Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Christian View of the Nature of Human Persons
According to the Bible, God created every human in His image and likeliness. Human dignity provides that every individual holds an intrinsic value to their humanity. The Christian understanding of Imago Dei forms the basis of human dignity, worth, and respect. (Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)Christians consider abortion, humanized embryonic stem cell research, and other scientific research that involves embryo destruction as unethical. The theory of moral urgency is compatible with the Christian view of human beings. According to this theory, every person is a moral agent and can judge right and wrong. Human motives can also be judged morally. The Bible teaches that life is sacred, and only God has authority over life. Therefore, every person has the mandate to value and protect life in any form. Every life is worthy regardless of social, mental, or physical status (Richins, 2017). Christians should love each other, help one another, and care for the sick, the homeless, disabled, mentally disabled, and the elderly as this safeguards intrinsic human value and dignity.(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Every life form has an intrinsic value and is worthy of respect from other people. The fetal abnormality case study provides a situation where individuals have varying views about life and how their worldviews impact their judgment and decision-making. The doctor considers abortion as the most viable option. Aunt Maria advises Jessica to give birth to the child since it is God-given. Marco offers judgment based on the socio-economic effects of giving birth to a potentially disabled child. Jessica is undecided. She knows the financial burden if she gives birth, and at the same time, she has value for life.(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Theories that are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus
Dr. Wilson’s determination involves scientism, which highly values science and scientific methods in solving problems. Abortion involves embryo destruction using scientific knowledge and methods. The doctor realizes the high probability that the child would be born with Down syndrome, and he provides abortion as the most viable option. The doctor clarifies that other alternatives exist, but abortion is the most reasonable scientifically and medically as per the circumstances. (Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)Scientism perceives the spiritual, cultural, and religious views as bankrupt and inadequate to rationalize things in the world (Burnett, n.d.). Scientism holds its concepts as the only sources of intelligence to offer clarifications and explanations of earthly events. The doctor does not integrate spiritual and cultural worldviews in his opinion, and he makes it clear that abortion is the best option.(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Aunt Maria thinks Jessica should give birth and let God be the judge. The Christian worldview is the basis of her determination. Christians believe that abortion is sinful and murder since life begins at conception and every life is worthy of protection. Aunt Maria believes praying to God would solve the problem (Schaffer, Sandau, & Missal, 2017). She advises Jessica to give birth and let God decide the rest. Christians have faith that God is all-powerful and can offer healing in any circumstance. Christians find hope and comfort in God’s power and the promise for a better tomorrow. Many Christians also believe that God gave people intelligence to solve their problems, and science is human intelligence, which is God-given. Caring for the sick, disabled, mentally ill, and the elderly is a ministry. Given that everyone reflects God’s image and likeness, treatment of others should be of respect of human dignity. Jessica has a responsibility of care which she should exercise with compassion.(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Marco has promised to support Jessica regardless of the decision she makes. However, he is more inclined to a materialistic judgment. He would consider abortion since he believes that the child would drain them financially. Marco is more worried about their financial security than the child’s life. They have plans with Jessica, and the child would be a strain on their economic stability. (Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)I would consider Marco materialistic, and he has a strong affiliation to objects of financial value (Richins, 2017). The child would indeed have unique medical, social, and care needs that require parental commitment and support throughout. Marcos’s determination of the fetus’ moral status is materialistic, and his recommendation would be that which guarantees more financial security, although he promises to support Jessica no matter the decision.(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Jessica is undecided, and she is caught between Christianity and materialism. Jessica is aware of the financial needs of raising the child. She also values human life and would not like to hurt the fetus. She believes that all life is sacred, but the child would be more dependent and threaten their socio-economic status.(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) Jessica’s determination provides an example of the modern Western worldview, which is a clash of worldviews. This worldview uses the Biblical teachings that God is the giver and taker of life, and every person can develop a relationship with God in their personal way. People also have a strong affiliation to modern consumerism and materialism worldview. There is always a conflict between matter and spirit (Schaffer, Sandau, & Missal, 2017). People believe they have the power to make personal choices based on what they see as good for them. Either materialistic or spiritual concepts would guide Jessica’s final decision. (Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
I concur with Aunt Maria’s theory, which is based on Christian concepts and beliefs. Every life has an intrinsic value and is worthy of respect. People were created in God’s image and likeness, and they have a right to live regardless of their social, economic, and physical status. Jessica should trust in God and remain prayerful. God would provide for their needs. The child has its purpose for existence, and it should not be terminated. It is Jessica’s duty as the mother to care for the child with compassion.(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) Marco should offer support in all essence. Aunt Maria’s theory influences recommendation for action since Jessica is advised to give birth and remain faithful that God would provide for their needs. There is much support currently, socially and technologically, and the child would lead a quality life.(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Burnett, T. (n.d.). What is Scientism? Retrieved from www.aaas.org/page/what-scientism(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Richins, M. L. (2017). Materialism pathways: The processes that create and perpetuate materialism. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4), 480-499.(Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Schaffer, M. A., Sandau, K., & Missal, B. (2017). Demystifying nursing theory: A Christian nursing perspective. Journal of Christian Nursing, 34(2), 102-107. (Fetal Abnormality Case Study Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)