Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample
- How would you prepare for the following situation? (Provide realistic examples and details for safety and survival)
According to the CDC, the strength of a tornado remains unknown until it touched down, but the winds can move up to a stunning 200mph (CDC, 2021). It may be accompanied by winds more than 200 miles per hour. Once we are under a tornado warning, our priority is to find safe shelter right away. Tornados bring along massive winds that cause extreme destruction in their paths and even death. Unfortunately, there is no assurance of safety during a tornado, and any threat of one must be taken seriously. However, an individual can survive a tornado when they take safety measures.(Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
I would plan to inform my wife and seek shelter immediately. Consequently, we would grab our disaster kit, a few cushions, and blanket, run to the basement (which is considerably sturdy and underground), and hide under the stairwell. Moreover, I will cover myself with a blanket and our heads with a cushion. The CDC (2021) recommends basements/rooms without windows on the lowest floor. Moreover, individuals are advised to hide under sturdy objects, cover themselves with a sleeping bag, mattress, or blanket. It is also vital to protect your head and void staying in mobile homes.(Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
However, if an individual is in a mobile home, outside, or a car when tornado alerts are given, they should run into the closed building, particularly those with a basement. The CDC discourages competing with a tornado when in a car. Equally, the National Weather Service (NWS) recommends finding low places, including underground, storm cellars, and basements (NWS, 2021). The NWS also recommends a reinforced safe room for tornado survival. In the absence of safe rooms, storm cellars, or basements, the NWS recommends hiding far away from doors, windows, and outside walls.(Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
- How prepared are you in the event of a disaster? Describe your level of disaster preparedness using specific examples and references to your \ “go-bag\” and preparedness checklist assignments.
Natural disasters can strike at any time and cannot be prevented. However, one can prepare to enhance survival and safety when such catastrophes strike for themselves and their families. Doing the Disaster Plan Checklist helped me become more prepared against any unwanted events that could happen. It also made me realize how important it was to know the emergency protocols in case of danger. We can never be fully prepared for such disasters, but knowing what to do and how to survive increases the chances of survival when a disaster comes.(Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
- Reflect on how prepared you were before this class and compare it with how prepared you are
The best way to prepare for a disaster is to have a fully equipped disaster go-bag. Although I have some preparation before, I am even more prepared after this class. Through my research, I have come across crucial concepts that have enhanced my disaster preparation. These include needs-based planning and the rules of three as outlined in Maslow’s Hierarchy. These concepts are similar and concern three primary needs during a disaster, i.e., air, water, and food (Nelson, 2021). Accordingly, I have packed enough food and water for my family enough for three days. I have also packed hand-crank radio and battery flash torch to listen to emergency weather news and enhance vision in the dark. Besides, I would concentrate on finding a sturdy shelter to protect ourselves from flying debris or materials during a tornado. (Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
Have you acquired any new emergency items?
Currently, no, I have not.
Do you plan to take any additional training or certification courses?
Response: No, I do not plan to take any new courses. However, I do maintain my current certifications.
Have you shared your knowledge with friends and family?
I have only shared my knowledge with my family, and they are currently aware of the steps they should take in the case of a disaster.(Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. (March 2021). Staying Safe in a Tornado. Retrieved 5 August 2021, from(Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
National Weather Service. (2020). Severe Weather Safety and Survival. Retrieved 5 August 2021, from(Family Disaster Plan Summative Assessment Comprehensive Nursing Paper Sample)
Nelson, R. (2021). The rule of 3’s: Basic survival knowledge. Stone Age Man. Retrieved 5 August 2021, from