Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Paper Example
The health facilities help improve the patients’ eminence of life, which is regarded as the main objective of every single health care scheme. Nevertheless, the current health care amenities encounter many challenges, including medication mistakes and patient falls, which has acted as one of the main encounters that most of these health facilities face within the current health settings. Therefore, this paper focuses on revising the PICOT statement, article critique and offers an evidence-based change within the nursing exercise. The purpose of this paper is also to make an establishment on the connection amongst the PICOT query, the nursing training delinquent, and the study articles.
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Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Paper Example – The Nursing Practice Problem
Research indicates an upsurge in the cases concerning medical errors and falls, which has developed into a common phenomenon within contemporary healthcare schemes. Most patients always visit the healthcare amenities intending to receive medical care, which aids in enhancing their life quality. Nevertheless, medical errors and falls within the existing health facilities only make their medication more complicated. The current experimental verdicts have associated these existing encounters to the high nurse-to-patient ratio (Tubbs-Cooley & et al., 2013).
Therefore, the research addresses the association between the nurse-to-client relation and the risks of medication errors and falls that distress the populace within the surgery component. Due to the problem mentioned earlier, the study proposes an invention to reduce the nurse-to-patient ratio within the existing health facilities.
The PICOT question:
The populace of patients within the medical-surgical treatment unit (P), what is the impact of the upshot on the lessening in a nurse-to-patient ratio (I), on medication errors (O), associated with no action (C), within the time duration of six months (T)? The listed questions form the PICOT question addressed within this research paper.
Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Paper Example – Background
There are arguments that patient-to-nurse recruitment elevation within the healthcare facilities is highly related to the eminence up shots within the grownup patient assemblages. Though, little is recognized concerning the connection within the pediatric overhaul. Therefore, this is the gap in the acquaintance that the study wanted to discourse to improve patients’ upshots and health care conveyance. Due to this, there is a focus on the connection amongst the staff proportion and the basis readmission of progenies admitted in healthcare facilities for mutual medical and therapeutic situations. The writers recognized the implication of this study by indicating that the eminence of inpatients overhaul can determine the healthcare’s child readmission. Therefore, it is noted that only limited investigators had explored the connection amongst the healthcare schemes aspects and the readmission between minors. Hence, the purpose of their study was to explore the associations amongst the nursing conscription proportions within the healthcare settings and the readmission between infants admitted for wide-ranging medical and therapeutic circumstances.
Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Paper Example The connection between the PICOT statement, Research Articles, and the Nursing Practical Problem
The focal nursing delinquent addressed within the study is the medication errors and falls between the hospitalized persons. The nursing practice delinquent portrayed in this paper is highly related to the PICOT question addressed within the paper. The study determines to create a linkage between the medication errors and the nurse ratio to patients from the Picot query. Consequently, the PICOT queries seek out in finding the resolution to the fundamental practice complications.
The article “An observational study of nurse staffing ratios and hospital readmission among children admitted for common conditions” testified to the discoveries concerning a data-based study that was steered towards determining the association between the nurse conscription proportion and the rates of readmission. This article is connected to the PICOT query and the nursing problem. The verdicts of the study within this article indicate that a reduction within the nurse conscription ratio advances the quality of care, which in turn depresses the readmission rates.
Correspondingly, the outcomes of the article “Safe nurse staffing policies for hospitals in England, Ireland, California, Victoria, and Queensland” denotes that obligatory staffing ratios diminish the overload amongst the nurses within the healthcare settings (Van den Heede & et al. 2020). This, in turn, aids in enhancing patients’ wellbeing. The findings offer a solution to the PICOT query by indicating that the healthcare facilities can provide quality care to the patients, which can be done by commissioning extra nurses. This will aid in reducing the number of patients served by a single healthcare worker at a time. Some of the greatest substantial dealings concerning quality care entail the medication rate and fall between the hospitalized persons.
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The article “Role of job satisfaction and work environment on nurses’ organizational commitment” has also portrayed how nurses are affected by their work environment. Research indicates that nurses are influenced by their working surrounding hence determining their commitment to their duties. Good working conditions motivate the nurses to perform their duties exceptionally compared to the poor working surroundings, which demotivates these nurses. This article answers the PICOT query by indicating that healthcare facilities should provide a good working environment for nurses. This will increase the service delivery to the patients, hence reducing patients being readmitted within the facility, thereby reducing the patients’ backlog. Therefore, the articles, the PICOT query, and the nursing practice problem have been portrayed to be related to each other within the presented context.
Method of study
The method of study used by the authors is the observational cross-sectional technique. It is regarded as appropriate in answering the research query since the author aims to attain an illustrative sample by captivating a cross-section of the children populace. Though there was no intervention, they wanted to record the wellbeing and comportment of the study partakers. However, the authors failed to recognize a specific point of view from which their study was established. The writers quoted qualitative and quantitative training pertinent to the area of study.
For example, they cite investigative works that focused on direct patient influences and hospital readmission to indicate that few researchers are examining the connection between the healthcare scheme and the readmission amongst infants. The literature review contained sufficient data supporting the significance of the research topic showing the potential reimbursements of the research. The authors’ usage of numerous journals helped create a strong evidence-based research paper supported by more than one article.
The Institutional Review Board at the University Of Pennsylvania ratified the study. Therefore, it was steered properly to lessen the threat of destruction and effect in advantage. The confidentiality of the patients was highly secured as the investigators did not unveil any individual data. Additionally, treatment or absence of it had no moral contemplation.
Outcome comparisons
The interventions described above will be associated with a circumstance where no medication or counteractive actions are taken in addressing the delinquent of medication errors. It would therefore be predicted that this existing delinquent will lead to the intensification of medication errors. Through snowballing the number of nurses, the healthcare facilities will be able to make reductions in medication errors. The positive outcome can be achieved by reducing nurse burnout, and the outcomes can be restrained within a period of half a year.
Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Paper Example -Conclusion
The lessening of nurse staffing proportion can be regarded as a feasible resolution that might be well-thought-out by the healthcare facilities, which tends towards reducing the medication errors and fall rate between the hospitalized individuals. This evidence-centered resolution addresses the fundamental practice delinquent by reducing weariness between the nurses and increasing the healthcare workers’ gratification. Prominently, healthcare workers who oblige to a sensible quantity of patients are capable of paying devotion to the definite requirements of the clients, which aids in minimizing the jeopardies of medication errors and falls.
Research Critiques and PICOT Statement Paper Example -References
Tubbs-Cooley, H. L., Cimiotti, J. P., Silber, J. H., Sloane, D. M., & Aiken, L. H. (2013). An observational study of nurse staffing ratios and hospital readmission among children admitted for common conditions. BMJ quality & safety, 22(9), 735-742.
Van den Heede, K., Cornelis, J., Bouckaert, N., Bruyneel, L., Van de Voorde, C., & Sermeus, W. (2020). Safe nurse staffing policies for hospitals in England, Ireland, California, Victoria, and Queensland: a discussion paper. Health Policy, 124(10), 1064-1073.