking back, would you change anything in the Call AND Response care plan
for your patient as a result of researching this question?
? (5%) Complete and include your Call AND Response care plan table in an “Appendix”
after the reference page. You may refer to information in the appendix in text of your paper
(see Appendix) to avoid redundancy when it isn’t necessary to repeat information.
3. Well-Being and More-Being: for Patient (2.5%)
? Describe how your humanistic nursing response did or did not nurture the well-being and
more-being (Paterson & Zderad, 1976/2008) for your patient. Define any theoretical
terms (i.e. well-being and more-being).
? How do you know you did or did not nurture the well-being for your patient? Include
reassessment data to support your findings. (e.g. for Acute Pain, reassessment of
OPQRSTU).The Humanistic Nursing Theory Assignment
? How do you know you did or did not nurture more-being for your patient? Include clear
and specific supportive findings to support your answer. Generalizations will be graded
poorly.The Humanistic Nursing Theory Assignment
4. Well-Being and More-Being: for Nurse (2.5%)
? As a student nurse, how did your participation in the intersubjective transactional nursing
experience contribute to your more-being (Paterson & Zderad, 1976/2008)? Support your
finding(s); be clear and specific.
? How did your angular view (Paterson & Zderad, 1976/2008) change or not change as a
result of this interaction?
? How might your expanded view(s) impact your noetic locus (Paterson & Zderad,
1976/2008) or future nursing practice?
Theory of Humanistic Nursing
The humanistic nursing model was developed by Loretta Zderad and Josephine Paterson.
The theory is based on the idea that nursing is an intersubjective transactional relationship that exists between a patient and a nurse living in the world.
It is a method that promotes the patient’s emotional and mental health as well as physical fitness.
The founders believed that nursing education should emphasize nurses’ ability to treat and interact with patients as well as their medical and scientific background.
The patient, nurse, environment, and nursing are all components of the theory.
As a result, the text will provide an assessment of the theory.
Is the model in accordance with the most recent nursing standards?