Two Towns

Two Towns.

Essay type: Comparison/Contrast Essay

In this paper, you will write a comparison/contrast essay using three points of analysis. 


Paper topic

Your paper topic should be something you care about so that the examples are a means of communicating an idea, not an end in themselves.


Sample Topics

ʉۢ Two jobs you have held

ʉۢ A good or bad job interview

ʉۢ Your relationship with two friends

ʉۢ Two relatives

ʉۢ A place as it is now and as it was years ago

ʉۢ Two towns or cities



 â€¢ Your essay must use the three-points-of-analysis scheme. 

ʉۢ Your essay must have an effective opening.

ʉۢ Your essay must contain concrete and descriptive nouns and details.

 â€¢ Your essay must maintain a consistent tense. 

ʉۢ Your paper must be at least 3 full pages minimum and 5 pages maximum (at least 650 words).

ʉۢ Your paper must be formatted according to MLA guidelines.

Two Towns

A Page will cost you $12, however, this varies with your deadline. 

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