This article provides sample solution essay on Retention Strategies and Challenges at Kaiser Permanente Health Care Company.
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As Part 3 of your Retention Strategies Report (5–8 pages):
Describe key training for at least three different positions (e.g., nurses, radiology technicians, etc.), required of the organization by state or federal regulations.
Describe at least three training and/or certifications required by relevant accrediting bodies and professional organizations.
Describe training/professional development opportunities currently being used by the organization that are providing value. Analyze how they are providing value to the organization and/or individual.
Identify gaps in the training/professional development program. Recommend training/professional development opportunities that would fill those gaps. Explain how.
Part I: Retention Strategies and Challenges
Kaiser Permanente Health Care Company
Kaiser Permanente is an American-based company in Oakland, California. Founded in 1945, the company offers health care services to its members and the community. The organization has been a leader in health care innovation, exploring new ideas to solve health challenges that face the United States population. The company started as a healthcare program and grown to be one of the primary health care providers utilizing nonprofit plans in the US. The company helps attain total and community health.
The workforce is diverse, with 66% of the total workforce comprising racial, ethnic, and minority groups. The organization has a high consideration for women, who make up more than half of the workforce. The leadership is also diverse and gender-inclusive, with 38% women and 42% racial minorities. Women also comprise 42% of the medical groups’ leaders (Kaiser Permanente, 2020). Kaiser Permanente serves more than 12.4 million members. At the end of 2019, the company had 217,828 employees.
Equity, inclusion, and diversity are the primary retention goals at Kaiser Permanente. Hiring, developing, and retaining qualified workers has become a challenge for many healthcare organizations. Employee equity has significant outcomes, such as retention. Retention is used to measure workforce equity (Kaiser Permanente, 2018). There is a significant relationship between employee equity and retention.
The company goal is to ensure that everyone in the workplace has equal opportunities and fair pay acceptable per the positional differences. Equity involves creating a conducive and inclusive environment for personnel to feel happy, cared for, and secure. Employee inclusion or engagement affects workforce retention, productivity, and loyalty (“Diversity & Inclusion,” n.d.). The company seeks to engage more with employees to improve productivity and loyalty to the organization. Highly engaged employees are less likely to depart from their positions. Inclusivity lowers the employees’ leaving intentions. The company understands that high engagement decreases overall employee turnover and the associated costs (Kaiser Permanente, 2020).
Diversity generates a feeling of acceptance in an organization. Kaiser Permanente has prioritized building diversity in the workplace. Diversity makes employees feel valued for their uniqueness and are more likely to stay for a long time (McKay, Avery, Tonidandel, Morris, Hernandez & Hebl, 2007). Diversity helps an organization hold on to a talented workforce longer. It significantly reduces employee turnover.
The company has adopted effective strategies to retain their top talents in high demand from other healthcare organizations. Some of the retention strategies that are working for the company include formulating and implementing a retention plan, providing career and development opportunities, increasing engagement, and including competitive pay and benefits package. A retention plan connects awareness and action. More than 43% of healthcare organizations lack a formal retention strategy.
The company utilizes a retention plan that ensures all efforts are consistently applied. Different departments have their retention responsibility. The strategic retention plan looks simple and easy to understand for everyone. The plan is shared across the board and leadership. Every staffing decision aligns with the company’s retention plan. Kaiser Permanente is well known for its big employee benefits package. Most employees want to work for the company for its lucrative benefits. When most employees consider a company’s move, benefits, and salary play a primary role (Laddha, Singh, Gabbad & Gidwani, 2012). Benefits offered at the organization include education benefits by partnering with learning providers for individuals to advance their careers. Increased engagement is one of the company’s retention goals. More engaged employees give more at work and are likely to stay longer.
Communication is a vital tool in employee engagement. The company leaders pay attention to their employees. Career growth and development opportunities attract and retain talented employees. Employees want a learning journey, and organizational support is necessary. The company has mentors that encourage employees to work hard and learn new skills and capabilities.
There are various challenges Kaiser Permanente faces regarding employee retention. They include employee turnover and promotion, high retirement rate, and high competition from other healthcare challenges. Although the organization has a significantly low employee turnover, many employees report high job stress and poor management, leading to leaving the job (Stelter, 2019). There are significantly good benefits, and most employees want to see out their time at the company and end up with good benefits. However, for some employees, the stress and pressure from management are too much to handle. Competition for new graduates and top talents is high in the healthcare industry (Farndale, Scullion & Sparrow, 2010). Kaiser Permanente is not an exception since it has to work very hard to lure employees into staying.
However, employees still leave if they find a better place to grow and develop their careers or have less work-related stress. The competition is due to the decreasing number of qualified healthcare professionals. With more people retiring and fewer graduating, the organization faces replacement and retention challenges. With more people going out due to retirement, the company has to work hard to retain current employees who would fill the positions and roles left behind.
Kaiser Permanente’s retention strategies are not fully efficient due to gaps, including the management gap, solving retention with money, and skills gap. Most employees complain of departmental leadership. They complain of toxic departments, and nothing is being done about it. The company is adopting retention strategies, and management and leadership need to change for these strategies to work. Some managers and departmental leaders are also making the employee experience unbearable. Solving retention with money is not always the solution.
Money-related benefits are great for the company, but other benefits such as promotion, transfer, honor, career growth, and development are not adequate for everyone. Although benefits and pay are right, most employees feel unappreciated, unsupported, and have little opportunity to move up the company. Decision-making is sometimes wanting, and there is inadequate leadership support. The skills gap exists for employees who treasure the ability to grow rather than money. People want to meet their career goals more efficiently, and they leave for a better development environment.
The company needs to close these gaps to be a leader in employee retention. It can utilize strategies such as enhancing management and decision making, having more appreciation and understanding of their employees, and offering adequate education and training to develop their employees (Collins & Collins, 2004). Management issues are the primary concern. The management has been under criticism for having no guidance. The management team is changed regularly, affecting the company direction. There are inadequacies in management decisions. People feel that the top tier has to change, and it is time for new ideas.
The company can also try to hold on to one management regime to have a familiar rhythm. Alternative appreciation strategies include promoting, transferring to higher positions, and honor awards (Laddha, Singh, Gabbad & Gidwani, 2012). Money is luring, but employees want more. The company cannot always depend on money to retain employees. Employees want more opportunity and efficiency to move up to the company. Education and training enable employees to acquire new skills and capabilities, closing the skills gap, which is the difference between what skills employees need and what their company offers. They should consider rescheduling for employees to engage in education and training. Primary barriers to the implementation of these strategies include union-related management issues and lack of leadership support. The Union interferes with decision making, which affects strategy implementation.
Part II: Retention Metrics
Kaiser Permanente strives to become an industry leader in employee development and retention. Some of the valuable HR metrics include employee happiness, voluntary and involuntary turnover, talent turnover rate, managerial and departmental turnover rate, and employee efficiency. Employee satisfaction reflects on their happiness at the workplace. The company conducts surveys to determine employee happiness and intervene early before the problem escalates. The company tries to guide employees in separating home, personal, and workplace feelings. The happiness metric measures data related to workplace events that might generate dissatisfaction. Frustrations and contempt are typical in every workplace (HANDA, 2014).
Employees’ happiness is abstract and hard to measure and monitor. The organization works closely with employees to better understand their needs and adopt necessary interventions. Techniques like anonymous polls and pulse surveys have proven useful. Involuntary turnover is when an employee is dismissed because of performance, absenteeism, and workplace policies violation. The rate of involuntary turnover talks a lot about employee learning and development. A high termination rate shows that employees are dissatisfied with their jobs, and that skill development programs are ineffective and inefficient. Voluntary turnover also indicates that employees are unimpressed with the company (Vulpen, n.d.). This turnover is a threat, and Kaiser Permanente utilizes a generous benefits package to reduce voluntary turnover. Measurements on voluntary turnover speak volumes about employee satisfaction and help the company design interventions to increase workplace happiness.
Kaiser Permanente wants to grasp their top talents firmly. High top talent turnover affects the productivity of a company significantly. This metric helps the organization dig deeper to get at the bottom-line of the problem, efficiently fixing the issues. The retention rate per department and manager is also standard at Kaiser Permanente. Different managers control different functions. Also, departmental leaders are responsible for their members. Employees have complained that some departments and managers are toxic.
A high turnover rate per a particular manager or department shows potential underlying issues that need quick fixing. The HR investigates the entire team to understand better and solve the problem. Employee efficiency and engagement metric help the company determine employee happiness and measure productivity. Highly engaged employees are more productive and are unlikely to leave their jobs (Oladapo, 2014). Surveys and focus groups are used to measure engagement at the company. An in-depth evaluation of employees helps the company measure their efficiency. Efficiency is also measured by particular aspects like customer and co-worker engagement and interactions.
Though functioning well, these metrics are not fully efficient due to existing gaps in management, innovation, training formality, and skill and capabilities. Management has been an all-around issue in Kaiser Permanente as per the employees’ reviews. The management is responsible for making decisions, offering support, and providing guidelines that would make metric implementation effective and efficient. Lack of leadership supports affects strategies in place to make the company a better working place. The management gap needs to be filled as soon as possible.
Innovation affects information dissemination and uptake (Schilling, Dearing, Staley, Harvey, Fahey & Kuruppu, 2011). Innovation affects knowledge sharing, workforce engagement, and leadership structures at Kaiser Permanente. Strategies have succeeded largely, but innovation remains a challenge. Leaders need to adopt new tools and technologies to foster their ability to measure the organizational capacity to attract, develop, and retain top talents. Innovative approaches would also help in knowledge acquisition and sharing to enhance talent and experience. Process, setting, purpose, and content dictate the formality of training approaches.
Formal training is well-integrated into job schedules to allow employees to learn new skills and abilities. Current training programs are casual or semi-formal, affecting the employees’ career growth and development. Formal employee training has more capacity to develop employees. Employee development metrics show a gap in skills. The organization should swiftly respond to these measurements to make them useful. According to Sachdeva (2015), upskilling the HR team would boost their effectiveness in implementing HR metrics and bolstering employee development and retention.
Kaiser Permanente has recognized disparities in quality, safety, efficiency, and service delivery (Goonan, 2011). The company leadership initiated the design and implementation of a performance improvement (PI) system. The system provides the capacity for consistent improvement by making the company a learning organization. The system serves real-time performance data sharing, problem-solving, knowledge transfer and sharing, and workforce engagement. The system complements existing performance, development, and employee retention metrics.
Other HR metrics that can be of value to the organization include performance improvement system metrics, revenue per employee metrics, early turnover metrics, time to hire, and billable hours per employee metrics. The performance improvement system faces challenges such as inadequate leadership support, change management, and teaching PI challenges. PI system effectiveness metric measures its deliverability and efficiency in solving employee productivity issues. The metric provides data on the system’s improvement, support, and innovation needs. Revenue per employee metrics measures the individual return on investment.
The metric provides data on employee input to the company and overall productivity. Also, the company can measure the efficiency of employees’ development programs using this metric. Effective development programs enhance workforce productivity, which reflects on revenue per employee. The early turnover metric measures the rate at which new employees leave the company within the first year. The metric offers useful insights about employee satisfaction, happiness, and loyalty. A high early turnover requires immediate action by the company.
The time to hire metric measures of HR recruitment effectiveness. The time between a job opening and a candidate hiring for the position shows the HR recruitment processes and systems’ efficiency. It provides data on posts that are difficult to fill. Billable hours are time spent by employees on job-related activities. Employees offer more in an exciting and engaging workplace. The metric provides information about employee job satisfaction. Less billable hours per employee mean less engagement and job satisfaction. Happy and satisfied employees are unlikely to seek jobs elsewhere (Vulpen, n.d.). The banking industry utilizes time since the last promotion metric to determine why top talents leave. The company can use this metric and develop initiatives to retain high potentials.
The PI system was adopted to improve employee performance and HR effectiveness (Schilling, Dearing, Staley, Harvey, Fahey & Kuruppu, 2011). The PI system effectiveness metric’s data shows areas that need improvement, support, and innovation. A primary concern is leadership support. The metric’s data shows inadequacies in the systems that require an immediate response. The information supports management decision making on initiatives to make the system more useful to its employees.
Revenue per employee provides data on productivity and development programs’ effectiveness. The data can be applied to seek and adopt interventions such as high engagement, education and training, and mentorship to encourage and improve employee input. Early turnover metrics show HR recruitment effectiveness and job satisfaction. Employees would indeed leave a company early in the workplace is unengaging and lacks leadership support. Early turnover data can be used to understand employees’ needs and improve working conditions.
Great workplaces enable knowledge sharing, engagement, collaboration, and teamwork. Effective HR processes and systems take a short time to fill a position. Time to hire data reveals challenging to fill an HR efficiency in replacing departing workers (Vulpen, n.d.). The data can be used to adopt strategies that significantly reduce time to hire and attract top talents. Billable hour’s metric’s data shows how satisfied and happy employees are. Comfortable and happy employees would spend more time on their jobs. The company can utilize this information and employ adequate career development opportunities, engagement, knowledge sharing, and other benefits such as promotion to enhance job satisfaction.
Part III: Professional development
Kaiser Permanente works with multiple health care professions to serve the members and the local communities. There are requirements for these professionals to work at the company. These training and certifications give assurance that an individual is qualified to serve people with professionalism and integrity. Nurses are required to have a national nursing certification. The certification serves as a definition of recognition for specialized capabilities, knowledge, and experience (“Professional Development,” n.d.). The certification shows an individual nurse’s commitment to promoting optimal patient care.
The nurse is required to undertake specialty training, specialty nursing practice, and pass exams. The nurses are also required to recertify to show continued competency. Recertification can be achieved through re-examination, ongoing specialty practice, and self-assessment. Physicians are required to have a specialty board certification. The organization has a board certification policy, and all physicians should have an ABMS-recognized board certification (Kaiser Permanente, 2015). The training takes five years to complete. The physicians should maintain this certification throughout their contract with the company. Lab technicians are required to have a phlebotomy certification.
Phlebotomy certification allows technicians to draw blood and work closely with patients to understand related procedures such as glucose level checking, specimen preparation, and medical equipment maintenance. Technicians should maintain this certification throughout their contract period. Career growth and development goals, increased salary and benefits, promotion, and job continuity influence the reception of these training and certification requirements.
Annual compliance training, human subjects’ protection training, and HIPAA training for research are some of the training and certifications various accrediting bodies and professional bodies require for healthcare professionals working at Kaiser Permanente. Annual compliance training involves self-check questions and course completion and evaluation forms filling. The training ensures adherence to compliance, ethics, and integrity requirements. The course support commitment. All employees from supervisors, contractors, health care professions to students need to take this cause to meet their compliance training obligations.
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There are self-study guides to help employees with compliance training, and when the content is challenging to grasp, employees should contact their supervisors and managers for clarification (Kaiser Permanente, 2019). The human subject’s protection training enables individuals to work in research studies involving human subjects. Everyone is required to undertake the training since, at some point, they have contact with subjects or subjects’ data. Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) is one of the Kaiser Permanente contractors that provide this training. The certification is valid for three years.
The training applies to health educators, physicians, nurses, and non-health professionals. Human protection is a Kaiser Permanente policy. The training helps Kaiser Permanente employees conduct research studies and human trials with high privacy, confidentiality, and consideration level. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) training for research is also a CITI program. The HIPAA program is a federal requirement. The basics of this course include health privacy and health care roles and activities. The training serves the purpose of health information collection, use, and disclosure (“Training & Education,” n.d.). The course helps Kaiser Permanente ensure data integrity among employees and protect patient sensitive information from unauthorized access and sharing.
There are numerous training and development opportunities available at Kaiser Permanente. The organization offers continuing education, specialty training, financial aid, and collaboration with education and training partners (“Professional Development,” n.d.). Most certificates and licensees require renewal after two to five years, necessitating continued education and training. The organization provides opportunities for its employees to develop knowledge, skills, attitude, and new capabilities to improve their patient care activities. Continued development of professional skills and knowledge improves individual and community health.
The organization has partnered with multiple education and training institutions such as CITI, making it easy for their employees to acquire the required education and training “Early-Career Opportunities,” n.d.). Foundations such as the Kaiser Foundation School of Nursing supports nursing career growth and development. These foundations are an opportunity for nurses to professionally develop their specialties to effectively serve their roles and responsibilities and enhance their relationships with co-workers and patients. The foundations are transforming nursing education and making Kaiser Permanente a learning organization.
There are multiple specialties, especially for nurses. They include Clinical Nurse Specialties, Critical Care Nurses, ER Nurses, Geriatric Nursing, and Family Nurse Practitioner. The organization offers multiple financing options to its workforce. Employees can utilize financial aid to undertake education and training programs to advance their careers. One of the primary options is partnering with Kaiser Permanente’s subject experts (“Professional Development,” n.d.). The organization’s partnership with education and training institutions is an opportunity for employees to acquire education and training resources. Employees can access Lippincott’s Nursing Procedures and skills resources and a combination of practice tools, evidence-based practices, and unique technology.
The training and development opportunities have been sufficient so far, but not without challenges. Still, management, work schedules, and financial gaps exist. Employees’ reviews show dissatisfaction with leadership support for the training and development program. Also, most employees prefer classroom lessons where there is more engagement with the instructor. However, work schedules do not provide enough opportunity for employees to access face-to-face learning. Employees’ only option involves self-guided and online learning, which is more flexible but less effective than classroom learning. The financial aids do not apply to every employee category. Education and training programs are expensive (Fawaz, Hamdan-Mansour & Tassi, 2018). Those who do not receive the financial aid are unable to utilize training and development channels available
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Leadership support and managerial employee engagement is an excellent opportunity for employees to advance their careers. The organization leaders need to listen and attend more to their employees’ needs and serve as motivating factors for efficient staff development. Leaders and managers should persistently focus on their employee development and improvement and offer guidance on becoming better. Effective leadership and management facilitate progressive career advancement (Blumenthal, Bernard, Bohnen & Bohmer, 2012). The organization should allow and support their employees to participate in professional organizations.
Staff should attend local, regional, and international conferences and meetings other professional organizations sponsor (“Professional Development examples,” n.d.). These conferences are excellent alternative learning opportunities for staff besides the classroom and online training. Work schedules should be flexible to integrate these conferences to help the organization boost productivity from the injection of new ideas. If classroom learning is difficult to access, the organization needs to promote developmental relationships that allow the employee to learn through interaction and engagement with colleagues. Other workers can serve as a point of comparison, feedback providers, role models, counselors, cohorts, reinforces, and cheerleaders.
Workplace engagement and collaboration are great learning and development opportunities for workers. Allowing employees to partner and work with other professional organizations can close the financial gap. Other professional organizations and partners to Kaiser Permanente offer sponsorship programs to help the employees advance in the training and development program (“Professional Development,” n.d.). Union interruption in decision making, organization policies, and lack of leadership support are constraints to providing these opportunities.
There are various training delivery methods already in use and viable to the organization. The most viable methods include online and mobile learning, on-demand training, live WebEx training, and classroom learning. Face-to-face classroom learning at regional offices by internal and external instructors can be a great learning opportunity for employees working in these offices.
Classroom learning is effective as it facilitates collaborative learning, improves social skills and confidence, and promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Pickett & Fraser, 2010). However, classroom learning demands travel time and cost, restrictive attendance time, and classroom rules, like sitting throughout the lesson. Online and mobile learning are effective forms of distance learning. Staff can access resources through their digital devices. There are also videos for online learning. Online learning saves on travel time and cost; people can learn conveniently at their comfort and enables self-paced learning. The online line is more flexible and easy to adjust.
However, online learning can generate social isolation and a lack of social skills for learners. Online and mobile learning requires a high level of self-discipline and motivation, challenging for many people. On-demand training can be available 24 hours, seven days a week. On-demand training allows employees to learn anytime, anywhere, and learners have more control over their learning.
On-demand training requires real-time support from the organization. This delivery method is convenient and scalable. Students can self-pace themselves and works well with adult learners who have multiple commitments. However, it does not appeal to every employee. There is a lack of administrative control of their employee development process, and technology issues such as resource unavailability can be challenging.
On-demand training can be online or offline. The major difference between on-demand training and online training is that with on-demand training, students can access physical books to read independently. There are no schedules for on-demand training, but online learning can include schedules and timelines to complete coursework. Live Webex training ensures constant team connection through calling, messaging, white-boarding, and file sharing. It is a virtual training method that keeps learners highly engaged.
There is also remote support for learners. With Webex, learners can constantly access videos, audio, and screen shares. The team is continuously connected and promotes high interactivity (WebEx, 2014). However, the Webex comes at a premium price, requires administrative privileges for initial downloads, and media, files, and recordings are proprietary. Training delivery methods can ensure equal access to learning through awareness creation, administrative control and monitoring, and offering organizational privileges for accessing learning materials online and offline in libraries.
The organization can adopt or enhance the effectiveness of classroom learning and Webex training. Classroom learning has undeniable advantages and can be more effective when located within the regional offices. As such, individuals would not incur travel costs or waste time traveling. Health care programs need high-level engagement with teaching experts and instructors, and the classroom setting offers these merits. Classroom learning promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are necessary for health care professionals (Pickett & Fraser, 2010).
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This approach aligns with the organization’s goal of enhancing employee engagement and professional development. Kaiser Permanente wants to enhance learning opportunities by keeping their employees more engaged. Webex promotes high-level interactivity and collaboration. Employees can efficiently and constantly acquire learning materials (WebEx, 2014). Webex is an effective and future-oriented training approach due to its virtual attributes. Virtual learning will be common everywhere in the coming years as more institutions and organizations adopt virtual tools.
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Laddha, A., Singh, R., Gabbad, H., & Gidwani, G. D. (2012). Employee retention: An art to reduce turnover. International Journal of Management Research and Reviews, 2(3), 453.
McKay, P. F., Avery, D. R., Tonidandel, S., Morris, M. A., Hernandez, M., & Hebl, M. R. (2007). Racial differences in employee retention: Are diversity climate perceptions the key? Personnel psychology, 60(1), 35-62.
Oladapo, V. (2014). The impact of talent management on retention. Journal of business studies quarterly, 5(3), and 19.
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Sachdeva, S. (2015). HR metrics for the value of human resources: gaps and direction. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 5(2), 496-508.
Schilling, L., Dearing, J. W., Staley, P., Harvey, P., Fahey, L., & Kuruppu, F. (2011). Kaiser Permanente’s performance improvement system, part 4: creating a learning organization. The joint commission journal on quality and patient safety, 37(12), 532-AP5.
Stelter, N. (2019). Workplace stress — the $300B business problem that’s only getting worse. Retrieved from
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In this Work Product Assessment, you will investigate the practices used for retaining personnel and providing professional development in a healthcare organization of your choice. With a specific organization in mind, preferably one in which you work, have worked, or are very familiar with, you will look at key functions of human resource management, evaluate strategies, identify meaningful metrics, assess organizational development needs, and explore professional development delivery options.
- Be sure to use scholarly academic resources as specified in the rubric. This means using Walden Library databases to obtain peer reviewed articles. Additionally, .gov (government expert sources) are a quality resource option. Note: Internet and .com sources do not meet this requirement. Contact your coach or SME for guidance on using Library Databases.
- Carefully review the rubric for the Assessment as part of your preparation to complete your Assessment work.
- Download the Writing Checklist to review prior to submitting your Assessment.
Professional Skills:Written Communication and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving are assessed in this Competency.
This Assessment requires submission of one (1) file. Save your file as HR003 _firstinitial_lastname (for example, HR003_J_Smith). When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.
This assessment has three-parts. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.
Part 1: Retention Strategies
Recruiting and training staff is a costly and time-consuming enterprise. As a result, a key focus of human resources is retention of staff. It is not easy to predict what strategies will be effective for different staff members. What is meaningful to one may be less so to another. The human resources responsibility is to develop an assortment of strategies that are most likely to have the greatest impact on a wide spectrum of employees. How do you create an environment where employees want to work? With your selected organization in mind, prepare a Retention Strategies Report that could be utilized in the organization. Your report should include the following (3–5 pages):
- Describe the healthcare organization and its goals for retention.
- Describe three specific retention strategies that are working for this organization, and explain why they are effective.
- Evaluate specific challenges this organization has faced regarding retention.
- Analyze gaps in retention efforts this organization is faced with. Explain the ramifications of the gaps.
- Consider what the organization is planning to do to close the gap, and recommend three retention strategies that might be effective in promoting retention in this workplace. Explain why you think the strategies would be effective in closing the gap in the retention strategies in in this organization.
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Part 2: Retention Metrics
How does a human resources (HR) department know in which areas it is effective and which need improvement? How does it know if retention strategies are working, hiring costs are in line, performance goals are met, and training/development hours are appropriately allocated and achieved? There are many metrics that can be applied to obtain important human resources-related data and some will be more critical than others to a specific organization. For Part 2 of your Retention Strategies Report, outline the metrics that can be applied to the organization. (4–5 pages). Include the following:
- Describe human resources metrics currently being used to evaluate outcomes of human resources functions in your organization. Explain how they are of value to the organization.
- Identify gaps in the metrics being used. Analyze what is happening as a result of these gaps.
- Consider what the organization has planned for changing their metrics, and then recommend five human resources metrics that would provide data of particular value to the organization. Include at least one metric that addresses retention and one that addresses professional development.
- Describe how you would apply the data collected from each of these metrics to improve human resources outcomes.
Part 3: Professional Development
Professional development opportunities within an organization can cover widely diverse areas; greatly impact employee satisfaction and production; influence retention; and help ensure a balanced, informed, skilled, and compliant workforce. Professional development offerings are prompted by many factors, including legally mandated content required of all employees, such as sexual harassment training in some states, EEEO training, training for specific positions that involves certification or licensing, compliance with professional regulatory organizations, and organizational training on a myriad of job-specific topics. The human resources manager needs to know that staff is provided the opportunities they need to succeed both within the organization and as professionals.
As Part 3 of your Retention Strategies Report (5–8 pages):
- Describe key training for at least three different positions (e.g., nurses, radiology technicians, etc.), required of the organization by state or federal regulations.
- Describe at least three training and/or certifications required by relevant accrediting bodies and professional organizations.
- Describe training/professional development opportunities currently being used by the organization that are providing value. Analyze how they are providing value to the organization and/or individual.
- Identify gaps in the training/professional development program. Recommend training/professional development opportunities that would fill those gaps. Explain how.
- Describe four training delivery methods that might be most viable in your organization. Include at least two technology-based methods. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each.
- Recommend two training delivery options for the organization. Explain your rationale for these recommendations. Include influence of the organization’s mission, vision, and values on making these selections.
Related FAQs
1. How to deal with challenges in employee retention?
These are the top five strategies on how to deal with challenges in employee retention and what employees expect and value from a company: Training and development should help employees grow not only professionally, but personally.
2. What are retention strategies and how do they work?
Retention strategies are tactics employers use to keep employees from leaving their jobs. Some employee turnover is inevitable, but implementing retention strategies can keep turnover rates low and the company functioning at maximum efficiency. Why are retention strategies important?
3. What are the best employee retention strategies for 2021?
Best employee retention strategies for 2021. You can take several steps to increase employee retention, including those highlighted below. 1. Encourage taking time off . A Glassdoor survey found that Americans forfeit half of their earned vacation and paid time off.
4. How can we use theory for the retention of employees?
If we use this theory for the retention of employees, we can see that this model helps the employee to consider their work as being meaningful, which motivates them to take responsibility and contribute through better performance. This automatically leads to employee satisfaction, which is essential to employee retention.