The Theory Practice Gap and Nursing Research

The Theory Practice Gap and Nursing Research



As the nursing profession continually evolves, practice knowledge is increasing and closing the theory-practice gap. The purpose of this discussion is to explore how nursing theory is used as a framework in nursing research, building the body of professional nursing knowledge.


1. Using one of the articles provided in this week’s course announcement, identify the nursing theory used to frame the nursing research.

2. Analyze the selected nursing theory and describe how the theory applies to nursing’s metaparadigm, including each of the following:

3.    Person




Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

·     Link (webpage): DNP Discussion Guidelines (Links to an external site.)

Course Outcomes

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Theory Practice Gap and Nursing Research
Theory Practice Gap and Nursing Research

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

3. Appraise global healthcare practice problems and DNP practice relevant to advanced nursing practice. (POs 1, 3, 9)

6. Analyze the concepts and principles used in theory development in nursing. (POs 3, 5, 9)

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Cathy, CS