This chapter includes descriptive information on how to write DNP capstone project Methodology Chapter. This chapter generally is about 3-5 pages in length.
What to Include DNP capstone project Methodology Chapter
Continue to open each chapter with a purpose statement to inform the reader of what will be presented in the chapters. Methods and procedures (measurement, collection, analysis and interpretation of data) to carry out the capstone project and answer practice related questions will be presented.
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How to write DNP capstone project Methodology Chapter
DNP capstone project Methodology Chapter Outline
Introduction: begin by providing an introduction to the chapter that includes the purpose of the project.
How to Provide the Conceptual Framework/EBP Model used to guide the project
- Clearly describe the conceptual framework/theory(s) that supported the project and its connection to generation of outcomes/impact.
- Discuss what the implementation project will be and provide details of the implementation plan.
- Illustrate how the selected EBP model/framework are/is interwoven in the development of the plan. (Support with selected EBP Model/Framework and timeline). (Include in appendices)
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Evidence Implementation:
How to Provide the Evidence Implementation;
- Summarize the implementation project.
- What are you doing and how will you do it?
- Ethic approval for project (IRB Approval)
- Strategies for successfully negotiating systems using systems principles & processes.
- Discuss negotiating complex systems, intervention strategies that will be employed.
- Describe the potential issues, challenges, and/or barriers to implementation
Find out more on DNP Capstone project Abstract Examples [Outline & How-to]
Sample and Setting: include a description of the inclusion criteria for the sample, including calculation of sample size, and sampling technique. Sample size is based upon population size and should be calculated using a power analysis or a sample size calculator (can be found on the Internet [i.e., Creative Research Solutions]).
- When providing information about the sample, do not include any specific identifying information about the sample or setting. For instance, instead of directly naming a hospital, refer to it as a rural mid-western hospital. Students are required to recruit a minimum of 10 study participants for their sample. Students with smaller sample sizes will be unable to proceed with data collection.
- IRB approval process (level of approval received, when, and where): identify if approval was obtained at more than one site and the approval process. If IRB approval was not required, provide a rationale for why it was not required. Do not provide identifying information about NMU. Instead state, “IRB approval was obtained at the university”. Include information about how the sample was recruited, the consent process, and what was done to maintain confidentiality, data anonymity, and ways in which protections were provided for human subjects.
- Provide a copy of the consent and IRB approval documents as appendices at the end of the manuscript.
Further read on How to write a DNP capstone project chapter 1 – Introduction
Design and Procedures: Include information about the design that was used and the procedures. In other words, how did you collect your data? How long did the data collection process last and what were the processes and procedures that were involved when data were collected? DNP capstone project Methodology
Measures: identify the instruments that were used to collect the data. Provide the name of the instruments and whether they were surveys, biophysiologic measures, or observational tools. Include specific information about the instruments. For example, how it is scored (e.g., Likert scale with 0-5 ratings) and provide information about the quality (reliability/validity) of the measure. If the instrument was developed by someone other than the student, permission must be obtained PRIOR to data collection to use the instrument and the permission must be included as an appendix in the DNP Project manuscript. Permission must be obtained, even if the instrument is modified by the student. See the DNP Project Formatting Handbook for details:
Find out more on How to write a DNP Capstone Project Literature Review
Data Analysis: identify the statistical tests that were utilized for the project and provide a brief description about the test and how it was used to analyze the data.
For instance, “A t-test was used to compare mean scores before and after the test”. Also include information about the type of data that were collected and analyzed. Some of these may include: percentages, standard deviations, means, frequencies, and inferential statistics. Finally, provide information in this paragraph about how the data will be stored (e.g., “data will be stored in a locked file cabinet for seven years and then will be destroyed”).
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- Discuss the selection of outcomes (from the synthesis of the evidence) that are appropriate measures to be used to in the implementation project.
- Data collection methods:
- instrument(s)-Validity, reliability, and scoring of instruments if appropriate
- outcomes measures
- cost analysis plan
- Present a Logic Model: Who, What, When, Where, How and Why of your structure, process, outcomes measures.
- What data are you collecting and why?
- Who is collecting the data?
- When will data collection begin and for how long?
- When will the data be collected?
- What are the pre & post intervention data measures?
- What are the data collection tools/instruments, including psychometrics of established tools?
- Where will the data be collected, stored and analyzed?
- How will you maintain confidentially and store & secure, monitor and destroy the data?
- What is the level of Data?
- What are the anticipated analyses of the data?Impact Analysis
- Plan: Cost Analysis and Outcomes Savings;
- Sustainability (Social, Environmental, and Ecological)
- Who, What, When, Where, How and Why of your cost analysis plan as it relates to structure, process, outcomes measures.
- What is your impact analysis model?
- Why is this model appropriate for your project?
- What variables (r/t outcomes) are you costing out? Are you measuring?
- Where did you obtain your cost and other information (data sources to acquire impact information)?
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Address the value-added impact of your EBP Implementation and Project Outcomes Measurement

- Describe data collection or systems assessment strategies surrounding implementation. (DNP capstone project Methodology)
- Data Analysis: Statistical analysis,
- Interpretation of results: (Discuss the preliminary results and analysis of project if results are coming in during DNP II).
- Cost analysis plan: Discuss the positive/negative change in outcomes and costs of implementation and outcomes savings/expenses.
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- Describe overall evaluation of project, including barriers, facilitators, positive change in outcomes (pre- compared to post-) & costs of implementation and outcome savings.
- Describe sustainability implications.
- Provide a brief analysis of the anticipated project impact on health care quality, cost & access, and system change.
- Discuss the strategies used to indentify stakeholders; strategies to overcome the challenges & barriers; and how will you make use of facilitators/champions to successfully implement your project.
- Support your analysis and recommendations with references
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