Unit 6 Discussion

Unit 6 Discussion .

Choose one of these examples below and discuss why this is an environmental justice issue.  Identify potential health effects that might stem from this issue and present any suggestions you have to remedy the situation.


I will like to focus on Emelle, Alabama landfill.


1.   Emelle, Alabama, is home to the biggest landfill for hazardous waste in the United States. Emelle is also a poor community that is predominantly African American. Waste for this landfill comes from 45 states nationally as well as several other countries.

2.   In a neighborhood in Tucson, Arizona, is a large industrial toxic waste site. This neighborhood has a predominantly Hispanic community. As a result of the toxic waste site, toxic chemicals pollute the air and water.

3.   Farm workers, mainly migrant laborers, work with crops that are treated with toxic pesticides without adequate personal protective equipment.


(Modified from: Weintraub, 1994. Fighting Environmental Racism: An Annotated Bibliography.)



Unit 6 Discussion

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