Legal use of Marijuana

Legal use of Marijuana .

Research Essay

Essay type: Policy Persuasion

In this essay, you will write a persuasive argument on a controversial issue.  If you have difficulty choosing a topic, you may use one of the prompts listed below. You want to be extremely persuasive in your argument by incorporating a lot of evidence to support your thesis.


Paper topic

The goal of this assignment is to convince your audience to be on the same side of the argument as you. Use all of the elements of persuasion to accomplish this. You will want to be persuasive in your argument by providing numerous examples of supporting evidence for your chosen topic. You will need to use at least three credible articles (from GALILEO) that either support your side of the argument, or an article that you want to argue against. Your articles must be appropriately cited both within your essay and on your works cited page.



ʉۢ Your essay must contain a clearly and concisely supported thesis.

ʉۢ Your essay must contain substantial support to support your thesis..

ʉۢ Your essay must include information from at least three credible articles found in GALILEO.

ʉۢ Your essay must include parenthetical citations and a works cited page for three articles found in GALILEO.

ʉۢ Your essay must be written in third-person point of view.

ʉۢ Your paper must be at least 4 full pages minimum and 5 pages maximum (at least 950 words).

ʉۢ Your paper must be formatted according to MLA guidelines.

Legal use of Marijuana

A Page will cost you $12, however, this varies with your deadline. 

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