Christian Leadership Essay

This article provides a sample solution essay about Christian Leadership.

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Complete a journal entry with the prompts provided. You will complete 6 journal entries that should help you with your final paper on your growth throughout the term. Entries need to be well thought out and written.



Christian Leadership

Though the initial proliferation of different Christian denominations was probably due to the high-toned desires of the founding Christian leaders to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, the current leadership has constantly shown that church leadership is a mirror of general leadership. Sadly, the current Christian leaders have made church a source of gain, be it politically or financially (Barber, 2019). While the Christian and general leadership share common principles, it is crucial to note that Christian leadership has never been for-profit or individual gain. Instead, Church leadership was initially established to guide and provide unity among members who share the passion of Christ.

There is much compartmentalization of church leadership as evidenced by different denominations that keep coming up. Besides, it is not uncommon to hear news of pastors, bishops, or any other Christian leader involved in corruption deals and activities aimed at swindling money from church members. The turn of the events concerning Christian leadership has raised concerns globally, and the often acceptable resolution is to pray for the church for redemption and for the current leaders to be led by God to do what is right.

Nevertheless, I believe that Christian leaders should be like any other kind of leadership but guided with values and principles akin to the Christian faith. This means that Christian leaders are those whose subordinates ascribe to a specific denomination within the auspice of Christianity. For instance, one would argue that Pop Benedict Pope Francis the current global leader of the Catholic Church. Christian leaders, like other leaders, are either elected or appointed depending on the beliefs and values shared within the specific denominations. The crucial differential factor is the source of their guiding principles. In this sense, it is notable that God guides Christian leaders through the Bible to lead effectively and per the ethical precepts that honor the name of the Almighty God whom Christian leadership is indebted. Were it not for God and Jesus Christ, Christian leadership would be a fallacy

Therefore, leadership should be defined as the act of influencing or serving others to fulfill the great commission and to achieve God’s intended purpose for them. Christian leadership is not based on earthly achievement standards, such as a desire for wealth or influence (Adiprasetya, 2018). Jesus in Matthew 20:25-28 said that leaders should be like a servant just as he was. He came to serve and give redemption to many. As such, leaders should show love (1 John 4:80, integrity (Proverbs 16:13), goodwill (Proverbs 16:1), and modesty (Proverbs 16:18) (English Standard Version Bible, 2001).

Moreover, Christian leaders should not embody oppressive nature and drunk with power to the extent of overpowering others with their authority, just as the Gentiles did in the early church. Instead, Christian leaders present themselves as servants, as Jesus himself demonstrated. According to Philippians 2: 7, Jesus Himself was humble and obedient to God the Father until His death (English Standard Version Bible, 2001). He did not value His reputation, yet He was the son of the Almighty God. Neither did His command following, but instead chose to be a bondservant of God the father, pointing others to salvation and redemption.

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Christian Leadership

In conclusion, the concept of Christian leadership as a servant of God draws the line between general and Christian leadership. In essence, general leadership is concerned with guiding others towards achieving material gain in meeting goals and objectives, whereas Christian leadership is all about pointing others towards spiritual nourishment and eternal life. Equally, Christian leadership focuses on developing individuals to live under premeditated values and beliefs, e.g., love, compassion, forgiveness, and unity. On the other hand, worldly leadership is more concerned with subordinates achieving predetermined goals and objectives.


Adiprasetya, J. (2018). Pastor as friend: Reinterpreting Christian leadership. Dialog57(1), 47-52. 

Barber, W (2019). Evangelicals using religion for political gain is nothing new. It is a US tradition. Retrieved 10 May, from

English Standard Version Bible. (2001). ESV Online.


Complete a journal entry with the prompts provided. You will complete 6 journal entries that should help you with your final paper on your growth throughout the term. Entries need to be well thought out and written.

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