Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper
Part 1: Global Health Comparison Matrix
Global Healthcare Issue | Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) | |
Description | HIV is considered a critical public health issue. Globally, HIV has affected over 37.6 million people as of 2020, including 1.7 children aged below 15 years (, 2021). HIV attacks the body’s defense system leading to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) when left untreated (CDC, 2021). In addition, HIV is chronic and has no effective cure.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
However, proper medical care facilitates HIV control, prologs lives, and protects sexual partners. Although there have been crucial scientific advancements and understanding in HIV prevention and treatment, most people are still at risk of contracting the disease, exacerbated by inadequate access to prevention, care, and treatment services across diverse communities (, 2021). (Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper) |
Country | United States (North America) | Nigeria (West Africa) |
Describe the policy in each country related to the identified healthcare issue | The USA adopted the Ryan White HIV/AIDs Program (RWHAP) to guide response towards HIV. RWHAP is an integrated planning and resource allotment agreement enacted to provide primary and additional health care and treatment services to persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) from low-income households and uninsured or underserved (HRSA, 2019; Kay, Batey & Mugavero, 2018).(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper) | National Policy on HIV/AIDS was first adopted in 1997 to address HIV/AIDs epidemic in Nigeria (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2009). The policy has consistently been revised to incorporate novel guidelines for HIV/AIDS management.
The primary goal of the policy is to guide a multi-sectoral HIV/AIDs response to achieve adequate control by providing support, equitable care, and reducing new infections (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2009). As a result, the spread of HIV will be halted, and quality treatment provides as the country aims towards universal commitment to healthcare coverage. |
What are the strengths of this policy? | The RWHAP legislation is federally funded and provides comprehensive primary care, medication, and support for PLWHA to improve wellbeing and reduce HIV transmission (HRSA, 2019). | The policy offers a multi-sectoral, community-based/driven, broad partnership, gender-responsive, dialogue, scientific consultations, and stakeholder coordination approach to HIV/AIDS control and management (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2009). Moreover, there is a solid commitment to scaling up preventive measures among high-risk and vulnerable populations.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper) |
What are the weaknesses of this policy? | The RWHAP serves only low-income families and does not cover inpatient care. However, HIV/AIDS is chronic and sometimes requires inpatient services, which can devastate middle-income families’ financial capability. | While the policy frameworks offer effective strategies to mitigate HIV/AIDs epidemic in Nigeria, state-level corruption is a serious policy limitation. A study by Fieldman (2018) ranked Nigeria among countries whose health sector is affected by corruption. Equally, there is a weak political commitment to the policy at the state level, as some states do not have a financial allocation to HIV/AIDS activities (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2009). |
Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the specified global health issue. (Be specific and provide examples) | Social health determinants influencing HIV prevalence include challenges related to the need for food, housing, and other human wants and needs due to unemployment, drug abuse, poverty, and incarceration (Frew et l., 2016). As a result, people engage in high-risk behaviors such as unprotected intercourse with different partners to get assistance.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
Socio-cultural disparities, including gender stereotypes, polygamy, wife inheritance, stigma, and concurrent sexual partners, contribute to HIV/AIDs prevalence in Nigeria (Ogbonna et al., 2016). These factors also influence access to health services, particularly among females, as they are webbed with notions of male superiority, affecting sex education (Anugwom & Anugwom, 2016). For instance, having multiple sex partners increases acquiring HIV if one person has the virus. |
How has each country’s government addressed cost, quality, and access to the selected global health issue? | The USA government provides federal funding through Medicare, Medicaid, and RWHAP to address access to healthcare services of PLWHA.
The USA government has equally achieved the landmark in biomedical and scientific that promotes effective of HIV epidemics such as antiretroviral therapy and epidemiological techniques (, June 2021)
The Nigerian government has contributed significantly to addressing HIV/AIDs through funding mitigation initiatives (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2009). However, the government heavily relies on the World Bank for funds for HIV/AIDs initiatives. Moreover, the Nigerian government has facilitated remarkable access to comprehensive and quality HIV mitigation services through multi-sectorial interventions (Federal Ministry of Health, 2016). These interventions include high-quality integration for PLWHA.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper) |
How has the identified health policy impacted the health of the global population? (Be specific and provide examples) | RWHAP remains critical of the USA response to HIV for the hard-to-reach population and research on innovative models of care (HRSA, 2020; HRSA, 2019). Consequently, the program has contributed to a global understanding of HIV/AIDS by sharing various research findings. | The National Policy on HIV/AIDS contributes to strengthening the international surveillance capacity and response to the epidemic (Federal Ministry of Health, 2016). In addition, the policy contributes to developing international private-public partnerships to leverage global resources such as Word Bank or WHO interventions to sustain HIV/AIDs management. |
Describe the potential impact of the identified health policy on the role of a nurse in each country. | The RWHAP contributes to the training of nurses. Consequently, nurses working in RWHAP clinics offer more services, including risk-reduction and nutritional counseling, and service coordination due to the need for comprehensive care (Beane, Culyba, DeMayo, & Armstrong, 2014).(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper) | The potential impact of the National Policy on HIV/AIDs includes training opportunities. In addition, the policy provides guidelines on how various aspects of HIV/AIDs management are to be implemented. These guidelines change the roles nurses play in managing the epidemic in Nigeria. |
Explain how global health issues impact local healthcare organizations and policies in both countries. (Be specific and provide examples) | Global health influences the security of the USA population. Globalization has eased international travel and commerce, increasing the risks of the emergence or re-emergence of infectious diseases in other parts of the world, affecting the USA (, 2020). Consequently, the USA has to establish policies to promote health and control the spread of global infections while equally protecting the health of its citizens through investment in its healthcare organizations.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper) | Like the USA, Nigeria responds to global health issues by equipping and investing in its healthcare sector. For instance, the Nigerian government upscaled its screening services to include mobile healthcare clinics, carried out community campaigns (Ahmed et al., 2020).(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper) |
General Notes/Comments | The RWHAP remains a crucial HIV/AIDs management legislature in the USA. The RWHAP consists of parts that facilitate its flexibility in addressing its mandate. These parts include:
a. Geographic regions b. Various populations c. Healthcare service system needs |
Through the policy, Nigeria has managed to lower the prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS from 2.8% to 1.4% (UNAIDS, 2019). Equally, Nigeria has increased the number of treatments threefold since 2010, adopting the treat and test strategy to limit widespread infection.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
Part 2: A Plan for Social Change
Explain how you would advocate incorporating a global perspective or lens into your local practice and role as a nurse leader.
As a nurse leader, I would promote the incorporation of cultural perspectives in clinical practice. In this regard, I would encourage workforce diversity and cultural competency among nursing teams. Understanding cultural perspectives in nursing would allow me to influence my team’s various values, beliefs, and expectations. Consequently, they will be able to employ these values and believes while interacting with patients, among themselves and when delivering nursing duties. For instance, I would instill a culture of respect and accommodation of different views, ethnic, racial, and cultural attributes. This would allow them to treat every patient equally without any form of prejudice.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
Explain how incorporating a global perspective or lens might impact your local practice and role as a nurse leader.
Incorporating these global perspectives would affect my local perspectives and roles as a leader in many ways. One, incorporating global standards of practice will increase healthcare quality, leading to positive health outcomes among patients. Two, incorporating global practices will expose nurses to novel and efficient ways of carrying out nursing duties. For instance, my team can learn how culture influences patient outcomes and implement them when attending to patients from these cultures. Lastly, incorporating global perspectives will open my workplace to local and international partnerships. For instance, practicing universal care services can attract partnerships from research investors from other parts of the world to mitigate global health issues.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
Explain how incorporating a global perspective or lens into your local practice as a nurse leader represents and contributes to social change. Be specific and provide examples
Incorporating global perspectives provide novel ways of nursing practices. Consequently, traditional and ineffective nursing practices can be rejected. For instance, creating awareness on HIV/AIDs stigma has contributed to increased access to prevention and treatments services across the African and Asian continents. Equally, championing against stigma has contributed to access to healthcare services for LGBT populations in the USA. As a result, the community continues to embrace certain taboo diseases, contributing to their effective management.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)

Ahmed, S. A. S., Ajisola, M., Azeem, K., Bakibinga, P., Chen, Y. F., Choudhury, N. N., … & Yusuf, R. (2020). Impact of the societal response to COVID-19 on access to healthcare for non-COVID-19 health issues in slum communities of Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan: results of pre-COVID and COVID-19 lockdown stakeholder engagements. BMJ Global Health, 5(8), e003042(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper).
Anugwom, E., & Anugwom, K. (2016). Socio-cultural factors in the access of women to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services in South-southern Nigeria. Iranian journal of public health, 45(6), 754.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
Beane, S. N., Culyba, R. J., DeMayo, M., & Armstrong, W. (2014). Exploring the medical home in Ryan White HIV care settings: a pilot study. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 25(3), 191-202.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
Centre for Diseases Control and Prevention. (June 2021). About HIV. Retrieved 7 August 2021, from(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
Federal Government of Nigeria. (2009). National Policy on HIV/AIDS. Retrieved 7 August 2021, from—ed_protect/—protrav/—ilo_aids/documents/legaldocument/wcms_127570.pdf
Federal Ministry of Health. (2016). National Health Policy 2016. Retrieved 7 August 2021, from
Frew, P. M., Parker, K., Vo, L., Haley, D., O’Leary, A., Diallo, D. D., … & Hodder, S. (2016). Socioecological factors influencing women’s HIV risk in the United States: qualitative findings from the women’s HIV SeroIncidence study (HPTN 064). BMC Public Health, 16(1), 1-18.
Friedman, W. (2018). Corruption and averting AIDS deaths. World Development, 110, 13-25.
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). (December 2020). About the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. Retrieved 7 August 2021, from(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). (February 2019). Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Legislation Retrieved 7 August 2021, from(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper) (2020). Global Health. Retrieved 7 August 2021, from (June 2021). What Is Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.? Retrieved 7 August 2021, from (June 2021).The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic. Retrieved 7 August 2021, from
Kay, E. S., Batey, D. S., & Mugavero, M. J. (2018). The Ryan White HIV/AIDS program: supplementary service provision post-affordable care act. AIDS patient care and STDs, 32(7), 265-271.
Ogbonna, B.O., Udeh, S.O., Udeh, S.C., & Emelumadu, O.F. (2016). Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing HIV/AIDS Prevalence in Nigeria; A Review. Elixir Bio Sci.. 92. 39097-39103.(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)
UNAIDS. (March 2019). Nigeria adapts strategy to end the AIDS epidemic. Retrieved 7 August 2021, from(Global Healthcare Comparison Matrix and Narrative Statement Comprehensive Nursing Sample Paper)