Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Identify a Research Topic

One of the most common post- operative kidney transplant complications is thromboembolism with venous thromboembolism not only causing death but unnecessary extended hospital stays, hospital readmissions and high costs to both the healthcare facility and the patient. Yet VTE is a preventable condition.(Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Identify your Research Problem

Research Problem

            VTE is preventable complication that is life-threatening that still continues to cause high death rates and high healthcare costs among kidney transplant patients.(Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Knowledge Gap

            A literature search and analysis of existing literature indicates that there is not guideline that is universally accepted as a VTE prophylaxis care bundle for kidney transplant patients. In a healthcare organization where the author is currently attached to, surgeons reveal that existing VTE prophylaxis treatment and care plan is informed by the individual surgeon’s experience and preference with some opting for medication interventions as their counterparts favor early ambulation among other non-pharmacological interventions.(Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)


A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure where a healthy kidney donated by either a living or dead donor is planted into a patient whose kidneys are no longer functioning. Kidney failure causes include but are not limited to diabetes, poorly uncontrolled hypertension, chronic glomerulonephritis and polycystic kidney disease. As a treatment of choice, a kidney transplant has several benefits over a life time dialysis as it offers better quality of life, decreased risk of death, fewer dietary restrictions and comparatively lower treatment costs. Be that as it may, the kidney transplant procedure carries with it the risk of major complications like failure or rejection of the donated kidney, infection, heart attack and stroke, and thromboembolism. Venous thromboembolism (VTEs) are not only life threatening but also lead to extended hospital length of stay, hospital readmissions and high healthcare costs. Dasta et al (2015) reported that VTE affects more close to a million people in the US where the first VTE hospitalization ranged between $3, 000 and $9, 5000. Therefore, any EBP intervention like a VTE risk assessment for all kidney transplant patients before the operation that significantly reduces the incidence rate of VTE would translate to decreased healthcare costs, better patient outcomes and VTE related deaths.(Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)


The implementation of an evidence based EBP evaluating a VTE risk assessment before surgery among the kidney patients that would decrease the incidence of VTE in adult patients after undergoing a kidney transplant. A secondary outcome would be decreased healthcare costs derived from the per capita patient costs. According to Abdulhassani et al (2015) most VTE related deaths can be prevented offering adequate prophylaxis as majority of these incidents result from failure to administer prophylaxis instead of a prophylaxis per se. The researchers note that about 10% of all patients diagnosed with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) which is a part of VTE, die within 90 days of diagnosis. The Virchow triad comprising of stasis, endothelial injury and hypercoagulable state is recognized as an underlying pathophysiology explain VTEs. Under current recommendations for post- operative prophylaxis, the risk of VTES can be classified into three groups as either low, medium, or high.(Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample

Development of My Research Question

The number of deaths that occurred within three months after kidney transplant in the selected specialist hospital informed the need for a practice change at the hospital using a surgeons education intervention structured approach to guarantee its implementation. To concisely capture the proposed intervention a PICOT Question based framework was developed as’ In adult kidney transplant patients at risk of VTE (Population-P), does the implementation of an EBP VTE risk assessment project for all patients before undergoing a kidney transplant surgery (Intervention-I) compared to standard practice (Comparison-C)lead to a decreased incidence of VTE among the hospital’s adult kidney transplant population  by 5% or more (Outcome-O) within three months(Time-T)?(Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

The Study Design

To examine the impact of the VTE risk assessment screening program on the VTE occurrence in the selected site for the project, among kidney transplant patients aged 18 years and above, researcher proposes to use a quasi- experimental  pre- test / post-test  design on the incidence of VTE among this hospital’s identified patient population. , the Iowa Model would be utilized to implement the proposed change. The suitability of IM as the programs theoretical framework is premised on the fact that the model uses an algorithmic flow chart that tracks the project’s implementation and utilizes feedback loops.(Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample


Abualhassan, N., Aljiffry, M., Thalib, L., Coussa, R., Metrakos, P., & Hassanain, M. (2015). Post-transplant venous thromboembolic events and their effect on graft survival. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation26(1), 1.(Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Dasta, J. F., Pilon, D., Mody, S. H., Lopatto, J., Laliberté, F., Germain, G., … & Nutescu, E. A. (2015). Daily hospitalization costs in patients with deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism treated with anticoagulant therapy. Thrombosis research135(2), 303-310(Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Research Foundations Worksheet Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample