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Death and Dying Case Study
Death and dying is the final stage of life when the body can no longer perform its typical functions. Death is a painful reality that health caregivers have to face in their everyday tasks. Various world dominions view and define death differently. Religious people view death as a transformation from one life form to another. Christians believe in life after death, and that death involves the body, but the soul is immortal. Many religious faiths, such as Muslims, also have similar perceptions and beliefs. However, the worldview of death is majorly defined by science. Health physicians use different approaches, such as muscle stiffening, body decay, cardio-pulmonary function failure, and brain functions failure to determine death. This paper discusses death and dying in the Christian worldview, focusing on the fallenness of the world and the ethical dilemmas Christians face while dealing with death and dying in the current world.
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Christian narrative on suffering and the world’s fallenness
Christians interpret death as the separation of the body and the soul, and as people die, the soul leaves the body, which then disintegrates and decays. The Bible, in second Paul, explains death as when the soul, which unifies the body and serves as the spiritual component, can no longer control the body, and it separates leaving the body on its own to disintegrate. The Christians view death as a grace moment that humans leave the evil world to join with God forever. Christians can perceive George suffering as part of life since the Bible depicts numerous events of God’s people, Jesus himself suffering in the hands of the world. For Christians, the earth is not their final destination, and people have to endure in faith and hope for a greater tomorrow. The encounter of Jesus guides the Christian narrative as we read that Jesus went through a lot of suffering on earth, betrayal, rejections, abuse, and men crucified him, but on the third day of his death, he raised from hell and rejoined with the Father in heaven (Verhey, 2011). Therefore, as a Christian, George can perceive that he is going through what Jesus went through.
The biblical encounters are countless. We also see Job placed on a test where the devil kills his family, destroys property, and brings sickness. This was a test of faith that Satan believed Job would fail. Nevertheless, with firm determination and trust in God, he was saved, and his wealth brought back to him. Therefore, as a Christian, George needs to strengthen his faith in God and believe in his ability to heal. However, the world’s fallenness has brought destruction among humanity, and we experience many diseases and sufferings that we have caused for ourselves. The challenges in the world today are a big test for faith, and many people argue that there is no God since the sufferings are severe and endless. The Bible teaches that God is all-powerful, all-present, and all-knowing. George can find himself asking where God is if He is all-powerful and knowing. Many people believe that God should save them, for they have been faithful to Him. However, the Bible shows that they have to face many challenges and face them with courage and faith, for this is not the final place for Christians (Verhey, 2011).
Nonetheless, death and dying bring grief and sorrow among Christians. It is an unwanted encounter as we can see in the Bible many people grieving of Jesus’ death, and others requested Jesus to bring Lazarus back to life. The world is filled with evil. Many Christians die every day in the hands of the worldly people. There are so many incurable illnesses that cause severe suffering and ultimate death. Due to this, a substantial section of the people believes that God is a myth. George may question why God has neglected his people. George’s case is much similar to Job’s case in the Bible. George is very successful, an attorney has a teaching role at a local university, and is a regular basketball coach in his son’s team. His life is in shape, and there is still a great future ahead.
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Nevertheless, the disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), has become a significant setback. His condition is irreversible and worsens with time, and at some point, he would lose the ability to speak, move, eat, breathe, and spend his life in a wheelchair (Hammer & McPhee, 2018). People can discourage him by questioning his faith and why his God has abandoned him, as we see with Job’s wife. Dickinson (2019) interprets the fallenness of the world as an overwhelming evil that brings pain and suffering.
Christian narrative on the hope of resurrection
The Christians believe in life after death, and they view the earthly sufferings as part of the journey to rejoin with their God. The Bible encourages believers to be determined, remain faithful, avoid sinful ways until one day, Jesus will return for the righteous. The Bible teaches Christians to follow Jesus’ footsteps, for they will be rewarded (Verhey, 2011). Jesus suffered severely but continued to spread God’s word, teaching people to be useful to one another and act as God would like. Many people interpret their suffering as something they have to go through on earth. Individuals argue that Christian or not, suffering is imminent, but believers are ready to endure suffering for a greater reward rather than questioning God’s existence basing on worldly challenges. George can use Jesus’ standpoint to interpret his suffering. From this view, no matter what George is experiencing, death will come, but if he remains faithful, there would be life after death in heaven. From a Christian’s perspective, George has every reason to trust in the resurrection since the world would come to final destruction. His faith should surpass the fallenness of the world that he is now experiencing firsthand.
Life with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Christians are taught to cherish life as it is a reward from God. God gave people the breath, and they have to maintain and cleanse their bodies. The Bible discourages people from taking their own lives, God gave people life, and only He can take it away. People are warned against committing murder or causing harm to the body. Christians are taught that the body is the temple of God, and they need to protect it. However, George’s case is challenging since he has to decide to live with the disease or undertake voluntary euthanasia. George is definitely in doubt about the value of his life. However, as a Christian, life is sacred and should be protected regardless of the conditions. George has the personal decision to select euthanasia or fight through. From a Christian viewpoint, life is valuable, and they should not take it away. They have not authority over life. As a Christian, George should endure his suffering, just like God’s people did in the Bible until the day of his natural death comes (Sanders, 2007). Initially, there were no ventilators, and for this reason, George would die immediately; he stops breathing or from other complications of ALS. Nevertheless, with the current technology, George can be put on a ventilator to help him with breathing. The advancement in technology creates an ethical dilemma that George has to deal with, considering the Christian value for life.
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Christian’s values and considerations and euthanasia option
Christians believe that no one has the authority to take life apart from God, and they should guard the body regardless of the condition. But there are some values and considerations to make decisions on. The four principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice and fairness are vital considerations. If George decides to live, he will be a burden to the family, financially and psychologically (Corey, 2013). But still, Christians are taught to care for the sick. George would probably need to answer some questions: Would he be productive and supportive to the family? Is his life worth protecting, and is the suffering worth endurance? Will George be able to serve God in such a condition? And what are the long-term implications for the family? Christians are advised not to take life, but there are circumstances where people need to reason about the impact of the patient on the family’s welfare and well-being, considering that the disease is incurable, and worsens with time. In deliberating George’s case, many Christians would base faith and believe in the greater God who has plans for everyone. George can decide to live with the disease, but avoid the life support machine, which apparently would not be available without the technology. Also, Christians should consider if euthanasia is of the greater good. From this standpoint, it would be better for George and majorly for the family who would not face emotional and psychological torment.
Moral justified choice in the Christian worldview
Finally, George has to settle on a particular option. George is under an ethical dilemma, but he has to select the best option, not only for him but also for the people around him, family, and friends. Undoubtedly, it would be great to see someone still alive for a little bit longer, and we see many families keep their patients alive until they die. There are numerous cases of people who have been in a coma for more than 20year, which shows that many people are always willing to keep their ill family members alive. George will have to practice autonomy if he is to make a critical decision about his condition. A morally justified option basing on the Christian worldview would be that which brings greater good for everyone. Basing on the four principles, euthanasia would be the better option. First, beneficence requires people to do the right thing. For George, euthanasia would bring good to the family since they won’t have to be drained financially, psychologically, and spiritually, which can be considered harm. Considering the factors surrounding the illness, undertaking voluntary euthanasia would be just and fair for the family. It would not be what everyone wants or desires, but it would be a win-win for everyone. George would not go through the suffering, and the family would not have to drain themselves to cater to him. If George decides to live, he would require the ventilator machine, which is expensive, and the cost would be massive (Corey, 2013). The family would have to borrow loans, sell property, some people would not go to college, just to salvage cash for George. It would be tormenting. The final decision should balance between the Christian worldview and the prevailing circumstances.
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My decision in George’s position
I would go for voluntary euthanasia. Deciding to live would be selfish on my account. I would not want the family to suffer, sell their assets, and always be in sorrow for something I can end. I think euthanasia is morally justifiable. It is a decision that many people have to die with but would be of the greater good for the people around them, family and friends. As much as God gave life and would like us to guard it, I do not think that our conditions, especially illnesses without a cure, have to bring suffering to other people.
Corey, G. (2013). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, 9th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.
Sanders, F. (2007). Chalcedonian categories for the gospel narrative. In F. Sanders & K. Issler (Eds.), Jesus in a trinitarian perspective (pp. 1-41). Nashville, TN: B&H Academic.
Verhey, A. (2011). The Christian art of dying: Learning from Jesus. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Hammer, D.G., & McPhee, S.J. (Eds). (2018). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine, 8th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
Dickinson, T. (May 27, 2019). Christianity’s excellent solution to believing in God in a world of evil and pain. STREAM. Retrieved from
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