This article covers Self-Reflection, Opportunity Analysis and Plan for Professional Development.
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Consider the varied opportunities for healthcare administrators, managers, and leaders today: the different settings, positions, and areas of expertise and knowledge that exist in the fast-changing healthcare environment. With insights from your self-reflection in mind, write a 4- to 6-page opportunities analysis as follows:
Describe the roles and responsibilities of four different administrative and or managerial positions in four different healthcare settings (for example, a director of food services in a nursing home; a health information manager in a hospital; or a director of business development, contracting, and sales in a rehabilitation center). Select positions and settings that are of particular interest and relevance to you professionally. Explain why these positions interest you. Describe trends that impact the growth potential of these positions.
Self-Reflection, Opportunity Analysis and Plan for Professional Development
Self-reflection is one of the best approaches to understand strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and driving factors (Hewett, & Martini, 2018). The Human metrics Jung Typology assessment helped me understand my personality better. The assessment classified me as Extravert (28%) intuitive (19%) Feeling (44%) Perceiving (3%) (ENFP). In assessing the aspects of my personality, I factored in the test’s findings and my personal experiences and goals.
Personal and Professional Strengths
From the assessment and personal experience, I consider my communication skills to be one of my key strengths. I approach interactions and conversations with a readiness to discuss different topics, offer assistance through active listening and prefer to engage on various issues ranging from ideas and opinions to advice and consultation. Besides, I also excel in problem-solving and conflict management. As an active communicator and an analytical individual, I am always able to remain calm, engage people on a problem, identify the cause and work towards finding practical solutions.
I also believe empathy is one of my best suits. In all situations, I always try to put myself in the position of others and understand their needs and feelings. Through this, I relate with people better, find it easy to build trust, and socialize with people. I believe that given my line of work, the skill helps me to relate with other practitioners better and develop an awareness of the challenges patients are facing. The Human metrics Jung Test affirms the strength by noting that within my personality type, communication is versed by the readiness to help by activating and developing the other’s abilities as well as paying attention to the other’s feelings. My high regard for feelings, extraversion and intuition are among the critical factors for the strengths. The aspects of my personality verse how I approach interactions, challenges and opportunities in life.
Personal and Professional Weaknesses
One of the areas I need to improve at a personal and professional level is time management. Besides being easily distracted with different issues, prioritizing tasks can be a challenge. Hence to be a better leader, I have to improve my time management skills by minimizing distractions and managing and prioritizing tasks effectively. Furthermore, I find the delegation aspects of management to be challenging. Learning to delegate different tasks effectively could help optimize the productivity of teams and promote accountability and responsibility which are essential in leadership. I also need to improve my reception to feedback. I acknowledge the essence of feedback in promoting personal and professional growth and need to learn how to be receptive and use it to facilitate my growth and development.
Besides the areas I need to improve, I also prioritize organization and planning as one of the areas I need to improve continually. This will involve learning how to develop and communicate deadlines, guidelines and activities within limits and constraints of resources. The learning process on planning and organization is particularly influential in the management and leadership as it equips goal setting, developing strategies and outline procedures and processes to attain the goal. Besides, I also need more skills and knowledge of quick and effective decision making. Even though I excel in the area, I need to improve my knowledge on how to incorporate perspectives, prospects and experiences to the process of decision making. The choice of the areas I need to improve is based on the challenges I face personally and professionally. The fields have also been affirmed with the HumanMetrics Jung personality assessment and past experiences as a team leader.
Opportunities for Professional Growth and Development
In the pursuit of personal and professional development, the opportunity to manage more people within the health care setting will be ideal for my professional growth and development. Managing more people beyond my current role will allow me to gain better experience and improve my skills in leadership and management. The growth and development prospects are high as I will be able to practice what I have learned and apply my skills in different situations. Besides management, one of the most effective ways to grow and develop professionally is through professional training. Professional training provides the opportunity to specialize and improve skills in specific areas. For me, professional training at the doctoral level will allow me to become a nursing educator and transition to faculty. Hence, professional training provides qualifications that facilitate professional growth.
Volunteering in community engagement activities is also one of the opportunities that I have to further my professional growth and development. Volunteering to the community through programs that promote health and provide health services to the underserved allows me to learn about the community and have a contextual understanding of needs and challenges. I also get to exercise my skills in different clinical settings as well as social settings, which allows me aware of the cultural and economic orientations of the populations I serve.
Lifelong Learning in Professional Growth
To effectively incorporate the practice of lifelong learning in professional growth, I plan on taking up more opportunities for self-initiated studies. This will involve being proactive within the learning process, identifying areas of interest, and taking part in self-directed learning. The practice will ensure that I improve my knowledge and understanding of different skill areas. Secondly, I also have to set the goals and objectives of my life learning. In this, I have to establish a framework that guides on learning areas, and schedules and helps with prioritization. Lastly, I would also engage in collaborative lifelong learning, where I take part in learning opportunities along peers to improve attrition and engagement while promoting collaboration and skill improvement.
Barrier and Challenges
Some of the obstacles I may face may include the fear of failing or being wrong. Professional growth may require changes in critical areas and perspectives and the fear of being wrong may hinder me from attaining the desired growth. Unsupportive to hostile environments may also be barriers to my professional growth. These environments include those that lack essential resources or factors within the workplace that bar growth and development, such as long and limiting shifts and poor regard for wellness. The environment plays a significant role in the growth and development of an individual, and I believe this makes having an unsupportive climate a considerable hindrance to professional growth.
Part II: Opportunities Analysis
With the continuous changes in roles within the healthcare continuum as well as patient situations, it is essential to attain new skills and abilities. Management, leadership and administration are among the key areas to explore as one seeks professional progression. A better part of managerial skills comprises staff motivation, communication, and negotiations. Additionally, managers need to have a good understanding of the technical aspects of the services they deliver. Discussed below are some of the roles and responsibilities of various organizational and professional positions in healthcare settings.
Roles and Responsibilities of Four Different Administrative or Managerial Positions in Four Different Healthcare Settings
The first position is the Emergency Medical Services Facility, where one can work as the Director of Emergency Facility. This personnel is often tasked with the responsibilities of assuring that state agencies, as well as healthcare facilities, service the community appropriately in any case of emergency. EMS managers synchronize crisis reaction correspondence and assets inside their locale, utilizing their hierarchical aptitudes to guarantee that ambulances and crisis faculty are set up to help those out of luck. Even though EMS overseers routinely face emergencies, crisis administrations are still among the most remunerating profession alternatives in Health Care, the executives business. Alongside the high feelings of anxiety comes a lot of remuneration. These exceptionally gifted experts have the fulfillment of realizing that their abilities and the frameworks they have executed enable network individuals to get the assistance they need when they need it most.
The second position is in a Government agency, where one can serve as a Public Health Professional.Public health practitioners can work in nearby, state, or federal government organizations. The obligations of these positions vary, relying on the setting, and many incorporate managing research teams, directing examination, tending to general wellbeing concerns, developing programs that promote health and wellbeing, wellbeing training, as well creating policies regarding the welfare and health of community.
The third position is the Health Care Association, in which one can be the Health Care Administrator. All through the United States, there are several human services affiliations, all to improve social insurance conveyance. Every one of these affiliations regularly will utilize at least one medicinal services, affiliation supervisors, or executives. These are people who ensure that the association runs efficiently, by developing strategies and plans. Fundamentally, these people have to prepare as medicinal services chiefs (as opposed to just as affiliation directors) because the field of social insurance is loaded with subtleties and looked with continuous changes and commands. The managers of the healthcare association must possess the skills of remaining the best in the industry and bring forth positive changes.
The fourth position is the Health Care Clinic healthcare-clinic, where one can serve as a Health Care Manager, Health Care Administrator, and Clinic Director.Social insurance centers are another mainstream work environment for experts in this fast-developing field. Social insurance center directors, supervisors, or managers work in different human services facilities with a high percentage of obligation.
Social insurance heads at these centers may be alluded to as administrators or chiefs. A portion of the everyday duties include: Hiring and preparing workforce, creating plans, manage every single money related activity, for example, day by day and yearly detailing, maintaining center offices, conducting staff gatherings, market and direct market examination to get development and income drivers and inspirations, implementing strategies, lead clinical and business experts, and liaise to clarify needs, improve clinical quality, and increment development administering charging, and creating advertising efforts. These social insurance directors work at various kinds of centers, including chiropractic care, nursing home offices, crisis care, doctors’ workplaces, or general wellbeing facilities. Most medicinal facility heads work all day, albeit some night or end of the week hours may be requested by the activity. Such executives work in an office setting.
Description of the Strengths and Weaknesses
About the first position (Emergency Medical Services), I would ensure that safety is made a top priority. For instance, I am redesigning an ambulance for the patient and the crew’s safety. Additionally, I would consider initiating safety lessons to staff, limit the total distance traveled with lights on as well as sirens, and leveraged technology. Secondly, I would embrace the use of technology in locating, tracking, and monitoring driver traits. This will help keep them on track.
In the second position, government agency, serving as a public health practitioner, I will use my skills and capabilities to foster collaboration and team work between members of the community and public health officials in addressing the needs of the community. In addition to that, I would launch campaigns for the opening of several other training centers for healthcare experts. Also, the healthcare workforce should be provided with incentives to help motivate them towards pursuance of better skills.
Since reports today suggest that persons without insurance tend to die young or suffer from sickness, improving Health Care Associations would be a top priority in case I worked as a Health Care Administrator. In that regard, I would make sure that the Children Health Insurance Program is fully funded as well as the expansion of Medicaid retained. Additionally, I would gear towards the stabilization of individual insurance markets as well as encourage the innovation of the state. State innovation would bring about auto-enrolment, which may increase the number of individuals with insurance policies. When that is done, good health shall be assured, and many will survive early deaths.
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Working in the Health Care Clinic would provide a better opportunity to serve many. The most interesting is in assisting with deliveries and ensuring that newborns do not suffer any health traumas all because of inadequate facilities or service. In that regard, as a Health Care Administrator, I would ensure that facilities have suitable physical setting. Also, communication with mothers should be practical and constructing. No woman should be subject to mistreatment. Anything damaging the process should be deconstructed.
Key Unique and Specific Leadership, Knowledge, and Competency Skills That Are Needed To Be Effective and Innovative In These Healthcare Administrative Roles
Interpersonal Skills
One of the many essential skills within the healthcare field are interpersonal skills. They comprise of the emotions and affections that allow individuals to correlate well at work. They include management skills, association skills, and serving and entrusting.
Information Management
These types of abilities empower persons to collect, establish, and understand information. They are categorized into three: creativity administration, data collection, and data analysis.
Analytical Skills
These are the abilities used by individuals to think and assimilate new information and use them well strategically. They comprise preparation skills, quantitative data analysis, and information administration.
Action Skills
This type of skill is behavior-oriented and empowers the formation, guiding, and implementing activities. It comprises objective composition, implementation, and innovative skills.
Opportunities You Have For Expanding Personal Innovative Leadership in the Workplace
As a leader in any of the positions as mentioned above, there are many open opportunities for innovation that opened up to me. As such, I will remain vigilant and come up with strategies that work best for my workforce for the betterment of the goals set. Additionally, encouraging my team on collaboration skills and benefits shall be fully exercised by me. This is one of the best opportunities every leader has an appropriate use of it yields excellent results.
Part 3: Plan for Professional Development
One can connect easily with others of the same occupation as well as elites in rules closely related to their when they choose to join at least one professional organization. Professional organizations also offer the best platform for one to advance their skills further. Looking forward, I see myself joining the American Medical Technologists. This is because of the relevance amid its goals and mine. The organization is purposed to assist and protect public welfare by observing top-notch competency standards in the occupations that it covers. I am fully expecting tremendous growth by making this decision. I know that the knowledge acquired from the American Medical Technologists shall propel me further into becoming reputable personnel. Also, I am geared towards elevating my leadership skills. Subscribing to the services offered by the AMT will certainly reward me that.
Within the fast approaching three years, I am determined to have earned certifications from the AMT. My goal within the same period is to acquire skills that will make me a good Healthcare Administrator at the end of it. After the certification application, I also purpose to get training and attend conferences related to my career path. With this, I know that my future in healthcare administration is not debatable. Also, since undergraduate studies aren’t as much appeasing, it is my goal to pursue a Master’s Degree in my chosen field and afterward, major on maintaining a distinguished academic record. This will assist me positively in getting myself a bigger facility from which my career will develop faster and with much ease. Also, within the same period, my skills in the field of Healthcare Administration should develop. Some of the areas that I have to focus on include delegation of authority, problem-solving, negotiation, decision-making, communication, management of staff, goal-setting, leadership, policy development, and data analysis.
Within the next three to five years, I will focus more on growing my career. In this case, I will seek for the right experience. I am motivated by the urge to reach out to the needy in society. By so doing, I intend to find the sickling who struggle through pain to acquire suitable medication but cannot afford medicine. Using this as an opportunity for impeachable experience, I purpose to inform and educate them on health insurance. If need be, I can personally assist them in apply or seek further assistance from the well-informed in pursuit of a healthier society. I believe that the experience gained from this act shall impact positively on my dreams. I know that the knowledge I will get within this period will positively impact my thoughts. I will make good use of every opportunity and use real-life circumstances and lessons to get a better understanding of the details of the Healthcare Administration.
In another form of community work, I will create public awareness of health education to the general public for free. Here, I will visit reach them in the streets and their doors steps. They are informing the people on the good of staying healthy and how to live healthily. I will make them understand how laws and healthcare correlate so that the uninformed cannot sit back and perish due to a lack of information. Also, the public will get to know that regular check-ups are for their benefits and should not be under-looked. Interestingly, I will not forget the old one. Even if it means having fun with them and teach them the few they may know or not. Reminding them to keep themselves free from stress and cherish the moments they have for a good stay.
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Before landing myself in my dream job, I will seek for experience with reputable organizations, persons together with voluntary community work that will enhance my abilities. I refused to be pinned down by a lack of knowledge, and as such, I will often consult where necessary, do further research on the same, and find functions that gear in the same direction. I believe that this way, my scope in the field is boosted. Since perfection is not easily attained, I will frequently be correcting myself on my wrongs and accepting challenges as well as a correction from others. Not forgetting my confidence and leadership skills, I find it advisable to join any groups that work towards the same.
Action Plan
Action | Goal |
Join an organization | Earn Certifications |
Attend conferences | Gain more understanding of my career path |
Get training | Gain more understanding of my career |
Pursue a Master’s Degree | Enhance my studies |
Community work | Acquire more experience |
Test, J. T. (2015). HumanMetrics.
Hewett, B. L., & Martini, R. H. (2018). Educating Online Writing Instructors Using the Jungian Personality Types. Computers and Composition, 47, 34-58.
Hernandez, L. M., Rosenstock, L., & Gebbie, K. (Eds.). (2003). who will keep the public health? Educating public health professionals for the 21st century. National Academies Press.
Part 2: Opportunities Analysis
Consider the varied opportunities for healthcare administrators, managers, and leaders today: the different settings, positions, and areas of expertise and knowledge that exist in the fast-changing healthcare environment. With insights from your self-reflection in mind, write a 4- to 6-page opportunities analysis as follows:
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of four different administrative and or managerial positions in four different healthcare settings (for example, a director of food services in a nursing home; a health information manager in a hospital; or a director of business development, contracting, and sales in a rehabilitation center). Select positions and settings that are of particular interest and relevance to you professionally. Explain why these positions interest you. Describe trends that impact the growth potential of these positions.
- Describe the strengths you would bring to each position as well as the weaknesses you would need to address, including any functional knowledge and skills you bring to the position or would need to gain.
- Analyze key unique and specific leadership, knowledge, and competency skills that are needed to be effective and innovative in these healthcare administrative roles. Identify at least four you need to enhance through additional training and mentorship and where skills can be developed.
- Describe at least two opportunities you have for expanding personal innovative leadership in the workplace. How and why might those opportunities yield positive results?
Part 3: Plan for Professional Development
There are many paths that lead toward continuing professional development through lifelong learning. All require deliberate and informed thought and planning. Based on insights and information gained from Parts 1 and 2 of this Assessment, develop a 3- to 4-page professional development plan as follows:
Note: If your current place of employment provides a “Professional Development Plan Template,” you are encouraged to use this template.
- Describe which professional organizations you might join. If you are already a member of an organization, discuss how you have benefitted and how you could enhance benefits from your membership. Describe specifically what you can gain from involvement with these organizations and what you can contribute to the organizations.
- Describe at least three specific, measurable steps/actions you can take over the next 3–5 years that will enhance your professional career opportunities and help you reach your professional goals. Consider certifications that may better position you to gain new opportunities.
- Identify career goals in the context of the dynamic healthcare environment and the specific skills and knowledge needed to maintain a competitive advantage. Consider additional work experiences, even in your current workplace, you might seek that will enhance your opportunities in the future. Also consider what community involvement activities you might engage in that will authentically demonstrate your commitment to a community orientation and social change. Consider managerial and leadership skills you need to enhance. Explain your rationale for each, including how it will specifically help position you for continued growth.
- Describe at least five action steps needed for your “Plan for Professional Development.” Using a “Word Table,” break the steps down into specific, measurable steps that include target date, event, and milestone. Provide rationale for each action step
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Part 4: Elevator Speech
As a healthcare administrator, you will be called upon to clearly and succinctly introduce yourself to many different people. It is helpful to prepare an “elevator speech” to express essential information about yourself and your goals. The term elevator speech is used in business to denote a short, simple message you can convey while positioned next to someone you would like to meet in an elevator. In reality, you may use an elevator speech when you meet people in a variety of settings and situations. Recall the goals you identified in your “Professional Development Plan.”
- Review the Walden University “Vision and Mission” statements web page, including the vision and mission statements for the College of Health Sciences. Also review the “Learning Outcomes—Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA).” Select one or two that are particularly significant for your career aspirations.
Prepare an approximately 30-second audio (or optional video) elevator speech in which you:
- Promote your strengths as a healthcare administrator.
- Explain how your goals exemplify the distinguishing characteristics of Walden University and the MHA program.
- Share your commitment to professional development and lifelong learning
Related FAQs
1. Why is opportunity analysis important in decision making?
Just like you look at career opportunities, and then decide to follow one career of your choice, companies too have many opportunities lying in front of them. By the use of opportunity analysis, the company can make the right decision, thereby advancing in its goal of earning more profits.
2. What is an example of a development opportunity?
For example, if the development opportunity is “communication skills,” the goal might be a satisfactory grade for a course on active listening or public speaking. Action plans should be specific and achievable.
3. What is an example of a development opportunity?
For example, if the development opportunity is “communication skills,” the goal might be a satisfactory grade for a course on active listening or public speaking. Action plans should be specific and achievable.