Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example

Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example

Reply 1

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on using high-quality evidence for a doctoral project. It is great to hear that you are applying the knowledge you have gained in evaluating sources to support your DPI project. I appreciate your detailed explanation of the two articles you chose to support your project and their levels of evidence. I believe you have carefully considered these studies’ research design and methodology before selecting them as suitable sources of evidence. In this case, it is essential to have a strong evidence base to support your project and ensure its success.(Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example)

Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example

As you continue your search, remember that the quality of evidence should always be your top priority. It is also important to consider the relevance and applicability of your chosen studies. For instance, consider the study populations, interventions, and outcomes examined in the studies and whether they align with your project’s goals (Chen et al., 2019). Additionally, do not hesitate to consult with your mentors or colleagues to evaluate sources. With continued effort and skill-building, you can ensure that your DPI project is built on high-quality evidence.(Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example)


Chen, Y., Hua, F., Mei, Y., Thiruvenkatachari, B., Riley, P., & He, H. (2019). The characteristics and level of evidence of clinical studies published in 5 leading orthodontic journals. Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice19(3), 273-282(Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example)

Reply 2

Randomized controlled trials are considered the gold standard of research as they eliminate bias and confounding variables, leading to more reliable and valid results. It is commendable that you have identified the levels of evidence required to implement your DPI project effectively. It is worth noting that while primary research is valuable, it is also important to consider systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which compile and analyze the results of multiple studies to provide a comprehensive summary of the evidence. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are considered the highest level of evidence and can provide more robust and reliable findings.(Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example)

You may want to consider additional factors that could impact the effectiveness of interventions in improving attendance, such as the socioeconomic status of the students, the severity and frequency of health-related absences, and the school’s resources and support for addressing attendance issues (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2022). Additionally, it may be helpful to examine studies that evaluate the long-term impact of attendance interventions and the sustainability of these interventions over time. This could help ensure that the interventions you implement have a lasting impact on attendance and ultimately improve students’ academic and health outcomes.(Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example)

Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example


Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2022). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Reply 3

You did a great job identifying two scholarly, primary source articles that meet the criteria for the DNP DPI project. Ideally, the articles should also be relevant to the proposed nursing practice problem and provide evidence that supports the project’s goals. It is also essential to critically appraise the articles to ensure they are high quality and free from bias (Long et al., 2020). The Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) is a useful tool for evaluating the validity and reliability of research studies.(Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example)

Furthermore, you should ensure the sources are up-to-date when conducting a literature review. In this case, evidence continuously evolves in healthcare, and new research is constantly emerging, so it is crucial to use the most recent and relevant studies. Lastly, it is vital to properly cite the sources used in the DPI project to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original authors. GCU follows the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style, and students should ensure they are familiar with and apply the guidelines correctly.(Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example)


Long, H. A., French, D. P., & Brooks, J. M. (2020). Optimizing the value of the critical appraisal skills program (CASP) tool for quality appraisal in qualitative evidence synthesis. Research Methods in Medicine & Health Sciences1(1), 31-42.(Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example)


Levels of Evidence in a Research-A Comprehensive Essay Example

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