Anita Douglas Community-Acquired Pneumonia shadow health transcript


Anita Douglas Community-Acquired Pneumonia shadow health transcript


Started: Mar 25, 2020 | Total Time:59 min

Your avatar Hi Dr. Douglas, My name is Danielle. I will be your provider today Greet 03/25/20 12:48 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Hello.  
Your avatar What is the reason for you visit today? Question 03/25/20 12:48 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I’m here because I’ve got an awful cough, a fever, and my chest feels like I’ve been kicked by a horse. I’m sure this is some kind of upper respiratory infection. I was hoping it would go away on its own, but it hasn’t, so my husband Jeffrey convinced me to come in. As amusing as it is for Jeffrey to serve me my meals, this has gone on long enough. I need to feel better.  
Your avatar I’m sorry to hear that you are so uncomfortable from your symptoms. Your frequent cough sounds like it’s aggravating your already uncomfortable chest pain. You have done a great job toughing it out so far, and we’ll find a treatment plan to help you feel better. Empathize 03/25/20 12:52 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Thank you.  
Your avatar When did your symptoms start? Question 03/25/20 12:53 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Most of my symptoms started three days ago. I developed this nasty cough, and my nose has been all stuffed up. That’s also when the chest pain started, and when I began to feel exhausted. The fever set in last night. That was the last straw, so Jeffrey brought me in.  
Your avatar How often do the symptoms occur? Question 03/25/20 12:54 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Most of my symptoms — the hacking cough, chest pain, fatigue, achiness, stuffy nose — started three days ago. The fever started yesterday. None of it has let up since.  
Your avatar Where is your pain? Question 03/25/20 12:54 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Most of the chest pain is located in the lower right part of my chest. Aside from that, I have some general aches and muscle soreness; this is mostly a deep, dull sort of ache, but it feels more severe when I cough.  
Your avatar I’m sorry to hear that you’re in constant pain, and that your cough makes your pain worse. I will work on finding a therapy that will give you some relief. Empathize 03/25/20 12:56 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I appreciate your saying that.  
Your avatar Are you coughing up any mucous? Question 03/25/20 12:58 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I’m coughing up rust-colored sputum.  
Your avatar Are there any factors that make your symptoms worse? (Clarified to Does anything make your symptoms worse?.) Question 03/25/20 12:59 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Coughing makes this chest pain much worse. Deep breathing also seems to aggravate it, or talking too much. I also can’t move around too much . . . I’ve been staying in bed because any kind of activity makes my pain worse and leaves me exhausted. (Clarified to if anything makes my symptoms worse.)  
Your avatar What helps relieve your symptoms Question 03/25/20 1:00 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Rest has helped me feel a little better. Exerting myself in any way just makes me feel worse. Jeffrey has also been bringing me hot tea and soup. We’ve also kept my humidifier going. Other than that, I tried taking aspirin to help with my fever and chest pain, but that didn’t give me much relief.  
Your avatar how bad is the pain? Question 03/25/20 1:00 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I think that this cough is pretty severe. It brings my chest pain up from a 2 out of 10 to a 5 out of 10.  
Your avatar sorry to hear that Empathize 03/25/20 1:01 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Well, that’s very nice.  
Your avatar Lets talk about your past medical history (Clarified to What is your past medical history?.) Question 03/25/20 1:01 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I have hypertension and chronic kidney disease. stage 2. (Clarified to what health problems I have had.)  
Your avatar how long have you had the conditions? (Clarified to How long have you had your preexisting health problems?.) Question 03/25/20 1:02 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I was diagnosed with stage 2 chronic kidney disease 9 years ago, when I had some blood work done for my hypertension. I don’t know how long I had it before that, but I was diagnosed with hypertension 14 years ago, so it could have been a long time. (Clarified to how long I have had my preexisting health problems.)  
Your avatar any recent hospitalizations? ||| As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. Question 03/25/20 1:03 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I have not been hospitalized recently.  
Your avatar do you have any allergies Question 03/25/20 1:03 AM CDT
Anita Douglas No, I don’t have allergies.  
Your avatar Are you up to date on vaccines? Question 03/25/20 1:04 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Let me think . . . I had a flu shot about three months ago. Other than that, it’s been quite a while since I’ve needed any vaccines. I had a pneumococcal vaccine 12 years ago.  
Your avatar You are due for a pneumococcal vaccine, which you should receive again in your adulthood five to ten years after your first shot. These vaccines protect against the bacteria that most commonly cause pneumonia. Educate 03/25/20 1:07 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Alright.  
Your avatar What medications do you take? Question 03/25/20 1:09 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I take two prescription medications; a trandolapril/verapamil combo and chlorothiazide. I also take two supplements, vitamin D and calcium. And for the last three days I’ve been taking aspirin.  
Your avatar tell me about the trandolapril/verapamil Question 03/25/20 1:10 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I take my trandolapril/verapamil once a day for my stage 2 chronic kidney disease and hypertension.  
Your avatar how long have you taken the chlorothiazide? Question 03/25/20 1:11 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I have taken chlorothiazide for 14 years.  
Your avatar whats is the dosage of your medications? Question 03/25/20 1:11 AM CDT
Anita Douglas The trandolapril/verapamil combination is 2 milligrams of trandolapril and 180 milligrams of verapamil. The chlorothiazide pill is 500 milligrams. The aspirin is 325 milligrams each pill. As for the supplements: the calcium is 1200 milligrams and the vitamin D is 15 micrograms.  
Your avatar are you compliant with all of your medications? (Clarified to Are you compliant with your medications?.) Question 03/25/20 1:12 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I never miss doses of my medication. Jeffrey and I are very diligent, and the pillbox keeps track for us. (Clarified to if I am compliant with medication.)  
Your avatar That is great Empathize 03/25/20 1:13 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Thank you. I appreciate that.  
Your avatar what you taken any antibiotics? (Clarified to Have you taken antibiotics recently?.) Question 03/25/20 1:13 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I haven’t taken any antibiotics in some time . . . I honestly can’t remember when that would’ve been. (Clarified to if I have taken antibiotics recently.)  
Your avatar Do you drink, smoke, or use illicit substances? Question 03/25/20 1:14 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I’ve never used any illicit drugs.  
Your avatar do you exercise? Question 03/25/20 1:15 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I try to stay active by taking a few short walks a week. Jeffrey and I will walk around our neighborhood for about ten minutes. We try to do this two or three times a week. Unfortunately, right now all I can do is rest.  
Your avatar any difficulties with activities of daily living? (Clarified to Do you have trouble performing daily activities?.) Question 03/25/20 1:16 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I’ve been struggling a little with everything of late, but I am quite capable in general, thank you. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to if I have trouble performing daily activities.)  
Your avatar tell me about your diet? Question 03/25/20 1:16 AM CDT
Anita Douglas In the morning, Jeffrey and I will have a piece of toast with some eggs, or maybe a fresh croissant that he picks up from the bakery around the corner. We normally eat a very light lunch — a sandwich, or some homemade soup — and for dinner we like to go out to eat a few times a week. Normally we get pasta, or a salad.  
Your avatar For people with hypertension and with chronic kidney disease, some foods are healthier and safer than others. It’s important to consider how your health will be affected when making everyday meal choices. Empathize 03/25/20 1:18 AM CDT
Anita Douglas That’s kind of you to say.  
Your avatar whats your family medical history |||As you continue, has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is place an order with us. Question 03/25/20 1:20 AM CDT
Anita Douglas My parents have both passed away. My mother was fairly healthy, but my father had hypertension. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
Your avatar just want to follow up on the aspirin (No matching questions found.) Question 03/25/20 1:20 AM CDT
Your avatar How often do you take the aspirin Question 03/25/20 1:20 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Not normally, but since I got sick three days ago, I have been taking two aspirins three times a day. That’s a 325 milligram pill.  
Your avatar does it help with pain? Educate 03/25/20 1:21 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I’ll keep that in mind.  
Your avatar does it help with pain (No matching questions found.) Question 03/25/20 1:21 AM CDT
Your avatar does the aspirin relieve your pain Question 03/25/20 1:22 AM CDT
Anita Douglas It has done a little good, I suppose, both for my chest pain and my fever . . . I suppose it’s hard to tell, though, because I’ve been taking it since my symptoms started, so I haven’t really felt how bad my symptoms are sans aspirin. [AUDIO COMING SOON]  
Your avatar While it’s great that the aspirin has relieved your symptoms, it is not approved for older adults nor for people taking some of your medications. Always ask a healthcare provider before starting a new medication. Educate 03/25/20 1:24 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I’ll remember that.  
Your avatar Hi, i will educate you on the new prescription Question 03/25/20 1:38 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I appreciate it.  
Your avatar Take the medication with a full glass of water Question 03/25/20 1:38 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Shouldn’t be a problem.  
Your avatar Take the full course of medications Question 03/25/20 1:39 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I’ll be sure to take the whole course.  
Your avatar Be sure to avoid the sun Question 03/25/20 1:39 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I won’t be leaving my bed much anyway.  
Your avatar Contact your doctor if you experience rapid weight gain Question 03/25/20 1:40 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Alright then.  
Your avatar call 911 if you show signs of a severe allergic reaction Question 03/25/20 1:40 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I’ll have Jeffrey call 911 if that happens.  
Your avatar take tylenol for pain and fever Question 03/25/20 1:41 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Thanks for that.  
Your avatar guaifenesin will help with your cough Question 03/25/20 1:41 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Good to know.  
Your avatar you should start feeling better in a few days Question 03/25/20 1:42 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Hmm. Okay.  
Your avatar drink plenty of fluids Question 03/25/20 1:42 AM CDT
Anita Douglas I can do that. Does tea work?  
Your avatar yes Mrs Douglas Question 03/25/20 1:42 AM CDT
Anita Douglas That works for me.  
Your avatar THank you Question 03/25/20 1:42 AM CDT
Anita Douglas Alright. Thank you for all of your help today.

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