Week 7Appraising Systematic Reviews



The purpose of this discussion is to demonstrate your understanding of the review and appraisal of a systematic review that includes systematic review with meta-analysis, or meta-synthesis, and to use skills in the appraisal of research studies in your future role as a DNP-prepared nurse. Importantly, you will review the background and intention of the systematic review research study. As you work to find solutions to practice problems, critical review and appraisal of systematic reviews are required.


Using the practice problem, you selected in NR715, continue your search and appraisal of evidence by analyzing one systematic review research study. This research study should not be one that was used in NR715. Address the following in the discussion:

1. Appraise the systematic review research study using the Johns Hopkins Research Appraisal Tool. Transfer your findings to the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool.

2. Analyze the evidence summary tool of the research study to address the following in the discussion:

a.    Determine whether the research design—systematic review, systematic review with meta-analysis, or meta-synthesis —answers the research question. Explain your rationale.

b.    Based on information in the published study, explain if the search was comprehensible and reproducible.

c.    Based on the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool, determine if there is an evidence-based intervention you might consider for translation to practice in a practice change project. Explain your rationale.

d.    Based on the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool Column Observable Measures, consider if you would use this systematic review research study as support for your selected practice problem. Explain your rationale.

Include your completed Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool and permalink to the selected research study. 

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

·     Link (webpage): DNP Discussion Guidelines (Links to an external site.)

Course Outcomes  

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:  

1. Evaluate selected statistical methods for the purposes of critiquing research to complement the critical appraisal of evidence. (POs 3, 5, 9)

2. Analyze research and non-research data for the purposes of critical appraisal and judgment of evidence for translation into practice. (POs 1, 3, 5, 7, 9)

5. Synthesize high-level research and non-research evidence relevant to practice problems. (POs 1, 3, 5, 9)



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