Health Organization Evaluation Essay

This article provides a sample essay on Health Organization Evaluation. This essay will focus on evaluating Banner Health Network, its future readiness, potential cultural effects, as well as a proposal for developing a strategic plan.

Health Organization Evaluation Essay

Health organizations demand a complex operational strategy and thus require a well-developed strategic plan to cope with the current industry demands, as well as future emerging issues. As such, healthcare organizations must evaluate themselves to establish the underlying challenges and as well, spot the opportunities that are crucial in their future growth. A strategic plan must therefore incorporate the internal and external audit of the environment that is potential in affecting the operations of the organization (Mohammad et al., 2018). This is important, especially when operating in a large geographical area that poses cultural and logistical complexities. This essay will focus on evaluating Banner Health Network, its future readiness, potential cultural effects, as well as a proposal for developing a strategic plan. As you continue has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. The Organization Description Banner Health is a healthcare organization based in the US, with operations running across six states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada, and Wyoming. It was formed out of a merger between the Lutheran Health Systems and Samaritan Health System in 1999 (Banner Health, 2020). Although emergency and primary care have been its key services, the organization also offers other services such as laboratory, pharmacy, and hospice and insurance services. Its headquarters is located in Phoenix, Arizona, with the organization being ranked among the largest employers within the state of Arizona (Banner Health, 2020). With more than 50,000 employees under the Banner Health operations across the 6 states, the organization has over the years expanded its operations through acquisition of new facilities, as well as partnering with other stakeholders within the healthcare sector through research, innovation and teaching. Banner Health revenues are in excess of $8 Billion per annum, with its assets surpassing $11 Billion in capital value by 2018. The Organization’s Overall Readiness Banner Health has been in the forefront in ensuring that it gets ready to face the future emerging issues, as well as the healthcare demands. With the dynamics that the healthcare sector has been experiencing, there has always been need to strategize through planning ahead, as well as being involved in the health innovations to meet the future demands. To ensure that the organization gets ready for the future, Banner Health recently launched the Banner Innovation Group, which is a composition of experts that will assist the organization  in consolidating its existing innovation together as well as form new ideas in innovation to steer the organization forward and strengthen its competitive advantage in the quest for providing the general healthcare services. As you continue has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. On the other hand, the organization has also partnered with the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center for teaching and research purposes to ensure that the emerging issues, especially in the cancer pandemic, which has become a global menace is tackled appropriately as the organization heads into the future. Banner Health has also partnered with the University of Arizona College of Medicine for teaching purposes. Furthermore, the organization has also committed over $1billion since 2018 to facilitate for new clinics and hospitals, including additional bed capacity, as well as upgrading its emergency department, which has been a crucial sector of the organization’s operations (Banner Health, 2020).Health Organization Evaluation Essay.  All these efforts have been geared towards getting the organization ready ahead to face future demands. A Strategic Plan to Address Issues Pertaining to Network Growth, Nurse Staffing, Resource Management, And Patient Satisfaction The organization’s strategic plan is a general pathway that offers direction to the organization in endeavoring to reach its set goals and aligning them with the existing organizations mission and vision. It involves action plans and timelines to reach the goals. As such, Banner Health requires a strategic plan that will address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction in order to be ready for the future (Hahn & Powers, 2010). For network growth, this must align well with the organization’s mission where its concentration has been in 6 states so far. Network growth does not mean to expand into more states, but if the states that the organization is already present are well served and have enough establishments of the organization’s clinics and hospitals. Network growth may also involve partnering with other stakeholders who are familiar with new territories or acquiring new facilities which are already in operation and meets the organization’s acquisition requirements. On the other hand, nurse staffing has been a challenge to many organizations. This has been attributed to the growing global shortage in nursing profession, lack of enough resources or high nurse turnover (Twigg et al., 2010). As such, Banner Health should project its current nurse needs to establish future requirements to plan ahead to ensure that they have enough nursing staff to offer the services to their clients. This can be done through partnering with nurse teaching institutions, a move that will ensure that they get the right quality and supply of the nurses as and when required. This partnership will also ensure that nurses on service get trained on the emerging trends which will improve their working professionalism and as well, equip them with more knowledge on tackling everyday health challenges. As you continue has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. What’s more, resource management is another strategic issue that requires planning ahead. Banner Health must be well aware of the resources they commit under each sector in their overall operation. As such, the resources must be specific, enough and available to enable actionable plans for the organization (Hahn & Powers, 2010). Prioritization is key as it will pinpoint the areas that carry a matter of urgency and those activities that can wait or be done in phases. As competition rises and emerging complex issues such as the Covid-19 pandemic, research and innovation will be key to future success and therefore most of the resources should be committed in this area to ensure the future success and sustainability of the Banner Health Network (Mondal, 2018). Data protection is also another priority area to commit enough resources to avert incidences such as the one which happened in 2016 within the organization following a cyber attack. On patient satisfaction, Banner Health should strive to ensure that each patient is satisfied as satisfaction leads to more possible returns as well as good reputation for the organization. This can be achieved through offering professional and high-quality services that are customized to meet each patient needs. Priority should be given to the continued staff training, especially on matters to do with cultural issues as Banner Health spreads across 6 different states which have a diverse culture in terms of patient background. The mentioned strategic plans must have a detailed schedule and timelines to ensure proper actions to eliminate the challenges pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction. Health Organization Evaluation Essay. Current or Potential Issues Within the Organizational Culture That May Affect Aspects of The Strategic Plan The banner Health organizational culture holds some values and way of doing things that has been practiced over the years (Mohammad et al., 2017). In this context, most employees are used to work in a certain way and thus sometimes it may be challenging to adopt new changes. Training, as well as a proper change process gives room for adoption of the intended changes, thus eliminating the resistance that may be observed, especially where a rich organization culture has existed over the years as is the case with the Banner Health. Furthermore, it has been noted that Banner Health has partnered with only a few specific institutions, especially in Arizona for the purposes of research and teaching. It is advisable that the institution expands its base to ensure more partnership, especially for the research and innovation purposes in the world of medicine. As you continue has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us.
Health Organization Evaluation Essay
Health Organization Evaluation Essay
A Theory or Model That Could Be Used to Support Implementation of The Strategic Plan for This Organization With the ever-dynamic health sector that the Banner Health operates in, its advisable to be flexible and whenever a change is necessary or an opportunity presents itself, then it will be easier to adopt or take the chance. Contingency theory will be the best to adopt as it stipulates that there is no static or best way to do things and thus provides an opportunity to adopt and implement changes whenever the necessity arises (Wadongo & Abdel-Kader, 2014). Conclusion In a recap, a strategic plan is an important element in a business and its implementation must be done in a professional manner, using the right resources as well as at the right time. For Banner Health, the fact that the organization has gotten ready in some aspects for the future, there still remain some issues that are necessary to be integrated within the organization’s strategic plan. Network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction remains at the core heart of the organization and thus the provided recommendations under each element will steer ahead the organization and make it fully ready to face the unpredictable future. 


  1. Banner Health. (2020). About. Official Website. Retrieved from
  2. Hahn, W., & Powers, T. L. (2010). STRATEGIC PLAN QUALITY, IMPLEMENTATION CAPABILITY, AND FIRM PERFORMANCE. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 9(1), 63-81.
  3. Mondal, S. A. (2018). Resource allocation problem under single resource assignment. RAIRO: Recherche Opérationnelle, 52(2) doi:
  4. Mohammad, B. A., Golmohammadi, E., Nekooeezadeh, M., & Mansouri, A. (2017). The effects of organizational culture on the development of strategic thinking at the organizational level. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 6(2), 261-275. doi:
  5. Mohammad Karim, B., Ehsan, T., Hamidreza, T., Ramin, R., Mehdi, R., & Hosseini, S. M. (2018). Factors affecting strategic plan implementation using interpretive structural modeling (ISM). International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 31(5), 406-414. doi:
  6. Twigg, Di, RN, RM,B.HlthSc(Nsg)(Hons), M.B., Duffield, Christine, RN, DipNEd, Health Organization Evaluation Essay.
  7. BScN, M.H.P., PhD., Thompson, Peter L, AM, MD, MBBS, FRACP, F.A.C.C., F.A.C.P., & Rapley, Pat, MAppSc, BSc, DipNEd, R.N., F.R.C.N.A. (2010). The impact of nurses on patient morbidity and mortality – the need for a policy change in response to the nursing shortage. Australian Health Review, 34(3), 312-6.
  8. Wadongo, B., & Abdel-Kader, M. (2014). Contingency theory, performance management and  organisational effectiveness in the third sector. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63(6), 680-703. doi:
Health Organization Evaluation
Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.). Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade. Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following:
  1. Describe the health care organization or network.
  2. Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings.
  3. Prepare a strategic plan to address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction.
  4. Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.
  5. Propose a theory or model that could be used to support implementation of the strategic plan for this organization. Explain why this theory or model is best.
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