This article provides a sample solution essay on the topic: Teaching and Learning in a Healthcare Environment
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Write a 500-1000 word paper, adhering to APA format on the following topic, using at least five references synthesized into your discussion:
- Identify the many healthcare trends (social, economic, political, legal, and ethical) that affect nursing practice and the role of the nurse as educator. Elaborate on the degree of influence these trends have on the responsibilities of nurses.
- Do you feel there were barriers in your previous educational or patient care experiences for those who were not of the dominant culture? How can the concept of transcultural nursing be applied to the assessment and teaching of clients and students from culturally diverse backgrounds? Explain how you will overcome these barriers when you are a nurse educator.
- Describe an experience you have had either as…
Teaching and Learning in a Healthcare Environment
In any profession offering healthcare services, technological advancement, patient population demographic changes, and current events have a significant impact on patient outcomes. The healthcare trends, whether touching on legal or ethical issues, social, economic, or political, all find nurses on the frontline of their transformations. These healthcare trends impact the practice of nursing, which, by its very nature, has standards and definitions as its guide (Vogenberg & Santili, 2018). There is a need to recognize the nurse as an investigator, educator, as well as an advocate. At the same time, the shifts in healthcare trends affect both teaching and learning in a healthcare environment. Consequently, this essay purposes to identify the many healthcare trends, how they impact on nursing practice, and the role of the nurse educator.
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Identification of the Healthcare Trends, their Effects, and Role of the Nurse Educator
On the social front, nurses should be aware of demographic shifts with statistics projecting that by 2020, more than one in every five Americans will be aged 65 or more years, considering that this is the fastest-growing age group. The increased elderly population translates to an increased need for healthcare requiring nurses in professional practice and those in learning instructions to familiarize themselves with diagnoses and issues prevalent in the geriatric population (Bastable, 2014). The nurse will also have to learn how best to effectively communicate with elderly adults and their families concerning care plans, preventive healthcare, as well as healthy aging. The nurse educator should adequately prepare to dispatch the requisite knowledge. The healthcare practitioner also has political and economic responsibilities. Politically speaking, the nurse educator should know that Americans be they patients or professionals have a right to express how healthcare professionals administer medical care and treatment in a manner that is not just personal but also fair, just, and reasonable.
At the economic level, market, economy, and financial forces govern the provision of health services where patients are the consumers and practitioners the purveyors. Economic trends also impact on individual access to health insurance services. The nursing staff, therefore, has the responsibility of addressing the arising healthcare challenges which emanate from disparities in healthcare, particularly to minority populations. In the wake of the application of advanced information and communication technology in healthcare, legal -ethical issues like competence, informed consent, confidentiality, medical futility, and patient autonomy amongst others emerge. The nurse educator, together with the nurse professional, plays their role of consumer educator and advocate like calling for enactment of necessary legislation.
Barriers in Educational and Patient Care Experiences
Populations in developed countries continuo increasingly become multiethnic following the internationalization of the market place, giving rise to a multicultural society. With migration emerges a section of communities who experience health care disparities for the simple reasons that they belong to racial and ethnic minorities. According to Degrie et al. (2017), some of the potential barriers the culturally diverse individuals experience at the patient level includes but are not limited to an age where advancing age, gender, and marital status hindered the patient’s access to healthcare. The elderly face a language barrier, and their cultural beliefs hold on them were likely to hinder the quality of care. In most cases, being female and married implies that the woman cannot make some decisions affecting their health since decision making is the preserve of men in some immigrant communities. The practitioner should learn and be equipped with transcultural competence so that patient-provider communication is not vertical, and translators are also used to overcome hindrances to effective communication. Patient education can also help overcome retrogressive cultural health beliefs and attitudes. Advocacy on the rights of women who, despite experiencing gender-based violence, assume this is the standard way of life (Shahhossein & Hamzehgardeshi, 2015). Setting up safe houses and sanctuaries for women at risk from their spouses would also address some of the barriers. About a third of the US population identify themselves as an ethnic or racial minority (Muronda, 2016). The concept of transcultural nursing can help to assess and teach the culturally diverse nurse student by identifying those students who are at risk, need financial support ad to create opportunities for group discussions. The nurse educator may also use measures like interpersonal factors to address the loneliness and isolation the ethnic minority students face.
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Personal experiences as a Learner/Teacher that Facilitated or Hindered the Process of Learning /Teaching
Through participation in continuing education in healthcare, some of the facilitators include the presence of health policy together with enabling structures and processes. The health policy guides the continuing education student what the outcome will be besides offering the route to their achievement. The infrastructural and structures ad education accord the learner with enough learning materials. Some of the hindrances that I encountered as a student is like the negative image of nursing as a subservient profession to medical education. At the same time, some of the structures and processes effectively exclude the nurse. However, interprofessional team collaboration offers me as a nurse educator the chance to mentor other numbers as a faculty member and therefore contribute to the preparation of nurses of the future.
Pamphlets: the PEM Commonly Distributed to Clients in Healthcare Settings
Patient education forms the central hub of comprehensive patient care with patient education materials commonly used being verbal communication or written instructions. Health literacy means the degree to which an individual can obtain process and understand primary healthcare information and services to make appropriate decisions in health (Monsour et al., 2017). All written information has its literacy level calculated using readability formulas like FOG, SMOG, and FRY. Gunning Fog –index approximates the years spent in formal education, which the patient requires to understand the text upon reading the article for the first time. If a Fog Index indicates, 12it is for the reading level of a US high school senior. The pamphlets to use will have a Gunning –Fog Index of 7 or 8. In SMOG (meaning Simple Measure of Gobbledygook) Grade, the formula defines the reading grade an individual patient must have attained if they are to comprehend the assessed text fully. An above-average SMOG grade means the patient will understand 90-100%. The pamphlets to use will target a grade six level. On the other hand, the Fry readability score gives a visual assessment of a text grade level using three 100 word passages to calculate the score. The grade level emerges after plotting a graph and then uses it to decide which parts of the text to edit to make it more readable. The target for the pamphlet score will be 4-6 grade level, so that majority of the adults will read it.
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In conclusion, this paper has established the healthcare trends in the 21st century and examined the effects of social, economic, political, and ethical shifts impact on nursing practice and the nurse educator’s role. The paper has also outlined how Fog, SMOG, and Fry readability formulas are used in PEM to increase the readability levels of the written materials to enhance the effectiveness of patient education.
Bastable, S. B. (2014). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (4th Ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett.
Clary Muronda, V. (2016). The culturally diverse nursing student: A review of the literature. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 27(4), 400-412.
Degrie, L., Gastmans, C., Mahieu, L., de Casterlé, B. D., & Denier, Y. (2017). How do ethnic minority patients experience intercultural care encounter in hospitals? A systematic review of qualitative research. BMC medical ethics, 18(1), 2.
Munsour, E. E., Awaisu, A., Hassali, M. A. A., Darwish, S., & Abdoun, E. (2017). Readability and comprehensibility of patient information leaflets for antidiabetic medications in Qatar. Journal of Pharmacy Technology, 33(4), 128-136.
Shahhosseini, Z., & Hamzehgardeshi, Z. (2015). The facilitators and barriers to nurses’ participation in continuing education programs: A mixed-method explanatory sequential study. Global journal of health science, 7(3), 184.
Vogenberg, F. R., & Santilli, J. (2018). Healthcare Trends for 2018. American health & drug benefits, 11(1), 48.
Question – Teaching and Learning in a Healthcare Environment
Write a 500-1000 word paper, adhering to APA format on the following topic, using at least five references synthesized into your discussion:
- Identify the many healthcare trends (social, economic, political, legal, and ethical) that affect nursing practice and the role of the nurse as educator. Elaborate on the degree of influence these trends have on the responsibilities of nurses.
- Do you feel there were barriers in your previous educational or patient care experiences for those who were not of the dominant culture? How can the concept of transcultural nursing be applied to the assessment and teaching of clients and students from culturally diverse backgrounds? Explain how you will overcome these barriers when you are a nurse educator.
- Describe an experience you have had either as a learner or as a teacher, focusing on factors that were effective and factors that were detrimental to the process of teaching or learning relative to the developmental stage of the learner.
- Select a PEM commonly distributed to clients in various healthcare settings (e.g., hospitals, physicians\’ offices, clinics, home care agencies). Calculate the literacy level of the PEM using the Fog, SMOG, and Fry readability formulas. Draw conclusions about the appropriateness of these tools for patient education. Make suggestions for changes to lower the literacy level, as appropriate.
Bastable, S. B. (2014). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice (4th ed.). Boston: Jones & Bartlett.
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