Final Care Coordination Plan Comprehensive Solved Nursing Essay Example

Are you a nursing student pursuing your Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree? Conducting a medical literature review is an essential aspect of your research process. It involves analyzing existing scholarly writings related to your specific research question, providing a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

At [Company Name], we understand the importance of a well-executed literature review in MSN nursing research. In this article, we will guide you through the key steps involved in conducting an effective medical literature review, helping you navigate the vast sea of existing medical knowledge.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose a focused research question that guides your literature review process.
  • Define the scope of your review, considering the number of studies, comprehensiveness, and time frame.
  • Select appropriate databases and sources to search for relevant literature.
  • Review the literature critically, considering research methodologies, conflicts, and gaps.
  • Appraise research evidence based on quality, validity, and sample size.

Choosing a Research Question

When embarking on a medical literature review for MSN nursing research, one of the first and most crucial steps is choosing a focused research question. A well-defined research question will guide the entire literature review process and ensure that the review remains comprehensive and relevant.

To develop a research question for your literature review, consider utilizing the PICO and FINER criteria. PICO stands for Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome, which helps structure your question around these key elements. FINER stands for Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical, and Relevant, helping ensure your research question has these important qualities.

“The formulation of the research question is one of the most important steps in the research process. It determines the focus and direction of the literature review, guiding subsequent search strategies and analysis.”

Additionally, discussing your topic and research question with a professor or mentor can provide valuable insights and guidance. Their expertise and perspective can help refine your question and ensure it aligns with the goals of your research.

Table: Examples of Research Questions

Research Question Keywords
What are the most effective nursing interventions for managing chronic pain in elderly patients? chronic pain, elderly, nursing interventions, effectiveness
How does the implementation of mindfulness-based stress reduction programs impact the mental well-being of nurses? mindfulness, stress reduction, mental well-being, nurses
What are the barriers to effective communication between nurses and physicians in hospital settings? nurse-physician communication, barriers, hospital settings

By following these steps and criteria, you can ensure that your research question is focused, relevant, and capable of guiding your medical literature review in a meaningful way.

Defining the Scope of the Review

When undertaking a medical literature review for MSN nursing, it is crucial to define the scope of your review. The scope refers to the parameters and boundaries of your literature review, such as the number of studies to be included, the comprehensiveness of the review, and the time frame the review should cover.

To determine the scope, it is essential to consider the specific requirements of your assignment. Review the guidelines provided by your professor or institution to understand the expectations for your literature review. These guidelines may include details on the number of sources, the time frame to cover, and any specific topics or subtopics that should be included. Adhering to these assignment requirements will ensure that your review is focused and tailored to the objectives of your research.

Additionally, consult with your professor or research advisor to clarify any uncertainties or seek further guidance on defining the scope of your review. Their expertise and insights can help you set appropriate parameters, ensuring that your literature review remains relevant and aligned with your research question. By defining the scope of your review early on, you can efficiently navigate the vast amount of available literature and maintain a clear focus throughout your review process.

Table: Factors to Consider When Defining the Scope of Your Literature Review

Factors Considerations
Number of studies Determine the appropriate number of studies to include for a comprehensive yet manageable review.
Comprehensiveness Decide whether your review should cover a broad range of literature or focus on specific aspects of the topic.
Time frame Specify the time period your review will encompass based on the relevance of the literature to your research question.
Assignment requirements Review the guidelines provided by your professor or institution to ensure your review aligns with the assigned objectives.
Research question Keep your research question in mind when defining the scope to ensure the literature included directly addresses your research objectives.

Searching for Relevant Literature

When conducting a medical literature review for MSN nursing research, it is crucial to search for relevant literature that aligns with your research question. To effectively search for the right sources, there are several techniques and databases that can be helpful.

Firstly, consider using academic databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, and Scopus, which are specifically designed for healthcare-related research. These databases provide access to a vast collection of scholarly articles, journals, and conference proceedings.

You can also explore other sources such as books, dissertations, and grey literature, which can provide valuable insights and alternative perspectives. Additionally, it may be beneficial to reach out to subject-matter experts and librarians who can guide you towards relevant sources.

“Effective literature searches use controlled vocabulary and keywords to maximize retrieval of the relevant studies.”

When searching databases, it is important to use a combination of controlled vocabulary terms (MeSH terms) and keywords related to your research question. This approach will help you retrieve the most relevant studies and improve the efficiency of your literature search.

Database Description
PubMed A comprehensive database of biomedical literature, including journals and articles from various disciplines.
CINAHL A database focused on nursing and allied health literature, providing access to a wide range of nursing research.
Scopus A multidisciplinary database that covers a broad range of scientific literature, including medical and nursing research.

By utilizing the appropriate search techniques and databases, you can ensure that your medical literature review is based on up-to-date and relevant sources that contribute to the overall depth and quality of your research.

Reviewing the Literature

Once you have gathered a list of relevant studies for your medical literature review, it is crucial to review them critically. This step helps you analyze and evaluate the research methodologies, results, and conclusions of each study. By doing so, you can identify gaps or conflicting evidence, which will contribute to a comprehensive and well-rounded review.

When reviewing the literature, consider the research question or objective of each study. Assess whether the research question aligns with your own and if the study’s findings are relevant to your topic. It is also important to evaluate the credentials of the authors and any potential conflicts of interest that may influence the study’s outcomes.

Remember to take detailed notes throughout the process. Summarize the main findings, highlight any notable limitations or strengths, and identify key areas for further investigation. These notes will be invaluable when you start writing your literature review.

Another important aspect to consider when reviewing the literature is the research methodologies employed in each study. Look for information on the study design, sample size, data collection methods, and statistical analysis. Assess the quality and validity of these methodologies to determine the reliability of the study’s results.

Evaluating Research Methodologies

The research methodologies used in different studies can vary significantly. Some common methodologies include experimental studies, observational studies, surveys, and case studies. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these methodologies is crucial when assessing the validity and reliability of the research findings.

For example, experimental studies, such as randomized controlled trials, are considered the gold standard for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions. These studies involve randomly assigning participants to different groups and measuring the outcomes. On the other hand, observational studies, such as cohort studies or case-control studies, observe and analyze data without intervening or manipulating variables.

Research Methodology Strengths Weaknesses
Experimental Studies Allows for causal inferences May not reflect real-world conditions
Observational Studies Can provide insights into real-world scenarios Cannot establish causation
Surveys Can collect large amounts of data Subject to bias and inaccurate reporting
Case Studies Can provide in-depth understanding Limited generalizability

By critically evaluating the research methodologies used in the studies you review, you can determine their strengths and limitations and assess the overall quality of the evidence presented. This analysis will help you make informed decisions about the relevance and reliability of the literature for your MSN nursing research.

Appraising Research Evidence

When conducting a medical literature review, it is crucial to appraise the research evidence to ensure its quality and validity. By carefully evaluating the criteria of evidence quality, validity, and size, we can determine the reliability of the studies and their relevance to clinical practice.

Evidence quality is an essential factor to consider during the appraisal process. High-quality evidence is derived from randomized, double-blind studies with a control group. These types of studies minimize bias and provide more reliable results. By prioritizing high-quality evidence, we can make more informed decisions in our MSN nursing research.

Validity is another critical aspect to assess when appraising research evidence. Validity ensures that the outcomes of the studies make sense and are statistically significant. By evaluating the validity of the research methodologies, we can determine if the results are reliable and meaningful.

“Evidence quality is an essential factor to consider during the appraisal process.”

The size of the study also plays a significant role in determining the reliability of the evidence. Studies with larger sample sizes are more robust, as they reduce the impact of chance and random variations. By considering the size of the studies, we can gauge the generalizability and strength of the evidence.

Appraising research evidence is a crucial step in conducting a comprehensive medical literature review. By considering evidence quality, validity, and size, we can ensure that the studies we include in our review are reliable, relevant, and contribute to the advancement of MSN nursing research.

Evidence Appraisal Criteria Description
Evidence Quality High-quality evidence is derived from randomized, double-blind studies with a control group.
Validity Validity ensures that the outcomes of the studies make sense and are statistically significant.
Size Studies with larger sample sizes are more robust and reduce the impact of chance.


In conclusion, conducting a thorough medical literature review is essential for MSN nursing research. By following the steps outlined in this article, including choosing a research question, defining the scope, conducting searches, critically reviewing the literature, and appraising the evidence, you can create a comprehensive and evidence-based literature review.

A well-executed medical literature review helps MSN nursing practitioners stay informed about the latest research findings, identify gaps in knowledge, and make evidence-based decisions in their practice. It allows us to synthesize existing evidence, evaluate the quality and validity of research studies, and draw meaningful conclusions.

To ensure the highest standards in your literature review, it is advisable to seek assistance from nursing literature review experts. They can provide guidance on research methodologies, help you navigate databases, and ensure the accuracy and relevance of your review.


What is the purpose of a medical literature review in MSN nursing research?

A medical literature review plays a crucial role in MSN nursing research by providing a comprehensive analysis of existing scholarly writings related to a specific research question.

How do I choose a research question for my medical literature review?

It is essential to choose a focused research question that can guide the review process. Consider using PICO and FINER criteria to develop a research question that is specific, measurable, and relevant to the MSN nursing field.

What factors should I consider when defining the scope of my literature review?

To ensure a successful literature review, consider the number of studies to be included, the comprehensiveness of the review, and the time frame the review should cover. Check assignment requirements and consult with your professor to establish the parameters of the literature review.

How do I find relevant literature for my medical literature review?

It is crucial to select appropriate databases for searching and explore other sources such as books and dissertations. Make a list of databases to search, keep track of your searches, and utilize citation managers to organize your research citations effectively.

What should I consider when reviewing the literature for my medical literature review?

When reviewing the literature, critically analyze the research studies you find. Consider the research question, the credentials of the authors, funding sources, research methodologies, results, and conclusions. Look for conflicting studies and identify any gaps or points of disagreement.

How do I appraise research evidence for my medical literature review?

When appraising research evidence, consider the quality, validity, and size of the studies. High-quality evidence should be randomized, double-blind, and relevant to clinical practice. Validity ensures that the outcomes make sense and have significant statistical significance. Size refers to the number of participants in the study, with larger numbers reducing the influence of chance.

What are the key points to remember when conducting a medical literature review for MSN nursing research?

To conduct a thorough medical literature review, choose a focused research question, define the scope of the review, select appropriate databases for searching, conduct thorough searches, review the literature critically, and appraise the evidence. Seek assistance from nursing literature review experts to ensure your review meets the highest standards.

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