Unit 6 Assignment – Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Initial Interview/Assessment

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  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 100
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In this assignment, you will complete a comprehensive psychiatric assessment interview of a child/adolescent. This should NOT be a patient that you have encountered in your work, but instead, should be a family member or friend. Your assessment should be comprehensive, and you should refer to course texts to inform items for inclusion in your assessment. Keep in mind that you will be responsible for covering those areas addressed in the reading assignments up to this point.

Students always ask for a template.  I have included one that can be used to guide you in not forgetting any crucial information.

Assignment File(s)

Note: Scholarly resources are defined as evidence-based practice, peer-reviewed journals; textbook (do not rely solely on your textbook as a reference); and National Standard Guidelines. Review assignment instructions, as this will provide any additional requirements that are not specifically listed on the rubric.


NU672 Unit 6 Assignment – Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Initial Interview/Assessment Rubric

NU672 Unit 6 Assignment – Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Initial Interview/Assessment Rubric


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubjective Data

20 pts

Exemplary Exceeds Expectations

Includes all relevant subjective data necessary for differentiation of the client’s problem. Data is presented in systematic, organized manner consistently.

17 pts

Advanced Meets Expectations

Includes most subjective data with omission of two minor details or one major detail. Most data is presented in systematic, organized manner.

15 pts

Intermediate Needs Improvement

Includes subjective data but omits four minor details or two major details. Some data is presented in a systematic, organized manner.

13 pts

Novice Inadequate

Omits more than four minor details or more than two major details of the subjective data. Data is not presented in a systematic, organized manner. Lacking most or all subjective data. Submits assignment late.

0 pts


Assignment not completed.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeObjective Data

20 pts

Exemplary Exceeds Expectations

Objective data is complete and consistently presented in an organized manner.

17 pts

Advanced Meets Expectations

Objective data is complete and presented in an organized manner most of the time.

15 pts

Intermediate Needs Improvement

Objective data is not complete or is not presented in an organized manner.

13 pts

Novice Inadequate

Objective data is not complete and is not presented in an organized manner. Lacking most or all objective data. Submits assignment late.

0 pts


Assignment not completed.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment

20 pts

Exemplary Exceeds Expectations

Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is complete and appropriate to client Diagnostics are complete and appropriate to client.

17 pts

Advanced Meets Expectations

Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is complete but some may not be appropriate for client.

15 pts

Intermediate Needs Improvement

Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is not complete but is appropriate.

13 pts

Novice Inadequate

Assessment, including differential and/or diagnosis (if appropriate), is not complete or appropriate, or it is not evident. Submits assignment late.

0 pts


Assignment not completed.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan

20 pts

Exemplary Exceeds Expectations

Plan includes all relevant measures 95% to 100% Pharmacologic Non-pharmacologic Education Referral Follow-up.

17 pts

Advanced Meets Expectations

Plan includes all relevant measures 89% to 94% Pharmacologic Non-Pharmacologic Education Referral Follow-up.

15 pts

Intermediate Needs Improvement

Plan includes four of the five relevant measures, but the four are complete.

13 pts

Novice Inadequate

Plan is not complete and/or covers only three relevant measures. Plan and relevant measures are not evident. Submits assignment late.

0 pts


Assignment not completed.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessional Application

10 pts

Exemplary Exceeds Expectations

Case incorporates four evidence-based practice articles.

8 pts

Advanced Meets Expectations

Case incorporates three evidence-based practice articles.

7 pts

Intermediate Needs Improvement

Does not include an evidence-based practice article but has two or more advanced practice articles.

6 pts

Novice Inadequate

Does not include evidence-based practice article but has one advanced practice article or does not include evidence-based practice article or advanced practice article.

0 pts


Assignment not completed.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization, APA, Grammar, and Spelling

10 pts

Exemplary Exceeds Expectations

Well organized content that is clear and concise. Correct APA formatting with no errors. The writer correctly identifies reading audience, as demonstrated by appropriate language (avoids jargon and simplifies complex concepts appropriately). There are no spelling, punctuation, or word-usage errors.

8 pts

Advanced Meets Expectations

Organized content that is informative and supportive of purpose. Correct and consistent APA formatting of references, and cites all references used. No more than one to two unique APA errors. There are minimal to no grammar, punctuation, or word-usage errors.

7 pts

Intermediate Needs Improvement

Poor organization and flow of ideas may distract from the content. Three to four unique APA formatting errors. The writer occasionally uses awkward sentence construction or overuses/inappropriately uses complex sentence structure. Problems with word usage (evidence of incorrect use of thesaurus) and punctuation persist, often causing some difficulties with grammar. Some words, transitional phrases, and conjunctions are overused. Multiple grammar, punctuation, or word usage errors.

6 pts

Novice Inadequate

Illogical flow of ideas. Many APA formatting errors, or no attempt to format in APA. The writer struggles with limited vocabulary and has difficulty conveying meaning–noting just the broadest of meanings. Grammar and punctuation are consistently incorrect. Spelling errors are numerous. Submits assignment late.

0 pts


Assignment not completed.

10 pts

Total Points: 100

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Initial Psychiatric Interview/SOAP Note

The purpose of this assignment is to refer to course texts to provide a comprehensive assessment of a child/adolescent or family member, or friend. For this assignment, I will conduct a comprehensive psychiatric interview of my maternal uncle, code-named RX.

Criteria Clinical Notes
Informed Consent Informed consent was given to the patient about the psychiatric interview process and psychotherapy. Verbal and Written consent was obtained. The patient appears to have the capacity to respond and understand the risk and benefits. (Will review additional consent during treatment plan discussion).
Subjective Verify Patient

Name: RX

DOB: 17


Accompanied by: The father

Demographic: Caucasian

Gender Identifier Note: Female

CC: Patient complains, “I feel sad. I dream of my death, I cannot sleep at night, and I am scared.”

HPI: TX has experienced an inability to concentrate in school in the past month. Her school performance has deteriorated, and she has lost interest in school with the “school bus.” TX insists that the father must take her to school in his car, yet she feels restless when inside a vehicle and persistently worries about his father’s safety whenever he leaves home in his car. TX’s problem started a month and a half ago when her mother died from a road accident while she survived. Two weeks later, their school bus driver lost control, ramming into a roadside shop. She says “death is following her” and feels guilty about not helping her mum during the accident. Since then, TX has been acting “strangely,” having nightmares and sleepless nights. She feels comfortable sleeping with her father watching over her at night in her room. She has lost interest in school activities, is detached from friends, and is afraid of walking sideways. She is scare of horns and noise from people and television. At school, she does not listen to the teacher or instructions. She feels sad and worthless. Moreover, she misses her much. She would do anything to “go where she is.”

Pertinent history in the record and from the patient: None reported.

During assessment: The patient describes their mood as sad and has consistently gotten worse.

Patient self-esteem appears low, reports excessive guilt, sleep disturbance, change in appetite, energy, concentration, and memory.

The patient does not report increased activity, euphoria, or risky behaviors. The patient reports normal speech.  The patient experiences worry and fear.

The patient reports no hallucinations, delusions, obsessions, or compulsions.  The patient does not report symptoms of an eating disorder. The patient has a 2-pound weight loss in the last month.

SI/ HI/ AV: Patient denies SI/HI, SIBx, illegal/inappropriate, or violent behavior.

Allergies: NKDFA.

Past Medical Hx:

Medical history: Denies cardiac, respiratory, endocrine, and neurological issues.

The patient denies a history of chronic infection, including MRSA, TB, HIV, and Hep C. No surgical history was reported

Past Psychiatric Hx:

Previous psychiatric diagnoses: ADHD and specific phobia to darkness.

Describes deteriorating course of illness.

Previous medication trials: None reported.

Safety concerns:

History of Violence to Self:  None reported

History of Violence to Others: None reported

Mental health treatment history discussed:

History of outpatient treatment: None reported

Previous psychiatric hospitalizations: None reported

Prior substance abuse treatment: None reported

Trauma history: No history of trauma

Substance Use: Denies abuse of narcotics, ETOH, or alcohol.

Current Medications: Paroxetine for anxiety and depression.

Past Psych Med Trials: None reported.

Family Medical Hx:

Family Psychiatric Hx:

Substance use: None

Suicides: None

Psychiatric diagnoses/hospitalization: None

Developmental diagnoses: None

Social History:

Occupational History: No employment history.

Military service History: No previous military history.

Education history: The patient is in 12th grade.

Developmental History: Normal childhood development.

Legal History: No legal issues.

Spiritual/Cultural Considerations: Christian.


Constitutional:  No report of fever. Report weight loss.

Eyes:  Wear reading glasses.

ENT:  Normal hearing changes. No sore throat.

Cardiac:  No chest pain.

Respiratory:  No cough or wheeze.

GI:  No report of abdominal pain.

GU:  No dysuria or hematuria.

Musculoskeletal:  No joint pain.

Skin:  Normal skin turgor.

Neurologic:  No blackout, seizures, or numbness.

Endocrine:  No polyuria or polydipsia.

Hematologic:  No easy bleeding.

Reproductive: Sexually inactive. No abortions, miscarriages, pregnancies, hysterectomy. Last menstruation 01/10/2021

Verify Patient: Name, Assigned identification number (e.g., medical record number), Date of birth, Phone number, Social security number, Address, Photo.


Include demographics, chief complaint, subjective patient information, and the names and relations of others present in the interview.








, Past Medical and Psychiatric History,

Current Medications, Previous Psych Med trials,


 Social History, Family History.

Review of Systems (ROS) – if ROS is negative, “ROS noncontributory,” or “ROS negative except for….”

Objective                 Vital Signs: Stable


BP: 120/74

HR: 89

R: 18

O2: 96

Pain: None

Ht: 5”2”

Wt: 100lbs

BMI: 19.5 kg/m2

BMI Range: Healthy weight


Lab findings WNL

Tox screen: Negative

Alcohol: Negative


Physical Exam:


The patient is cooperative and knowledgeable, appears acutely distressed, and is fully oriented x 4. Patient is well-kempt. Normal psychomotor activity.

Eye contact avoidant, sad affect – restricted, even, congruent with a reported mood of “sadness.”

Speech: expansive, normal rate, variable volume/tone with difficulty finding words.

TC: no abnormal content elicited. Thought content is linear, coherent, goal-directed.

Cognition is intact with limited attention span & concentration.

Judgment and insight appear fair.

The patient can communicate needs, is encouraged, and is willing to comply with a treatment plan.

This is where the “facts” are located.


**Physical Exam (if performed, will not be performed every visit in every setting)

Include relevant labs, test results, MSE, risk assessment, and psychiatric screening measure results.

Assessment DSM5 Diagnosis:

Dx: – PSTD. ICD-10 code is. Symptoms include exposure to death, serious injury or sexual violence, intrusion symptoms, avoidance, altered cognition, and mood. This is the primary diagnosis.

Dx: – MDD. ICD-10 code F32.1. Symptoms include depressed mood, weight loss, insomnia, fatigue, worthlessness, and inability to concentrate. This diagnosis is refuted.

Dx: – ODD. ICD-10 code F91.3. Symptoms include a pattern of irritability, vindictiveness, defiant behavior, and argumentativeness (APA, 2013). This diagnosis is refuted.

Dx: – Conduct Disorder Adolescent-onset type. ICD-10 code F91.2. Symptoms include aggression, deceitfulness, theft, and violations of rules (APA, 2013). This diagnosis is refuted

Dx: – ADHD. ICD-10 code F90.0. Symptoms include patterns of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention that affect social function (APA, 2013). This diagnosis is refuted

The patient can respond to psychotherapy and appears to understand the need for medications, and is willing to maintain adherence.

Reviewed potential risks & benefits, Black Box warnings, and alternatives, including declining treatment.

Include your findings, diagnosis, and differentials (DSM-5 and any other medical diagnosis) along with ICD-10 codes, treatment options, and patient input regarding treatment options (if possible), including obstacles to treatment.

Informed Consent Ability



(Note some items may only be applicable in the inpatient environment)


Safety Risk/Plan:  Discharge the patient. The patient has control over her behavior and presently possesses minimal risk to herself and others.

Pharmacologic interventions:

·         Titrate Paroxetine to 20 mg PO qDay initially, with the possibility of further titration depending on response 50 mg/day. The FDA recommends Paroxetine to treat PSTD symptoms (APA, 2017; Huang et al., 2020).

·         Psychotherapy referral for cognitive behavioral therapy (twice per week). In psychotherapy, the therapist helps clients restructure their memory to optimistic/realistic memories to replace the painful, destroyed (Watkins, Sprang & Rothbaum, 2018).

·         Education:

Importance of adherence to the treatment plan.

Discussed worsening symptoms, side effects of medication, and when to contact the ED.

Referrals: Psychotherapist

Follow-up: Return after 2 weeks for reassessment and further clinical recommendation.

Time spent in Psychotherapy  25 minutes

The visit lasted 60 minutes

Date: 10/15/2021    Time: 10pm


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596

American Psychological Association. (July 31, 2017). Medications for PTSD. Retrieved October 15, 2021, from https://www.apa.org/ptsd-guideline/treatments/medications

Huang, Z. D., Zhao, Y. F., Li, S., Gu, H. Y., Lin, L. L., Yang, Z. Y., … & Luo, J. (2020). Comparative efficacy and acceptability of pharmaceutical management for adults with post-traumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in pharmacology11, 559. https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2020.00559

Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: A review of evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience12, 258. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389%2Ffnbeh.2018.00258

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