Reflection on Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Through the course, I was able to gain extensive insight and understanding on the integration of nursing and related sciences into care delivery to diverse populations. Through developing interventions for patients from diverse populations, the course guided my competence in integrating public health and organizational sciences in a way that facilitates holistic patient-centered care. Besides the development of interventions, the course brings together different factors that incorporate critical aspects of nursing, such as quality improvement and patient-specific factors in delivering care. Through this, the course helped me better understand how to approach care for diverse populations, build relationships, communicate effectively, and account for cultural-specific factors in care delivery.(Reflection on Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Incorporate current and emerging genetic/genomic evidence in providing advanced nursing care to individuals, families, and communities while accounting for patient values and clinical judgment. (AACN I.2)
One of the core learning areas was accounting for patient values and making clinical judgments. The course provides avenues to integrate existing and emerging evidence in providing advanced nursing care to patients from diverse populations through case studies and interventions. The course allows one to learn more about the influence of genetics and genomics on polypharmacy and the importance of accounting for the different ethnic backgrounds of patients in advanced nursing care (Badzek, Turner, & Jenkins, 2018). Furthermore, the course encourages the use of primary sources such as RCTs to support the clinical judgment. This is an essential contribution as it supports evidence-based care aligned to the needs of individuals, families, and communities. I also emphasized evidence-based recommendations to be a critical learning area as it underlined the need to integrate current and emerging evidence into critical care decisions.(Reflection on Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Compare normal anatomy and physiology to alterations in function and regulation of body organs and systems in response to stressors. (AACN I.1)
On AACN 1.1, through the case studies and interactive resources, the course provided the opportunities to recognize the pathophysiological signs and symptoms of the conditions of patients and make clinical decisions that ensure a higher quality of advanced care. I specifically benefited from the comprehensive analysis of acute and chronic diseases and their effects on the human body. This included analyzing the symptoms and signs of alterations in function and regulation of body organs and systems in response to stressors. The discussion on the different stressors such as environment and substance abuse helped improve my understanding of the best treatment course with different patient-specific factors (McCormick, & Calzone, 2016).(Reflection on Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Professional Application
The material learned in this course is highly applicable in professional practice. First, the course builds a strong clinical knowledge, facilitating more informed clinical decisions, integrated problem solving, and better information processing. The course specifically reinforced my clinical understanding of critical illnesses and how different factors influence polypharmacy and the choice of medications (Tsigos et al., 2020). Furthermore, I also learned the best resources to utilize in attaining current and emerging medications to provide advanced nursing care to patients. Secondly, the course helped sharpen my critical thinking skills. These skills help apply pathophysiological principles to diagnosing and analyzing a patient’s disease or injury. Through the case studies and learning material, I improved my ability to quickly and accurately synthesize clinical data to help patients cope and implement timely preventive measures. Lastly, the course helped improve my communication skills, especially in coordinating care. The specific interaction points highlighted in the course include communication with patients in a practical, educative, and empathic way. The course also builds on developing trust with patients as a means of delivering patient-centered care. These factors, coupled together, are essential in practice and will improve my clinical practice.(Reflection on Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Badzek, L., Turner, M., & Jenkins, J. (2018). Genomics and nursing practice: Advancing the nursing profession. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13(1).(Reflection on Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
McCormick, K. A., & Calzone, K. A. (2016). The impact of genomics on health outcomes, quality, and safety. Nursing management, 47(4), 23–26(Reflection on Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example).
Tsigos C, Kyrou I, Kassi E, et al. Stress: Endocrine Physiology and Pathophysiology. [Updated 2020 Oct 17]. In: Feingold KR, Anawalt B, Boyce A, et al., editors. Endotext [Internet]. South Dartmouth (MA):, Inc.; 2000-. Available from(Reflection on Course Objectives Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example):