WEEK 8 CASE STUDY: Propose Psychotherapeutic Medication – Solution

WEEK 8 CASE STUDY: Propose Psychotherapeutic Medication

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objectives:

  • Understand and be able to articulate the fundamentals of neurotransmission as it relates to prescribing psychotropic medications for clients with acute and chronic mental health conditions.
  • Discuss major categories of psychotropic drugs, their rationale for use, mechanisms of action, common side effects, and drug interactions.
  • Discuss evidence to support and the appropriate use of complimentary alternative medications in patients that are experiencing acute and chronic mental health conditions seeking adjunctive or monotherapy treatment while considering cultural and genetic factors as well as patient values.
  • Utilize clinical assessment tools associated with diagnosing and prescribing for psychiatric disorders and begin to utilize these tools in clinical settings to assist with diagnosis and treatment of chronic mental health conditions.
  • Propose psychotherapeutic medication for selected patients keeping in mind safety concerns while utilizing knowledge of current mental health, medical concerns, age, gender, cultural factors, genetic factors, ethical concerns, patient values, and prescriptive authority impact decision making.
  • Utilize research and provide basic diagnostic and psychopharmacology education to your client and his/her family when prescribing.
  • Understand ethical and legal considerations and controversies in current pharmacological treatment of mental health patients.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

  1. For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
  2. Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional application.

Provide evidence (citations and references) to support your statements and opinions. Responses to these questions are due by Tuesdayat 11:59 AM.

All references and citations should in APA format.


Course Analysis

The course materials were fundamental in supporting each objective. The information and course resources were articulate, far-reaching, and well organized for students to understand and follow through to achieve the course objectives. It offered exhaustive information about the effects of psychotropic drugs, including antipsychotics and antidepressants, on neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. The course also provided policy actions regarding psychotropic drug prescription.

Nearly all psychotropic medications, especially antidepressants, appear to elevate serotonin neurotransmission (Carvalho et al., 2016). The course materials were wholesome in providing information about psychotropic drug categories focusing on the rationale for use, mechanism of action, common side effects, and drug interactions. The materials have discussed several categories, including antidepressants, antipsychotics, stimulants, mood stabilizers, and anti-anxiety agents.

Some people suffering from mental health problems benefit from complementary and alternative treatments, such as aromatherapy and acupuncture (Wemrell et al., 2020). The course materials provide supportive information on using complementary and alternative therapies to address different mental health needs, being mindful of cultural and genetic factors and patient values.

Collecting information to draw conclusions by observation, psychological and neurological tests entails clinical assessment. The course provides supportive information concerning clinical assessment tools, including standardized tests, rating scales, and interviews.

The course includes details on standard tools like behavioral assessments, cognitive evaluation, physical exams, patient history, and neurological exams. It focuses on prescribing psychotherapeutic medications for different patients and associated supportive knowledge on factors such as current state of mental health, genetics, patient values, ethical concerns, and prescriptive authority.

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WEEK 8 CASE STUDY: Propose Psychotherapeutic Medication
WEEK 8 CASE STUDY: Propose Psychotherapeutic Medication

The course includes assignments and practices works on medication prescription to help students achieve this objective. Course materials include case studies and assignments on patient education regarding diagnostics and psychopharmacology. Materials also include supportive research resources to reinforce understanding and skills development.

There are various ethical and legal concerns in mental health treatment, including confidentiality, patient vulnerability and exploitation, operational challenges, conflict of interest, and informed consent (Jain et al., 2017). Therapeutic misconceptions and controversies surrounding some treatment modalities like electroshock therapy also exist, affecting the work of mental health practitioners. The course provides information and practice assignments on these issues to help students achieve the objective.

Information regarding neurotransmission influence on psychotropic medication prescription, psychotropic drug categorization, complementary and alternative medications, clinical assessment tools, and psychotherapeutic medication is critical for professional development and application.

Students will be more competent, knowledgeable, and skillful to work in a practice environment. Students also gain vital insights into patient education and ethical, legal, and controversial concerns surrounding mental health treatment. Students are at a better place in providing effective and safe care for mental health patients.


Carvalho, A. F., Sharma, M. S., Brunoni, A. R., Vieta, E., & Fava, G. A. (2016). The safety, tolerability, and risks associated with using newer generation antidepressant drugs: a critical review of the literature. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 85(5), 270-288.

Jain, S., Kuppili, P. P., Pattanayak, R. D., & Sagar, R. (2017). Ethics in psychiatric research: Issues and recommendations. Indian journal of psychological medicine, 39(5), 558-565.

Wemrell, M., Olsson, A., & Landgren, K. (2020). The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in psychiatric units in Sweden. Issues in mental health nursing, 41(10), 946-957.


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