Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example
Create a concept map showing Benner’s stages from novice to expert and its alignment to the nursing process for an improved nursing care plaExplaining the concept map and how the concepts in Benner’s theory relate to the nursing process, including alignment with critical thinking and clinical decision-making for an improved nursing care plan.
The concept map above describes the stages in the nursing competency development process based on the experience nurses gain from their daily professional activities. Benner’s theory of novice to expert postulates that nurses develop skills and understanding of the patient care process over time based on the experience and knowledge they gain from a combination of a strong educational foundation and clinical practice (Murphy & Hassall, 2020). As shown in the concept map above, novice nurses are less experienced and knowledgeable about patient care than expert nurses. Based on the theoretical foundation of Benner’s theory of novice to expert, nurses can gain skills and knowledge without actually learning a theory. A situation described as a nurse “knowing how” without “knowing that. Consistent with the theoretical background of Benner’s theory, novice nurses are beginners in clinical practice and have no experience (Ozdemir, 2019). Specifically, nurses in this category do not demonstrate high critical thinking and clinical decision-making process as they depend on the instructions provided and strictly follow them.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)

The advanced beginner nurse performs well with prior experience in actual nursing situations (Mortimore et al., 2021). Advanced beginner nurses can use such experience to recognize recurring significant components of patient care to guide actions. A competent nurse has 2-3 years of experience in nursing practice (Murphy & Hassall, 2020). Competent nurses know their long-term professional goals and can plan their actions. Furthermore, the proficient nurse understands and perceives as a whole, applying a holistic approach to understanding nursing practice to improve their decision-making. At the top tier are the expert nurses who no longer depend on rules, principles, or guidelines to execute patient care-related activities and determine situations (Ozdemir, 2019). Expert nurses have a comprehensive background of experience and an intuitive grasp of clinical situations.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Define each stage on the continuum and describe the characteristics associated with each stage. Include setting, patient needs, level of understanding, and complexities that may contribute to increased risks.
Novice nurses have no experience and are regularly taught general rules to enable them to perform tasks (Murphy & Hassall, 2020). Furthermore, novice nurses need more inflexible rule-governed behavior (Ozdemir, 2019). Novice nurses should be continually guided during patient care (Mortimore et al., 2021). Unlike other nurses, novice nurses often experience anxiety, exhaustion, and stress related to nursing practice. Advanced beginner nurses use learned rules and procedures to determine the actions they take or require in immediate situations (Murphy & Hassall, 2020). However, advanced beginner nurses still require continuous support and assistance within their clinical area by setting priorities to ensure that the patient needs are adequately addressed (Murray, Sundin & Cope, 2019). Therefore, a lack of support for advanced beginner nurses exposes patients to risks and complexities associated with care.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Compared to novice and advanced beginner nurses, competent nurses can meet the needs of the patients using logical thinking and accurate nursing skills (Ozdemir, 2019). Competent nurses have spent much time in the patient care practice, with experience of 2-3 years, impacting the patient’s experiences and overall quality of care. Even though competent nurses can respond to most clinical situations, they still cannot comprehensively recognize situations that may expose patients to risks (Murphy & Hassall, 2020).(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) Therefore, proficient nurses still need continued support and guidance from nurse leaders to ensure proper management of the patient problem and elimination of potential risks. Expert nurses are believed to know what should be done to improve the quality of care (Mortimore et al., 2021). According to Murray, Sundin, and Cope (2019), expert nurses can recognize all the demands and resources required in the patient care process and effectively attain their goals. Therefore, expert nurses provide guidance and support to the other groups of nurses within the care setting to manage patient problems properly.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Explain where you fall on the continuum. Where do Sue and the student nurse fall? Include an explanation to why you placed each stage in the specific area.
I can describe myself as an advanced beginner nurse within Benner’s novice to expert theory. I have gained very limited knowledge and experience related to the nursing practice. Specifically, I have theoretical knowledge about patient care, which I gained from my classwork and interaction with other nurses and care providers. I have not been able to work as a trained nurse within a care setting.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example) From the case study, Sue is a competent nurse. Evidence from the case study shows that Sue has been an RN for three years. Similarly, Murray, Sundin, and Cope (2019) in their study report that competent nurses have worked within a specific nursing area for 2-3 years, making them more competent within the such area of practice. On the other hand, the student is an advanced beginner nurse. Consistent with the explanations by Mortimore et al. (2021), advanced beginner nurses can demonstrate basic levels of performance because of their limited prior experience but need supportive cues to execute their nursing roles effectively. The student had graduated and hence had limited knowledge and experience about nursing practice but still needed assistance from Sue to execute her nursing roles effectively. (Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Use this information to develop a personalized nursing theory or model for the above scenario to address the care needed for each patient.
For the patient with gestational diabetes, Sue should provide the patient with information related to the disease condition, teach about insulin administration, maintain normoglycemia, and evaluate the patient’s well-being. Sue should support the newly graduated student nurse to allow for proper management of the gestational diabetes patient. For the patient who has had diabetes her entire life, Sue should closely monitor the adherence to the diabetic medications, progress, and severity of the related symptoms.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Mortimore, G., Reynolds, J., Forman, D., Brannigan, C., & Mitchell, K. (2021). From expert to advanced clinical practitioner and beyond. British Journal of Nursing, 30(11), 656-659.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Murphy, B., & Hassall, T. (2020). Developing accountants: from novice to expert. Accounting Education, 29(1), 1-31.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Murray, M., Sundin, D., & Cope, V. (2019). Benner’s model and Duchscher’s theory: Providing the framework for understanding new graduate nurses’ transition to practice. Nurse education in practice, 34, 199-203.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)
Ozdemir, N. G. (2019). The development of nurses’ individualized care perceptions and practices: Benner’s novice to expert model perspective. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 12(2), 1279-1285.(Banner Stages Comprehensive Nursing Essay Example)