Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Pathophysiology and Nursing Management of Client’s Health
A comprehensive comprehension of a disease’s pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical symptoms, treatment protocols, and disease effects across a patient’s lifespan is crucial for a registered nurse. This paper evaluates and formulates a conclusion from a patient’s health history and medical history.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Clinical Manifestations
Mrs. J presents acute decompensated heart failure and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In addition, she has hypertension and present flu-like symptoms, including fever, cough with sputum, nausea, and malaise. Consequently, Mrs. J cannot carry out activities of daily living (ADL’s), such as eating, or drinking and needs assistance walking short distances.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Appropriateness of the Medications
The interventions given to Mrs. J during admission were all appropriate. According to Dixit et al. (2016), furosemide is crucial in removing excessive sodium in the body to assist the kidney to eliminate excess body fluid through urine, equally relieving heart congestion and enhancing heart rate. Enalapril is a vital pharmacological intervention for high blood pressure and treatment for heart failure. According to Rayner (2019), Enalapril is effective in managing elevated BP and variability. Equally, Metoprolol is a vital medication for managing hypertension to prevent heart failure (Mittal). Therefore, Metoprolol was crucial in regulating Mrs. J’s rapid heart rate. IV morphine sulphate was the ideal medication for Mrs. J’s short breath. IV morphine sulphate is crucial in dyspnea among patients diagnosed with COPD (Soffler et al., 2017).(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Equally, inhaled short-acting bronchodilator intervention was crucial for controlling Mrs. J’s breath. The intervention is recommended for emergency severe exacerbation among patients diagnosed with COPD to clear constricting airways – bronchoconstriction (Kopsaftis et al., 2018) as exemplified by Mrs. J’s inability to get enough air. Equally, inhaled corticosteroid was a vital medical intervention for preventing recurrence of shortness of breath and resolving airway inflammation to ease breathing (Daley‐Yates, 2015). Lastly, oxygen delivered at 2L/ NC was an appropriate intervention for Mrs. J since she was severe breathless and needed immediate supplemental oxygen to aid her breathing. Supplemental oxygen is a crucial intervention for a patient with hypoxemia complications and chronic pulmonary diseases (Hardavella et al., 2019).(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Cardiovascular Conditions that cause heart failure and their medical interventions.
Cardiovascular conditions that can cause heart failure include hypertension, coronary artery disease (CAD), myocarditis, and cardiomyopathy. Hypertension causes the heart to pump faster, leading to the thickening of the heart’s left ventricle. This makes it hard to pump blood, leading to heart failure (Magyar et al., 2015). Hypertension can be managed through lifestyle changes, including increased physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthy, and limiting alcohol intake. Equally, the condition can be pharmacologically managed through diuretics, e.g., Aldactone, ACE inhibitors such as benazepril, ARBs such as candesartan, or calcium channel blockers such as amlodipine.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
CAD refers to a condition resulting from damaged or diseased blood vessels, leading to their inability to supply enough oxygenated blood to the heart and a consequent predisposition to heart failure (Malakar et al., 2019). Like hypertension, CAD interventions involve lifestyle changes. Similarly, the condition can be pharmacologically managed using ACE inhibitors, ranolazine, nitroglycerin, calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, or cholesterol-modifying medications. On the other hand, myocarditis refers to inflammation of the myocardium, leading to abnormal heart rhythms, inability to pump blood, and intermittent heart failure (Tschöpe et al., 2020). Myocarditis often improves on its own but can be managed through ACE inhibitors, ARBs, beta-blockers, or diuretics. Severe cases can be managed through extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machines, assistive devices, balloon pumps (intra-aorta), or intravenous (IV) medications.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Lastly, cardiomyopathy is a heart muscle disease that limits the heart’s ability to pump enough oxygenated blood into the heart, leading to heart failure (Tschöpe et al., 2020). Cardiomyopathy can be managed by reducing risks of complications, pharmacological interventions, therapies (septal ablation and radiofrequency ablation), or medical devices such as a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Nursing interventions for multiple drug interactions in older patients
Appropriate nursing interventions for multiple drug interactions include reviews of patients’ prescriptions, educational programs for practitioners, prescribing incentive schemes, and regulatory interventions. Practitioners should review medical prescriptions with the patient and caregiver, providing changes, and discontinuing unnecessary medications (Varghese et al., 2020). Equally, medical practitioners should be engaged in educational programs on managing and minimizing polypharmacy (Saljoughian, 2019). These programs include training on appropriate prescription techniques and the effects of polypharmacy. Moreover, incentive schemes are also crucial in changing prescribing practice, improving quality, and cost-effectiveness in prescribing (Rankin et al., 2018). Lastly, regulatory interventions such as government policies regulating prescriptions provide nursing frameworks for minimizing risks associated with polypharmacy in the elderly population (Soler & Barreto, 2019).(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Health promotion and restoration teaching plan for Mrs. J
As a practitioner, I would present Mrs. J with an appropriate nutritional plan and routine guide for physical activity. Good nutrition and appropriate physical activity will be crucial in decreasing lifestyle risks associated with heart failure mentioned above and improving her quality of life. In this sense, the nutrition guideline will include various fruits and vegetables, sugar-free food and drinks, more water, at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, and a routine clinical evaluation.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Education Method
As a practitioner, I would have a face value conversation with Mrs. J to explain the significance of every prescribed medication, probable side effects, and the need for medication adherence. Communicating with a patient facilitates understanding clinical instructions and information relating to a given medical intervention (Bowman & Cushing, 2017). Communication would also allow Mrs. J to make sense of his condition and learn about the significance of the medical interventions in improving his/her health. (Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
COPD Triggers
I would discuss the triggers of COPD with the patient, including inhaled irritants, extreme weather, respiratory infections, and, most importantly, cigarette smoke (Viniol & Vogelmeier, 2018). Possible options for smoking cessation include; enrolling Mrs. J in a stop-smoking program and smoking support groups to improve cessation success. I would also provide Mrs. J with smoking cessation medication such as Varenicline 0.5 mg PO qDay.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

Bowman, D., & Cushing, A. (2017). Ethics, law, and communication. In: Kumar P, Clark M, eds. Kumar and Clarke’s Clinical Medicine. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier;(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Daley‐Yates, P. T. (2015). Inhaled corticosteroids: potency, dose equivalence, and therapeutic index. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 80(3), 372-380(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example).
Hardavella, G., Karampinis, I., Frille, A., Sreter, K., & Rousalova, I. (2019). Oxygen devices and delivery systems. Breathe, 15(3), e108-e116. 10.1183/20734735.0204-2019 (Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Kopsaftis, Z. A., Sulaiman, N. S., Mountain, O. D., Carson-Chahhoud, K. V., Phillips, P. A., & Smith, B. J. (2018). Short-acting bronchodilators for managing acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the hospital setting: a systematic review. Systematic reviews, 7(1), 1-13. 10.1186/s13643-018-0860-0
Magyar, K., Gal, R., Riba, A., Habon, T., Halmosi, R., & Toth, K. (2015). From hypertension to heart failure. World, 2. 10.5494/wjh.v5.i2.85
Malakar, A. K., Choudhury, D., Halder, B., Paul, P., Uddin, A., & Chakraborty, S. (2019). A review on coronary artery disease, its risk factors, and therapeutics. Journal of cellular physiology, 234(10), 16812-16823.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Mittal, N., Shafiq, N., Reddy, S., Malhotra, S., Kumari, S., & Varma, S. (2017). Evaluation of efficacy of Metoprolol in patients having heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial. Perspectives in clinical research, 8(3), 124(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example). 10.4103/2229-3485.210449
Rayner, B. (2019). The effect of lercanidipine or lercanidipine/enalapril combination on blood pressure in treatment-naïve patients with stage 1 or 2 systolic hypertension. Pragmatic and observational research, 10, 9.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Saljoughian, M. (2019). Polypharmacy and drug adherence in elderly patients. US Pharm, 44(7), 33-6.
Soffler, M. I., Rose, A., Hayes, M. M., Banzett, R., & Schwartzstein, R. M. (2017). Treatment of acute dyspnea with morphine to avert respiratory failure. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 14(4), 584-588.(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201611-922CC
Soler, O., & Barreto, J. O. M. (2019). Community-level pharmaceutical interventions to reduce the risks of polypharmacy in the elderly: overview of systematic reviews and economic evaluations. Frontiers in pharmacology, 10, 302. 10.3389/fphar.2019.00302
Tschöpe, C., Ammirati, E., Bozkurt, B., Caforio, A. L., Cooper, L. T., Felix, S. B., … & Van Linthout, S. (2020). Myocarditis and inflammatory cardiomyopathy: current evidence and future directions. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 1-25.
Varghese, D., Ishida, C., & Koya, H. H. (2020). Issues of Concern. StatPearls [Internet].(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Rankin, A., Cadogan, C. A., Patterson, S. M., Kerse, N., Cardwell, C. R., Bradley, M. C., … & Hughes, C. (2018). Interventions to improve the appropriate use of polypharmacy for older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (9).(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) 0.1002/14651858.CD008165.pub4
Viniol, C., & Vogelmeier, C. F. (2018). Exacerbations of COPD. European Respiratory Review, 27(147). 10.1183/16000617.0103-2017(Health History and Medical Evaluation Information Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)