Lenses of Liberal Arts Presentation – Solved

This article covers Lenses of Liberal Arts Presentation.

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Lenses of Liberal Arts Presentation Assignment

DS 100 Learning Block 6-4 Presentation Draft Rubric

Lenses of Liberal Arts Presentation Prompt: You have completed Project 1: Lenses Chart and Project 2: KWL. Now, over the past few learning blocks, you have drafted slides for your presentation on your chosen topic through two of the four lenses of liberal arts. In learning block 6-1, you chose which two lenses you would be focusing on and drafted your introduction slide. In learning block 6-2, you drafted the first lens and second lens slides for your presentation. In learning block 6-3, you drafted the Convergence and Divergence slides, and in this learning block, you drafted the Next Steps slide, in which you shared the next steps that you would take if you were to continue exploring your topic. For this assignment, you will now submit a draft of this presentation (which is all the above slides combined) to your instructor for grading and feedback. You will have an opportunity to review your instructor’s feedback and make any necessary revisions before submitting the final draft of your presentation to your instructor in learning block 8-2.

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Lenses of Liberal Arts Presentation

Lenses of Liberal Arts Presentation

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in your drafted presentation:

I. Choose two of the four lenses you applied when researching your topic and create a presentation. You may use as many slides per section as you think you need.

A. Using the slide titled “Introduction,” introduce your topic by identifying it and explaining why you chose to study it.

B. Using the slide titled “Topic and Lens 1,” explain how your topic is viewed through one of the two lenses you have chosen for your presentation. You should identify the lens and choose details and examples relevant to that lens.

C. Using the slide titled “Topic and Lens 2,” explain how your topic is viewed through the other of the two lenses you have chosen for your presentation. Be sure to identify the lens and to choose details and examples relevant to that lens.

D. Using the slide titled “Convergence and Divergence,” explain the similarities and differences in how the lenses relate to your topic. Focus in particular on the view you get when looking at your topic through both lenses.

E. Using the slide titled “Next Steps,” articulate next steps for further exploration of this topic

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