This article provides a sample solution essay about Prevention and Effective Management of Type Two Diabetes among African Americans in a Primary Care Clinic Setting. has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.
Visit the CDC website and read the report \”Advancing the Nation\’s Health: A Guide to Public Health Research Needs, 2006–2015\”. Select a topic related to public health care from the CDC\’s report or from the following:
Health disparities: Chronic diseases
Environmental health
Impact of infectious diseases on public health
Prevention and Effective Management of Type Two Diabetes among African Americans in a Primary Care Clinic Setting
Health care experts acknowledge the high incidence and prevalence of comorbidities of chronic diseases among minority populations. According to Baciu et al. (2017), the resulting health disparities need to be addressed to contain rising healthcare costs. The differences themselves can be measured in terms of the selected chronic disease incidence, prevalence, mortality, disease burden, and other negative effects on an individual’s health condition. Professionals point out the fact that these disparities include but are not limited to differences between racial and ethnic groups, one’s gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or even socioeconomic status.
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Healthy People 2020 (2016) note that these disparities directly impact the individuals’ ability to attain optimal health, considering that chronic diseases consume about 75% of the US healthcare expenditure besides causing more than half of the early deaths. The chronic diseases in which these health disparities exist are hypertension, HIV/ AIDS, cancer, and diabetes mellitus. Contemporary healthcare opines that strategic measures to eliminate the identified disparities in chronic diseases appear as comorbidities need to adopt a multidisciplinary approach and concentrate on increasing access to healthcare, of which prevention constitutes an effective approach. However, existing literature indicates a shortage of literature on the impact health disparities have on chronic diseases. Consequently, this essay aims at presenting a research proposal on how to reduce the impact of health disparities on chronic diseases in the user by using prevention and effective management of T2DM among African Americans in a primary care clinic setting.
Introduction of Health Disparities in Chronic Diseases as Public Health Care Issue
The essence of reducing health disparities in T2DM among African Americans will primarily focus on promoting healthy behavior and utilizing the public health methodology of surveillance to prevent T2DM and complications from this disease. Diabetes, whether Type one, type two, gestational, or juvenile nature, is a chronic disease that demands both the clinician and the patient to make diabetes management decisions daily while simultaneously performing complex care activities.
In their study, Noonan et al. (2016) observed that improving African Americans’ health to a point where it favorably compares with that of their White counterparts would eliminate many health challenges that African Americans suffer as would no other single measure. Furthermore, considering the power of prevention and effective management of chronic diseases, communication, and collaboration between the provider, the diabetes educator, and T2DM patients would reduce the health disparities that African Americans face with specific reference to T2DM patients.
Description of the Various Components of a Research Proposal
Besides giving the background and introducing health care disparities in chronic diseases as a public health issue in the US, the proposed research will also provide ident with the problem statement and develop a minimum of five research questions whose answers will address the problem statement from different perspectives. The proposal will then analyze and define the research method the primary investigator proposes for the study. The researcher will then identify and analyze the research design methodologies before describing the different types of threats that the research thinks may affect the research’s validity and the strategies to minimize the said threats. The researcher will then outline the data collection plan, the data analysis strategy, and the types of data collected. The research proposal will then wind up with a conclusion.
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The Problem Statement
Significant progress has been made in the management of T2DM and its complications. Public health efforts have seen more T2DM patients monitor their blood sugar and, through health professionals, continue to receive eye exams, annual foot exams, and influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations. Despite this, T2DM preventive healthcare continues to face challenges in meeting its set goals, with inadequate patient education remaining a major obstacle. As a result, a T2DM needs assessment, and its prevention within the primary care setting hold the key to closing the nursing knowledge gap about diabetes care and its prevention. However, offering T2DM prevention and management education to those at risk of developing the US’s disease remains a major challenge to health care professionals.
Five Research Questions
Diabetes health statistics indicate that more than 34 million Americans have diabetes, with more than twice the number having prediabetes, putting them at an increased risk of developing T2DM (CDC. 2020). As T2DM continues to become more common with each passing day, projections indicate that 1 in every 3 Americans born before in 2000 will develop a form of diabetes in their lifetime. Among African Americans, the prevalence of T2DM is even higher compared to Caucasians. With these salient facts in mind, five research questions are proposed
- What social determinants and health inequalities impact on the health of African Americans in the US?
- Which risk factors predispose the African American individual to be at a higher risk of developing T2DM?
- Which measures can the healthcare system take to reduce health disparities faced by African Americans?
- Which barriers hinder T2DM education, its management, and lifestyle changes among African Americans?
- Would using an educational program intervention by primary care providers reduce blood glucose levels in T2DM patients while promoting disease prevention and management?
Definition and Analysis of the Research Method to be used in the Proposed Research
The proposed research will use a quantitative approach whose hallmark emphasizes objective measurements and statistical or numerical analysis of the data collected using various data collection instruments like questionnaires and surveys.
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The research will use a quasi-experiment nonequivalent control group of pretest and posttest design. As an evidence-based project, the proposed research will develop an implementation and evaluation plan covering the group medical appointment model’s application to deliver a behavioral change education for prediabetes and T2DM patients. The participants’ health status will then be monitored in a primary care clinic in Northern Alabama.
Analysis and Identification of the Research Measures Design Methodologies to Use
After identifying the research methodology, the research design, and the study’s setting, the target population will be outpatients on insulin therapy and those identified as prediabetes. A suitable sample size will then be determined using a sampling technique and only patients above 21 years, willing to participate. The research study’s proposed site is a primary care clinic with no particular intervention or practice protocol targeting to decrease T2DM or blood sugar levels. The T2DM prevention and management education module will be presented to the primary care staff, and upon the patient’s consent, HIPPA and NIH guidelines will be followed. The study will use a self-administered questionnaire to assess the patients’ knowledge of T2DM on self-care and an observational checklist questionnaire among T2DM patients on insulin therapy.
Description of Different Types of Threats That Would Affect the Validity of the Research Proposal
According to Flannelly et al. (2018), the use of nonequivalent control group design may encounter selection bias since the participating groups are not randomly assigned. Simultaneously, the convenience sampling used would also restrict the generalization while the study sample is also comparatively small to generalize the findings. To reduce selection bias, the research can adjust the selection bias by including the selected variable with selection in the analysis to lower the selection bias in a way similar to confounding or break the bias to produce bias-adjusted estimates for odds ratio in case-control studies, among other measures (Keeble et al., 2015). However, in this case, the research will reduce the threats to validity by predicting the bias using information from the non- participants in an attempt to control the bias present. The exclusion criteria will make the findings from the small number of participants generalizable to make the findings generalizable.
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Data Analysis Plan to Use to Collect Data for the Research Proposal
The data collection period will start from November 1st, 2020 to December 15th, 2020, where the researcher will seek approval from the Clinic’s management and secure informed consent from the participants. 180 samples will be selected using convenience sampling (non- probability) technique, and the non –equivalent pretest, posttest comparison group, the data will be collected from Monday to Saturday between 8:00 am 5:00 pm. The researcher will identify the samples. Every day between 5 and 10 samples will be selected, after which the researcher will meet them and have the participants sign the informed consent forms. Information education will be administered through a PowerPoint presentation lasting 25 minutes and demonstrations on foot care and insulin administration. After 15 days, a posttest assessment will be done. In the comparison group, the pretest and posttest will be done without the educational module intervention.
Data Analysis Strategy Based On the Research Question and Types of Data Collected
The data collected will be arranged and put in table form to illustrate the study findings. SPSS16th Version data analysis software will analyze the descriptive and inferential statistics resulting from the collected data. Percentage, mean as well as standard deviation will be used to analyze the participants; demographic data.
In conclusion, this research proposal reiterates that prevention offers the best approach to diabetes care. It also recognizes that T2DM patients and healthcare providers need to develop novel and innovative ways to reduce the health disparities faced by African Americans to address the factors that enhance the use of insulin in the management of T2DM as those factors the lead to the disease. The research proposal holds the education using GMAs simultaneously bridges the knowledge gap in T2DM prevention and care that promotes behavior change among African Americans. In a nutshell, the research proposal will use a pretest-posttest method, collect data using a knowledge questionnaire as well as convenience sampling technique to select the samples. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics will be used to test the research hypothesis.
Baciu, A., Negussie, Y., Geller, A., Weinstein, J. N., & National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, And Medicine. (2017). The State Of Health Disparities In The United States. In Communities In Action: Pathways To Health Equity. National Academies Press (US).
CDC, 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report 2020 URL Https://Www.Cdc.Gov/Diabetes/Pdfs/Data/Statistics/National-Diabetes-Statistics-Report.Pdf Accessed October 21st, 2020
Flannelly, K. J., Flannelly, L. T., & Jankowski, K. R. (2018). Threats To The Internal Validity Of Experimental And Quasi-Experimental Research In Healthcare. Journal Of Health Care Chaplaincy, 24(3), 107-130.
Healthy People 2020. Healthypeople 2020. 2016. [October 21st, 2016]. Https://Www.Healthypeople.Gov.
Keeble, C., Law, G. R., Barber, S., & Baxter, P. D. (2015). Choosing A Method To Reduce Selection Bias: A Tool For Researchers. Open Journal Of Epidemiology, 5(3), 155-162.
Noonan, A. S., Velasco-Mondragon, H. E., & Wagner, F. A. (2016). Improving The Health Of African Americans In The USA: An Overdue Opportunity For Social Justice. Public Health Reviews, 37(1), 1-20.
Question – Prevention and Effective Management of Type Two Diabetes among African Americans in a Primary Care Clinic Setting
Visit the CDC website and read the report \”Advancing the Nation\’s Health: A Guide to Public Health Research Needs, 2006–2015\”. Select a topic related to public health care from the CDC\’s report or from the following:
- Health disparities: Chronic diseases
- Environmental health
- Impact of infectious diseases on public health
Using the Online Library or the Internet, research about your chosen topic on public health care. Based on your research and understanding, create a research proposal in a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document that includes the following:
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- A brief introduction to the chosen topic on public health care
- A brief description of the various components of a research proposal
- The problem statement
- At least five research questions
- An analysis and definition of the research method to be used in your research proposal
- An analysis and identification of the research measures and design methodologies that you plan to use in your research proposal
- A description of different types of threats that you think would affect the validity of your research proposal, and an identification and explanation of the strategies to minimize them.
- A data analysis plan to use to collect data for your research proposal
- A reference page
- A logical data analysis strategy based on the research question and types of data collected
- A conclusion that ties everything together
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