Week 1Leading Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Healthcare



This week you discovered that the focus of healthcare has a growing emphasis on population health. This includes an emphasis on quality improvement and tracking outcomes. The purpose of this discussion is to apply the key concepts in population health to a selected population.


Select a population you would like to engage throughout the course to explore important population health and health policy concepts. You may want to refer to the Global Burden of Disease or one of the eight National Practice Problems to identify the population you will be examining in this course.

Address the following as they relate to the population you have selected:

1. Create a culturagram for your selected population. Refer to the lesson for guidance in creating a culturagram. You may use the attached template if you desire.

oLink: (Word doc): Culturagram Template (Links to an external site.)

2. Identify three key social determinant risk factors associated with the population.

3. Conduct a search of the literature. Identify one evidence-based intervention to reduce health disparities in your selected population.

4. Examine how the selected intervention addresses at least one of the standards from the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Standards (CLAS).

Select a population you would like to engage throughout the course to explore important population health and health policy concepts. You may want to refer to the Global Burden of Disease or one of the eight National Practice Problems to identify the population you will be examining in this course.

Here are some potential populations to consider:

1. Asian population in Torrence, California

2. Somali- Americans in Minneapolis, Minnesota

3. African American population in Jackson, Mississippi

4. Hopi Indians in Kykotsmovi Village, Arizona

5. Caucasian population in Martin County, Kentucky

6. Hispanic/Latino population in Hialeah, Florida

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

·     Link (webpage): DNP Discussion Guidelines (Links to an external site.)

Course Outcomes 

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

3. Assimilate epidemiology principles and interventions to impact the social determinants of health, Global Burden of Disease, and population health outcomes. (PO 1)

5. Formulate strategies for providing culturally relevant and high-quality healthcare to vulnerable and high-risk populations to address social injustice and health inequities. (PO 1)



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