HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Since the HIV/AIDS epidemic began, many people in the US and across the world have been adversely impacted, with some losing their lives. Today, more than one million people in the US live with diagnosed HIV/AIDS, though some live with it unknowingly (Garett & Young, 2018). Although the epidemic affects people regardless of health disparities, African Americans are disproportionately infected because of multiple health and environmental factors. Even though the American government is the largest global funder towards the fight against HIV, African Americans, particularly men who have sex with men, continue to worsen. Men who have sex with men, often referred to as MSM, account for the largest number of annual HIV infections due to low uptake of condom use, low testing rates, and extant discrimination.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
African American MSM experiences adverse effects of HIV given the extensive racial disparities and social and economic injustices that make healthcare inaccessible. As a result, MSM experience heightened vulnerability to HIV infections. In the US, the number of MSM living with HIV is alarming, and this places those in the same group, though not infected, at a high risk of infection, regardless of risk behavior indicators and other health disparities (McCree et al., 2019). As much as most people seek information to protect themselves from viral and bacterial diseases, lack of awareness among African American MSM leads to underestimation of the HIV epidemic, low testing rates, and skewed perceptions on prevention measures. American society has for a long time been criticized for being discriminatory against people of color and minority groups, rending it impossible for them to access quality services. While the American government continues to fight the global HIV epidemic, more focus should be placed on healthcare access by minority groups such as the African American MSM through social cooperation and grants to prevent future crises from occurring and affecting communities negatively. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Goals and Objectives
HIV prevalence among the minority populations warrants a closer look into pertinent health concerns and disparities. People marginalized by virtue of their race, ethnicity, religion, sex, education, and demographic characteristics often are African Americans, people who inject drugs (PWID), men who have sex with men (MSM), lesbian gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT), and others bound by hidden identities (McCree et al., 2019). Therefore, the purpose of health interventions facilitated through grants seeks to reduce HIV/AIDS prevalence among these groups, particularly MSM. For a grant to be provided by the government, applicant agencies must include well-defined activities and roles to cover predetermined processes and attain set objectives and goals. The public health intervention should engage persons affected by the HIV epidemic regardless of health disparities, including Black MSM, gay and bisexual men, and strategic partners by establishing effective prevention strategies and interventions.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Grants provide financial resources that facilitate various population needs both in the short-term and long term. Health disparities within the health sector arise mainly due to inadequate and unreliable information but equipped with funding opportunities, healthcare systems, and strategic planners can assess and distribute information on preventive strategies to African American MSM and other groups (Garett & Young, 2018). Moreover, coordination and cooperation between community-based organizations, local and state public health agencies allow increased awareness on HIV-related risk behaviors and preventive strategies among families, partners, and peers. HIV surveillance systems are tools that have, in the past and even today, been used successfully to track high-risk populations and establish factors leading to specific behaviors and outcomes. Public health agencies can utilize web-based surveillance systems to determine exposures, risk behaviors, testing, and ratings on the use of preventive measures by MSM persons. As a result, healthcare systems establish patterns essential to perform trend analysis in high-risk behaviors. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Funding provides opportunities for healthcare systems to achieve great milestones addressing the HIV epidemic. Comprehensive HIV prevention plans will contribute significantly to soliciting funding and enhance chances for gathering Black MSM information and rendering services that will go a long way to avert HIV prevalence, high infection rates, infection, and mortalities. Therefore, funding implementation plans are essential as they ascertain the efficacy of proposed behavioral interventions that seek lower transition and acquisition in African American MSM populations. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Social and Economic Injustices in MSM
Over the years, research has focused on assessing the overall impacts of HIV on minority groups, but less effort has been placed on social, economic, and structural factors that explain health disparities in MSM. HIV is a major public health crisis in this group in the US, with more than 78% of total cases. The disproportionate effects of the epidemic indicated that African American MSM recorded increasing infection rates while other racial and ethnic groups had reduced or stagnant acquisitions. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Despite public health campaigns, health disparities have widened with time encompassing individual-level behaviors that do not necessarily prevent HIV acquisitions. In Black neighborhoods, public health systems have been at the forefront advocating for HIV prevention interventions to reduce disease prevalence, particularly among young and adult MSM populations (McCree et al., 2019). As much as public health systems strive to explain disparities in HIV infection rates through a racial/ethnic lens, not much success has been recorded. Notably, common factors that contribute to HIV acquisition are social and economic in nature. Contributing factors include discrimination, racism, the influence of social networks on sexual behavior, and economic insecurity. In most settings, especially urban environments, African American MSM is characterized by high unemployment rates, school dropouts, low income, and a history of incarceration. Similarly, MSM is more likely to have more than one sexual partner, practice condomless anal intercourse, and engage in sexual activity under the influence of drugs, subsequently increasing the acquisition of HIV. These conditions explain HIV prevalence from a socioeconomic perspective and its significance in the general population. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
HIV infections in the American population depict uneven distribution regarding gender, race, social, and economic underpinnings. Most Black MSM is largely associated with high-risk behaviors than their other counterparts and maintains patterns of social and sexual networks that promote the acquisition of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Reducing Sexual Risks
The most prevalent sexual behavior in MSM is having multiple sex partners and engaging in intercourse under the influence of alcohol and other drug substances. Public health systems define multiple sex partners as a measure and occurrence of sexual activity between two or more individuals within a particular time frame. Notably, for MSM, sexual activity under the multiple sex partner mantra can occur at the same time or happen sequentially.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Most African Americans’ sexual activity occurs between individuals of different ages, races, religions, and social and economic orientations. It is often difficult to reduce sexual risks when an individual withdraws from a relationship or connection with a person and immediately starts a subsequent one; then this signifies progressive sexual encounters that often are done without protection or under drug influence, making it a high-risk behavior for HIV acquisition (McCree et al., 2019). Young adults’ and adolescents’ engagement in risky sexual behaviors, such as having multiple sexual partners, is a global public issue but has received little attention from public health systems both at the local, state, and international levels. However, addressing HIV-related concerns at these levels will spur significant progress towards reducing sexual risks and encouraging safe sex. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
HIV prevalence and transmission of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have slightly decreased generally. In the US, stagnating and lower rates for its population signify the efficacy of public health interventions to reduce sexually transmitted infections. However, young adults continue to engage in unsafe intercourse; 44.2% of the university that participated in a survey acknowledged having multiple sex partners and engaging in unprotected sex (Joseph et al., 2018). The same results were replicated for Black MSM adolescents who, in most cases, hide their identities for fear of public discrimination, segregations, and being treated differently. As much as men who have sex with men predispose themselves to acquire HIV, adopting provisions of health intervention initiatives will help reduce sexual risks and impacts on health status.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Averting Sexual Infections
Many sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men are alarming and call for ardent interventions that influence behavior change. For MSM to adopt healthy sexual relations with their partners, they should be able to access quality health care provided by well-trained clinicians (Vermund, 2017). In most cases, clinicians fail to understand MSM health because of communication barriers and inadequate education on high-risk behaviors and HIV transmission risk. HIV prevalence in Black MSM is dependent on frequency of condomless sex, rate of partner exchange, and the number of currents and past sex partners. Clinicians who are in the best position to handle MSM needs can utilize these sex-determining factors to ascertain the vulnerability of a population to contract HIV. This can significantly help in the creation of public health interventions to avert sexually related infections. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Similarly, disparities among MSM compel individuals to engage in high-risk behaviors. Common disparities are evident in young MSM populations, MSM of lower socioeconomic status, MSM Hispanics, and other racial minorities (Joseph et al., 2018). Public healthcare systems experience numerous challenges maneuvering distinct mixing patterns in sexual networks in minority groups, given the sensitivity of one’s health status. Moreover, health disparities result in differential experiences of stigma discrimination lowering an individual’s self-esteem and overall interaction with peers and other people. Increasing HIV rates in a specific population compared to the general population is an alarming health concern for local and state public health agencies. Therefore, MSM is advised to be responsible for their health statuses; even though reduced access to screening and treatment has been experienced in the past, more interventions should be initiated to reach MSM persons who are unemployed, young, and of lower socioeconomic status. As a result, consideration for health needs for racial minorities of MSM will be prioritized and avert sexual infections.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Public health interventions focus on improving health outcomes regardless of disparities in a given community. They should be feasible, acceptable, and demonstrate preliminary efficacy to facilitate health needs and preferences. Although the US is a high-income country, it accounts for the largest global HIV infections for MSM and has been at the forefront of fighting to reduce viral loads using antiretroviral (ARVs) drugs (Crim et al., 2020). Treatment with ARVs is essential for individuals diagnosed with HIV as it reduces the possibility of further spread and suppresses the viral load in the body. Therefore, MSM should adhere to antiretroviral drugs to improve health, but it still is suboptimal; nearly half of diagnosed populations of MSM realized viral suppression, leaving a significant part of the group.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The use of antiretroviral drugs primarily aims at suppressing viral loads and improving overall health. However, societal stigma and discrimination impede efforts by MSM to access quality HIV care and influences adherence regimes. In some settings, mental health and housing challenges expose individuals with detectable viral loads rendering it difficult to achieve viral suppression (Crim et al., 2020). MSM contends with several adherence barriers in different ways; nevertheless, public health systems should initiate antiretroviral adherence interventions focusing particularly on African American MSM. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Requirements
A Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) provides information to grant seekers on the availability of grand funds applicable to various fields. Federal regulations state all agencies should in their announcement documents fulfil certain requirements by including the following information:(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
- The type of award
- Program purposes, goals, and measurement
- Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for grant program
- Due date for grant applications
- Funding opportunity number
- Reporting requirements
- Instructions to apply(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
- Full text of the announcement
For this research paper, a funding opportunity seeking to address HIV prevalence among a given community is identified. The estimated total program funding is set at $97,750,000 and the expected number of awards is 30. Below are the FOA requirements:(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Funding Opportunity Title: National HIV Behavioral Surveillance (NHBS)
Funding Opportunity Number: CDC-RFA-PS22-2201
Agency Name: Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control – NCHHSTP(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Document Type: Grants Notice
Funding Instrument Type: Cooperative Agreement
Due date for grant applications: August 02, 2021
CFDA Number: 93.944 – Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus Syndrome (AIDS) Surveillance(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Eligible applicants are state, county, city or township government including all US health departments, the six local health departments with independent HIV surveillance programs, the district of Columbia Department of Health, and the territorial health departments or their Bona Fide Agents. The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity is to support ongoing bio-behavioral surveillance to monitor HIV-related behaviors, detect changes over time in HIV risk behaviors among populations at high-risk for HIV infection, and to inform and evaluate HIV prevention activities. Moreover, it will aim to fill gaps in knowledge regarding HIV prevention priorities among populations in geographic areas where current data are limited. Data collected will be used to improve HIV prevention, response, testing and treatment services, and reduce HIV incidence among populations at high-risk for HIV infection.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Public Health Intervention
PIN (Positive I’m Negative)
Numerous factors are contributing to the increasing HIV incidence among African American gay, bisexual, and men who have sex with other men (MSM). Minimizing HIV infections among these populations requires behavioral initiatives, medical interventions, and community initiatives to ensure that all facets of the problem are addressed (MacDonald et al., 2016). HIV prevalence in these populations is highly associated with risky behavior. The MSM makes up about half of the people living with HIV in the United States, which increases the possibility of transmission (Garett & Young, 2018). Societal injustices like health disparities among racial minorities, discrimination, and homophobia are also associated with the prevalence of HIV infections among African American MSM. There is insufficient access to health resources for testing, controlling, preventing, and treating HIV. To create a long-term solution to the problem, the public health intervention selected combines behavioral, medical, and community-based initiatives. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
MAPP Model
The goal is to reduce the number of infections annually by promoting healthy behaviors and increasing access to health. The MAPP model helps conduct assessments from a community perspective to ensure an inclusive, diverse, and sustainable community and health equity and opportunity for all. These assessments provide insights into community knowledge of their health and well-being, community commitment to ensure health is accessible to all, and community collaboration to address issues that affect community health and well-being (MacDonald et al., 2016). The Community Health Needs Assessment helps identify multiple issues affecting the health of individuals, families, and particular groups. The Forces of change assessment help identify events and trends that will be influencing the community’s health and quality of life. Community Themes and Strengths Assessment looks at local perceptions of the community’s health issues, such as unhealthy behaviors. The Local Public Health System Assessment helps identify areas of system improvement and local partnerships for effective public health services delivery.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Significance of Intervention
This intervention seeks to minimize HIV infections among African American gay, bisexuals, and MSM. It addresses three primary aspects, behavioral, medical, and community, affecting HIV prevalence among the populations. The intervention acknowledges the public health issue as a community problem that requires the engagement of all stakeholders as strategic partners (MacDonald et al., 2016). The intervention is a long-term solution to the problem as it addresses multiple contributing factors. Increasing HIV infections among one population places other society members at risk. They also have to bear the medical, psychological, and financial burden of caring for their infected family members and friends. The intervention calls for a collaboration of the wider community. The intervention tackles risky behavior, access to quality health services, and social constructs of homophobia and discrimination, leading to stigma and stress among Black MSM. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
The public health intervention is keen on engaging federal agencies such as the CDC and community-based organizations in creating robust HIV prevention and control strategies. The intervention also seeks to build individual and community capacity to address high HIV prevalence among MSM by disseminating vital information through digital and social media campaigns and ground interactions. It is also crucial to empower the African American MSM to voice their issues and be strategic partners in fostering their own health status. Community-based education and in-person training are priorities that will empower the individual to take care of their own health after realizing the impact of risky behaviors. Research shows that many MSM has little education about their risk, which exposes them unknowingly to a high chance of getting HIV (Matthews et al., 2016). The intervention places the MSM at the center of the solution. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Target Audience
The public health intervention targets African American gays, bisexuals, and men who have sex with other men. The intervention seeks to expand HIV prevention by public health departments and community-based organizations. It also aims at availing adequate resources to populations with high HIV infections (Matthews et al., 2015). The intervention is also keen to expand contact with the MSM and establish routine testing. Public education and awareness are vital in controlling HIV infections. The public health intervention seeks to mobilize institutions serving gays, bisexuals, and MSM to raise awareness and communication efforts. Information empowers individuals to have their own voice and raise their concerns because they matter. HIV prevalence among African American MSM is a society problem that burdens many key players such as government agencies. The intervention would benefit health care departments like the CDC, community-based organizations, the government, non-profits, and the wider community since the burden will lighten.
FOA General Requirements
This funding opportunity is for all non-reach domestic activities the CDC supports. Applicants of the FOA should:
- Comply with authorizing regulations
- Achieve the desired outcomes(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
- Offer opportunities to the disadvantaged
- Be able to conduct the stipulated activities
The measurable outcomes should align with at least one of the CDC performance goals. The applicant must be able to:
- Increase exposure to the CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign resources and messages to the populations with high HIV prevalence.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
- Enhance HIV-related information-seeking attitude among the populations with high HIV incidence
- Expand partner engagement with the CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign resources and messages
- Expand HIV-related communication among participating partners and networks
Response to the Public Health Intervention
The grant would be vital in implementing the selected public health intervention to curb HIV infections among African American gay, bisexuals, and MSM. After grant reception. The project will embark on implementing the strategies highlighted in the proposal narrative. Some of the risk factors the intervention will focus on including the high number of African American MSM living with HIV, many MSM being unaware of their HIV infection, sexual risk behaviors, stigma, homophobia, and discrimination. The intervention is keen to:(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
- Increase community awareness through campaigns and a community dashboard
- Engage more with African American MSM as strategic partners
- Expand effective prevention and control strategies and programs
- Increase information dissemination strategies and programs(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
- Fund community workforces that support the affected populations
The priority is to make the community more informed and educated about the public health issue. Matthews et al. (2015) noted that lack of awareness of HIV infection and treatment opportunities is a primary contributing factor to the high HIV infections among MSM. The grant is a funding opportunity for all organizations that seek to spread materials and messages to increase awareness and foster public education. The programs will also seek to develop more advanced prevention and control strategies and incorporate technology and social networks. An enhanced comprehensive HIV prevention plan is required to facilitate operations that will strengthen contact with African American MSM. Reaching gays, bisexuals, and MSM is critical. The program will fund other organizations serving gay, bisexual, and MSM to mobilize the community and increase awareness and communication. The National HIV Behavioral Surveillance system and the Web-Based HIV Behavioral Surveillance System will help access changes over time and diffuse behavioral interventions to educate the public about risky behaviors.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Needs Assessment
Community Themes and Strengths Assessment
Communities play a significant role in ensuring the general well-being of their members is maintained. The most significant issues communities grapple with include mental health, racial health disparities, violence, sexual assault, uncontrolled sexual content, access to health, public HIV/AIDS education, drug and alcohol abuse, economic disparities, stigma, homophobia, and discrimination (McCree et al., 2019). Moreover, community members hold different quality of life perceptions as to what is healthy and unhealthy. People perceive their health and the community as healthy but consider sexual relationships healthy or unhealthy. Unhealthy behavior perceptions are vested on drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault, unprotected sex, and having multiple partners. Therefore, improving community health requires economic empowerment centers, community awareness programs, correction centers, non-profits, community education centers, lab facilities, drug treatment centers, hospitals, and health departments.
Local Public Health System Assessment
Local public health systems should facilitate multiple needs through its components, competencies, activities, and capacities: partnerships, data collection analysis, population health assessment, monitoring, external communication, health education, and public health laws and ordinances enforcement (Matthews et al., 2015). It should also provide essential services available to the community, including informing, educating, and empowering people about their health issues and enforcing laws and regulations to protect people’s health and ensure safety. Besides, new insights and innovative solutions research should complement personal and population-based health services evaluation for effectiveness, accessibility, quality, and policy creation. (HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Community Health Status Assessment
The community health status segment centers on the health needs and well-being of residents. The focus should be placed on increasing substance use among youths, increased unhealthy sexual interactions and unprotected sex, and decreasing the incidence of STDs. Also, it is alarming that a significant population does not seek medical attention given that co-payment, deductibles, and lack of insurance affect access to health services.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Forces of Change Assessment
Elements that spur change in a community include social justice, technology, increasing poverty, health disparities, instability of funding, competing health care beliefs, health insurance, and access to mental health services.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Evaluation Plan
As outlined in the organizational chart, one co-investigator is responsible for guiding a team of four other co-investigators. The other four co-investigators are individually accountable for different aspects of the projects as outlined therein. Consequently, the co-investigators assign tasks to part-time employees and volunteers depending on the area of expertise, including healthcare and community social work. On the other hand, the co-investigators liaise independently with the social marketing team to carry out health promotion initiatives.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
- Health professionals
- The Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC)
- Positive HIV/AIDS community advocates
- State and county health departments
- Consortium groups and non-profit organizations
- Churches(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
- The National Institute of Health Office of AIDS Research
Over the years, HIV/AIDS epidemic has proved to be a social and economic menace for society and other social settings. It has impacted populations differently, especially African American men who have sex with men who have been affected disproportionately. They are significantly impacted by varying social perceptions and beliefs towards homosexuality and persons engaging in the vice. Although disparities still exist on same sex-marriages and relationships, the American government has in the past years strived to reduce cases of HIV/AIDS by approving same-sex relationships. Nevertheless, HIV prevalence among African American MSM remains high hence the need for long-term and sustainable strategies to help avert vulnerability to infection. Some of the most effective strategies I will integrate strategies include enhancing the cognitive ability for changed behavior, dismantling stigma, discrimination, substance abuse, uptake of condoms and lubricants, and community empowerment.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Crim, S., Tie, Y., Beer, L., Weiser, J., & Dasgupta, S. (2020). Barriers to Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among HIV-Positive Hispanic and Latino Men Who Have Sex with Men —United States, 2015–2019. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(40), 1437-1442. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6940a1(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Garett, R., & Young, S. (2018). Risk behaviors among sexual partners of African American and Latino online social network – using men who have sex with men. HIV & AIDS Review, 17(2), 117-121.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Joseph, H. A., Pan, Y., Mendoza, M., Harawa, N. T., Lauby, J., Hosek, S. G., … & Millett, G. A. (2018). HIV acquisition and transmission potential among African American men who have sex with men and women in three US cities. Archives of sexual behavior, 47(1), 183-194. doi.10.1007/s10508-017-1052-z(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
MacDonald, M., Pauly, B., Wong, G., Schick-Makaroff, K., van Roode, T., Strosher, H. W., … & Ward, M. (2016). Supporting successful implementation of public health interventions: protocol for a realist synthesis. Systematic reviews, 5(1), 1-11.(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Matthews, D., Herrick, A., Coulter, R., Friedman, M., Mills, T., & Eaton, L. et al. (2015). Running Backwards: Consequences of Current HIV Incidence Rates for the Next Generation of Black MSM in the United States. AIDS And Behavior, 20(1), 7-16. doi: 10.1007/s10461-015-1158-z(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
McCree, D., Williams, A., Chesson, H., Beer, L., Jeffries, W., & Lemons, A. et al. (2019). Changes in Disparities in Estimated HIV Incidence Rates Among Black, Hispanic/Latino, and White Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in the United States, 2010–2015. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 81(1), 57-62. doi: 10.1097/qai.0000000000001977(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Vermund, S. (2017). The Continuum of HIV Care in the Urban United States: Black Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) Are Less Likely Than White MSM to Receive Antiretroviral Therapy. The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 216(7), 790-794. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jix009(HIV Prevalence among African American MSM Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)