Nursing informatics project proposal

Nursing informatics project proposal

In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate improving patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following:

Describe the project you propose.

Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.

Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.

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Nursing informatics project proposal
Nursing informatics project proposal

Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.

Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist in the project team.

Use APA format and include a title page and reference page.

Use the Safe Assign Drafts to check your match percentage before submitting your work.

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Nursing Papers Examples

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