Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Evaluate how advanced nursing education and lifelong learning can help improve patient outcomes. Include current research that links patient safety outcomes to advanced degrees in nursing. Based on some real-life experiences, explain whether you agree or disagree with this research. How can the application of the Christian Worldview help improve patient outcomes?
Reply to Response B
Your response was informative and fascinating! I agree that advanced nursing education and life-long learning improve patient outcomes and safety. I liked that you mentioned how baccalaureate-nursing programs prepare nurses to meet the diverse healthcare needs of their patients. Baccalaureate programs challenge nurses academically while preparing them for professional life. Therefore, baccalaureate-prepared nurses offer patient-centred care that recognises, respects and comprehends patients’ expressed needs, values, preferences and diversity. Harrison et al. (2019) research demonstrated that patients had improved health outcomes in healthcare facilities with a Bachelor of Science in nursing. In this case, the healthcare facilities experience reduced mortality rate, improved patient safety and quality care over time as healthcare staff pursue advanced education or continue to absorb staff with advanced degrees. I support the research since nurses with advanced degrees lead other staff members as they have more skills and competency to make informed clinical decisions. The Christian worldview improves patient outcomes as people in God’s supreme power to heal and restore wellness.(Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Harrison, J. M., Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., Brooks Carthon, J. M., Merchant, R. M., Berg, R. A., … & American Heart Association’s Get With the Guidelines–Resuscitation Investigators. (2019). In hospitals with more nurses who have baccalaureate degrees, better outcomes for patients after cardiac arrest. Health Affairs, 38(7), 1087-1094.(Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Reply to Response KM
Your discussion was educative and fascinating! I support that nurses have access to endless and growing opportunities in the nursing practice with advanced education and life-long learning. The changing world also brings immense changes in the healthcare industry. Thus, nurses should venture into research to remain updated on the current and emerging trends in the healthcare sector. Advanced education exposes nurses to a vast body of research relating to nursing. Research fosters evidence-based practice that improves clinical reasoning and judgements, thus improving patient safety and health outcomes. (Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)Notably, advanced education entails research training programs that promote evidence-based practice. Subsequently, evidence-based practice allows nurses to use a problem-solving approach care approach that entails conscientious utilisation of current best nursing practices. Thus, the nurses portray clinical expertise focusing on patients’ values, preferences and needs. Advanced education promotes evidence-based practice associated with improved patient outcomes and safety through research. Christianity positively influences the patient’s attitude towards illness and recovery, thus improving their health outcomes.(Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Black, A. T., Ali, S., Baumbusch, J., McNamee, K., & Mackay, M. (2019). Practice‐based nursing research: Evaluation of clinical and professional impacts from a research training programme. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(13-14), 2681-2687.(Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Discuss the difference between a DNP and a PhD in nursing. Select a role requiring either a DNP or a PhD in nursing, and explain how this role functions within an interdisciplinary healthcare setting (clinical or non-clinical).
Reply to Response 1
Your discussion was fascinating and informative! I agree that a Doctor of nursing practice (DNP) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing have different professional roles. I also agree that a Doctor of Philosophy in nursing is a research doctoral degree while a Doctor of Nursing Practice is a practice degree. A Doctor of Nursing Practice prepares nurses for leadership in nursing or administration in non-clinical and clinical settings in healthcare (Martsolf & Sochalski, 2019). (Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)For this reason, nurses learn to translate their academic knowledge and research into patient care. The nurses use evidence-based practice to complete work projects and solve problems in the care continuum. A Doctor of Practice nursing program prepares nurses with skills and competency to improve staff performance, quality care and compliance. On the contrary, a Doctor of Philosophy in nursing allows nurses to venture into scientific research. As such, the nurses develop nursing research frameworks, conduct actual research, preside over research teams, and teach scholarly publications.
Martsolf, G. R., & Sochalski, J. (2019). The need for advanced clinical education for nurse practitioners continues despite the expansion of doctor of nursing practice programs. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 20(4), 183-185.(Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Reply to Response 3
Your discussion was educative and fascinating! I support that nurses have a wide of career advancement degrees, not to mention the two doctoral degrees, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in nursing. I liked that you simplified the difference between the two degrees in that a DNP focuses on clinical practice while a PhD in nursing focuses on nursing research. I also agree that a DNP can prepare a nurse for the position of Chief Nursing Officer in a healthcare facility. (Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)Notably, a CNO assumes administrative and leadership roles such as managing finances, formulating healthcare plans, assigning duties, introducing new technology and on-board new staff in the nursing department (Riesch et al., 2022). On the contrary, a PhD in nursing prepares nurses to assume faculty positions in university and college settings. The graduates can also pursue research and scholarly endeavour to invent and expand philosophical, theoretical and empirical work concerning nursing.(Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Riesch, S. K., Chiappa, J., Floyd, N., & Ponce, M. (2022). The Chief Nursing Officer Shared Leadership Model. Nurse Leader.(Advanced Nursing Education Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)