Sample Qualitative Analysis

This article covers a sample Qualitative Analysis.

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Qualitative Analysis

Research Problem

The article by Ennis, Happell, and Reid‐Searl (2015) is an article that has been written to explore the views of mental health nurses on clinical leadership. The study proves its significance by showing that confidence and calmness in nursing are essential for effective performance. According to the study, a nurse’s ability to remain composed during a stressful situation and appropriately handle unexpected difficulties contributes positively to clinical practice. Unfortunately, the study does not explicitly highlight the conceptual framework of the work. Nonetheless, the entire study is based on the fact that clinical practice’s effectiveness revolves around proper leadership. In particular, the study focuses on clinical leadership within the setting of mental health nursing. The author has highlighted no clear problem statement for the study. As stated by the author, clinical leadership impacts the outcome’s performance depending on the quality of leadership administered.

Review of Literature

           The types of literature used in the study are both seminal and secondary literature. In this case, primary literature accounts for concluded research that has lasted for more than five years or more. This type of literature is more often relevant and can be used by other researchers to prove certain theoretical stances. Published in 2014, this study incorporates works as early as 2001. Secondary literature, on the other hand, uses information from various sources to gain insight. Such sources of information, additionally, have to be less than five years old. In this study, more than half the number of sources used are secondary sources. Notably, the studies used in the literature of this piece of research work are relevant to the topic and offer credibility and support to the primary annotations and findings of the study. To further prove that the information given is actual, multiple sources sharing similar sentiments were used in the in-text citations. In that regard, the review positively anchors the current study by citing information that conforms to the theory and attempts to answer any question that arises from the same. The finding of the literature is comparatively positive in support of the study.

Research Design

           Research design is identified as a method that a researcher uses coherently to provide support for their concept. In this case, the research used grounded theory, which is a qualitative approach in research. The grounded theory allows scholars to create a substantive concept or an overall justification of a particular action or interaction by closely observing participants’ experiences. The term grounded from the word grounded theory implies is based on the fact that there is a consistent assessment that is comparatively done with the collected data, coding, and categorization. This process is essential in allowing any upcoming theory to be grounded in the data. The qualitative method of research is the most appropriate method for this study because the information needed to prove the concepts in place could only be gathered through close observation and assessment of participants’ experiences.


           Sampling is identified in the process by which participants are selected by picking the valuable ones from a collection. In this study, convenience sampling was used to identify and recruit participants strictly chose registered nurses who had served for not less than twelve months in a mental health setting. All perceptions, experiences, and explanations of this particular group were primarily regarded as valuable to the leadership concept in mental health nursing. Nurses who had served for more than one year were regarded to have enough and valuable information on the topic since they had for a considerably reasonable period, served with a service or team. The study, therefore, used 12 qualified participants. The convenience sample was limited by selection bias due to non-randomization.

Ethical Consideration

           Proper research takes into consideration the respect for human ethics and respect for every person’s privacy and confidentiality as well as operating per HIPAA guidelines. Similarly, this study acknowledges principles of sound ethics and allows for voluntary participation as well as the prior acquisition of consent from each participant. As stated blatantly in the article, the research work was conducted in line with the principles outline by the National Health and Medical Research Council. That happened after ethical approval from the University of the Human Research Committee, and the mental health service had been received. Participants who chose to remain anonymous had their identities unrevealed.

Data Collection

           By conducting semi-structured interviews, the study audio-recorded data from each participant. The recordings were later transcribed for analyses. Participants were required to name at least one of their colleagues in the mental health sector whom they trusted to be impactful clinical leaders. The questions directed to the participants were purposefully meant to identify the nurses’ perspective on the topic – attributes of impactful leaders in mental health nursing.

Data Analysis

           When analyzing the data, the grounded theory approach principles were regarded to the latter, thereby retaining as much as possible the experiences and words of each participant. Through assessment and continuous comparison of the information, one’s confidence and calmness were identified as a grouping. Moreover, samples of the questions directed to the participants and a sample of participants were reviewed, too – a process identified as theoretical sampling. The process was initiated as soon as the first data was collated, and a continuous review was done to ensure consistency was attained with the incoming data. It was, however, ceased when no new information emerged.


           As previously highlighted in the analysis section. The study ensured that there the consistency of the incoming data was entirely credible. To confirm this, a continuous process of confirmation was initiated right at the first step. Any new information was received. Such information would later be confirmed to be valid as soon as the third participant confessed to it. The process would then end at that and continue with other incoming data.

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Qualitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis


           As previously stated, confidence and calmness emerged as the two main themes of study, which are apparently, the focus of the research. The participants were able to confirm that confidence and calmness during stressful situations in nursing were essential in managing the situation. The participants that gave the resolutions were those who experience revolved around clinicians whom the deemed to be effective leaders in the clinical setting of mental health.

Nursing Implication

           From the study, I have learned the benefit of calm and confidence in not only serving as a nurse but also maintaining the same composure when in dire conditions. The study has positively impacted my attitude and thinking towards the same, and I look forward to working my way out in the same direction. I have learned that calmness in stressful conditions reduces the risks of confusion and minimizes the risks of making further mistakes that could result in negative impacts.


Ennis, G., Happell, B., & Reid‐Searl, K. (2015). Clinical leadership in mental health nursing: The importance of a calm and confident approach. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 51(1), 57-62.

Houser, J. (2018). Nursing Research: Reading, Using And Creating Evidence (4th ed.). Jones

and Bartlett Learning

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